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CDI- Guilds- Logistics and QOL

in CDI

Posted by: Phoenix.3172


1. Guild-Chat
2. Alliances
3. Guild Members on Mini-Map

Till now there wasn’t a discussion about how Alliances should be done or what features this system should have. Is this something that will get it’s own time for discussion or did I just miss it on the previous pages?

(4. Guild Material Storage)
Just because there is a lot of cool stuff you could develope on top of this feature.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Phoenix.3172


My Top 3:

1. more titles and achievements
something like the aether-path of Twilight Arbor or Meta achievements for single zones (getting you the title “Hero of ____”)

2. factions
thats a new CDI on its own

3. upgradable skins
like the fractal capacitor

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: Phoenix.3172


Honestly I think you all at Anet need to get back on track with the real story on GW.

I mean if this LS stuff isn’t heading anywhere, why follow it? I quit doing them after F&F, cause all they are is temp fixes for achievement junkies and I don’t want anymore achievement junk in my bank. I would like to see a LS that is actually based on lore, that could actually be building up to an expansion or the intro of another dragon, and I would like harder LS stuff with better rewards for veterans, at least there should be choices for people, I really dislike running around and dancing at fires and smashing piatas, and riding in air balloons, what does any of that have to do with fighting dragons?

What would be harder LS stuff for you? Could you give a few examples on this?
The achievements for the Aetherblade Retreat weren’t easy to get, the response to that has been complaints about content for pro-gamers only.
Whould you split the rewards in “easy to get” and “hard to get”?
If thats what you meant, what would be a appropriate reward for each?
Would a title be enough to show off, or does it have to be at least a skin of some sort?

(edited by Phoenix.3172)

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: Phoenix.3172


a big thanks to all people who use bold text and headlines in their posts, it makes reading this thread just so much easier

There are a few main topics that could be discussed during this week,
I’ll try to give a short summary of the things I could take out of the tread till now.


- plans on future content (pemanent against temporary)
- release cycle (is two weeks too fast?)
- feedback on Scarlet
- storytelling of the LS
- plot of the LS
- handling of achievements an rewards
- catching up/replaying past releases
- what content is possible to release as LS

Now we have to actually discuss about these things,
there are already a lot of good suggestions on the previous pages, but none of them are perfect or without their own problems.

What direction is the LS going, how does the development process work at the moment?
We already heard in other treads that 4 teams are working on the releases, each team has about 4 months to develope their release (the first team to have this 4 months shoud be the november team if I’m correct) which is then split into two updates.
The target for future releases is to develope permanent content instead of too much temporary stuff (exept fot holidays).
If thats not true please correct me.
How could that be further improved, whould more time realy help?

What time should be between releases?
I do actually like the two week releases and I think it would be a shame to go back to a slower cycle. Is the main problem actually a release every two weeks, or is it the content that is not accessible anymore when the next release hits. We shoult think about this a bit, because there are entirely different solutions depending on which is the actual problem.
Would it be a solution if you have more time to play the content and get your achievements? If so, what time woult it take?

What do you like/dislike about Scarlet?
There are already a lot of threads which cover that question and the result is mostly that some people like her and some dislike her. It’s a matter of preference I asume.
The thing that is actually worth a discussion here would be how she could have been introduced in a better way. There are people who didn’t find the hints on her ingame, so it was an instant apearance of here as an evil genius. Her background was only told in the webstory (if I’m not mistaken) and I’m not even sure if my character knows more about her than her name and that she’s somehow bossing the aetherblades and molten alliance arround.
The intruduction of the Mad King last Halloween was much better in my opinion and something like trying to find out about her as a quest would have made a better entrance.

How could the storytelling of the LS be better/more accessible?
Something like a journal is already in developement at the moment and will be released when it’s ready. A short statement on that would be nice to have, before we start to thinking about something thats maybe not possible anymore or already finished.

What whould you like as a plot for the LS?
Much said about this on the previous pages, the dragons would be the topic thats mentioned the most. Even though the dragons are stuff of the main story, it would be nice to know that they are still there somehow.
Which specific plots of GW1 would you like to see again?
Would you like the story to be epic in scale and player collaboration, or rather small and doable for one player alone?

What would you change about the LS achievements and rewards?
I don’t have a problem with the way the meta works at the moment, but I’m putting a great deal of my time in this game anyway and I don’t care about getting every and all achievements that are possible, so I’m kind of in an optimal position to play that content.
Do you think it takes too loong to get the things you want? How would it be more accessible without destroying it for other players?

How could you replay past content without interfering with current releases?
Would it be enough to be able to read the story, or is it a must to replay it?
The most problematic would be to replay open world content in some kind. Imagine that every release would still be in the different zones, it would just be a big mess.
What is the content that should be replayable, and in which ways should it be?

I’m sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors, I’m not a native speaker.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Phoenix.3172


1) Rewards and Progression
2) Game Modes
3) Quality of Life improvments

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Phoenix.3172


1) Commander System
2) Objectives for smaller groups
3) Achievements

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Phoenix.3172


1) Guild Features
2) Personal Story
3) Open World