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Why remove the OoM story instance?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Philondra.3512


I have the same issue as OP. I had to skip a couple weeks for work related issues, but came back only to find out that even after completing the marionette event I am unable to access the story instance. Is this intended? I feel bad that I was able to miss out on this content, and don’t understand why it was removed even though the living world content itself is still available in the achieves panel.

Acquiring T6 mats

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Philondra.3512


A quick note on promoting T5 mats to T6—it’s only worth it for the more expensive T6 mats. A good rule of thumb is never promote totems and always promote bloods.

For your excess T5 mats that you don’t promote, you have two choices: 1. crafting rares and salvaging them for ectos or 2. selling them directly on the TP. Check prices to be on the safe side, and assume that you will get 0.9 ectos/salvage. But don’t craft rares out of bloods—you’ll almost always come out ahead by promoting them.

As for other methods, I would second the frostgorge train. Make sure to check with the zerg as to what their order is, because it varies by server. Open enough champion boxes and you’re bound to get a handful of T6, maybe a core or two, and possibly even a lodestone. You’ll also get more than 5s/box on average in hard cash, on top of a guaranteed green item (that could also be a rare or exotic). One lap around frostgorge will net you a six boxes (assuming no champion quaggan spawn), or a little more than 30s from the money reward alone. Even after subtracting waypoint fees, you can purchase about one T6 mat/lap, and that’s assuming terrible drops from the boxes (one silk scrap + one cloth green that you salvage for luck instead of selling).

My server has the frostgorge run going on whenever I’m on (Sea of Sorrows), but we are oceanic heavy. I’m quite sure that you could find a run at any time of the day on the three mega-servers: blackgate, jade quarry, and tarnished coast.

I also want to add that the level 75+ explorable dungeons are good sources of T6 too. That means COF, COE, HOTW, and Arah. In addition to them dropping as-is from mobs, you can also get them from their loot bags. COF and COE in particular are nice to do, because boss chests have a chance at dropping high value lodestones (molten and charged, respectively—and destroyer if you do CoE 3). The gold reward alone means you can purchase three T6 (more from Arah) and still have some silver left over.

Any of these methods are reliable and recommended. If you’d rather go it alone, you can farm things like skelk in southsun or trolls near jormag. Just keep in mind that you will get very poor returns for doing so.

Elementalist downed lacking an "interrupt" PVP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Philondra.3512


It’s even worse for PvE. Vapor Form basically does nothing, as the enemies’ AI chases you down, and then the immobilize is pretty much pointless. In fact, immobilize seems to be pointless in any situation for PvE: if an elementalist dies, it’s mostly because it was within the melee range of a mob, or against ranged foes. There’s no one that must get close to you, to stomp you out.

Vapor form is certainly not underpowered in PvE if you use it right. Basically, each use of vapor form sets you at a specific percentage of your life bar, decreasing with each use. The amount is the same regardless of what your health was at when you used vapor form, so use it smartly:

1. Downed: 2/3 health
2. Spam #1 until health bar almost runs out.
3. Vapor form —> 1/3 health
4. Repeat 2.
5. Vapor form —> 1/6 health
5. Spam until dead, because the third vapor form will leave you at 0 health anyway.

You don’t want to vapor form as soon as it comes off CD. You want to wait until the last possible moment to get the most value out of the health reset.

Additionally, I can think of two or three times where vapor form allowed me to fall off a cliff into the water, thus preventing the mobs chasing me to reach me. If you know you’re going down, try to find a spot where its easy to escape from if at all possible.