Showing Posts For Pilgrim.2185:

Guilds transfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


Yep thanks for the screenshot that shows our 255 to your 230. Do you need to back to math class?

Seems like what really happened was now without you failing our server, we have 2 orbs and are staying ahead on potential. Looks like you screwed dragonbrand.

This game isn’t won on “play by play”…’s based on an overall score. Bases get flipped every minute or so…..

hmmm I wonder how you would feel if DB would end up 2nd on friday… only 26k points behind, can be easily be taken away. Man..

Let me put it this way….in DB chat channels most of them are talking about next weeks matches….we don’t even see BG as a threat.

Have fun with that, as said, you might end up second all of a sudden!

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Guilds transfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


Yep thanks for the screenshot that shows our 255 to your 230. Do you need to back to math class?

Seems like what really happened was now without you failing our server, we have 2 orbs and are staying ahead on potential. Looks like you screwed dragonbrand.

This game isn’t won on “play by play”…’s based on an overall score. Bases get flipped every minute or so…..

hmmm I wonder how you would feel if DB would end up 2nd on friday… only 26k points behind, can be easily be taken away. Man..

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Guilds transfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


Pilgrim you’ve seen guilds mass ignore me in chat

Nope,… nor do I even know who you are. I am just saying the rage is strong in you.

as far as I am concerned you are nothing more then someone who feels he got hurt in the wrong way and is now going on a BG vendetta. I find that highly amusing.

(and before you even are going down the road of, you should know who I am, blah blah blah… I am not even US nor have I even touched BG till today when 2 EU guilds came out to test the waters in regards of Wv3).

In after thought, maybe an idea, grab a beer, relax and realize, it’s a game!

Maybe the name was Grim…relax

I am pretty relaxed here, considering I am working and reading over this hilarious thread. It does well to my relaxation.

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Guilds transfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


Pilgrim you’ve seen guilds mass ignore me in chat

Nope,… nor do I even know who you are. I am just saying the rage is strong in you.

as far as I am concerned you are nothing more then someone who feels he got hurt in the wrong way and is now going on a BG vendetta. I find that highly amusing.

(and before you even are going down the road of, you should know who I am, blah blah blah… I am not even US nor have I even touched BG till today when 2 EU guilds came out to test the waters in regards of Wv3).

In after thought, maybe an idea, grab a beer, relax and realize, it’s a game!

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Guilds transfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


You want screen shots ok I’ll post what BG chat looks like. Lifa is in this one.

You want to know what my team is doing while Im fighting? Read the chat log.

A lvl 10, really?

OMG DrSkullz surely you of all people can tell everyone thats you’ve told people multiple times that Kaide is a troll and to block him. I remember protecting you on a borderlands while you built a treb and was leading at the same time and you told people I was a troll and that they should listen to another guy….and I even brought up the fact that you never even acknowledged me helping you with the treb, supply runs, or defending it….you could care less as long as I wasn’t leading.

And for the record the level 10 is an alt….thanks….he still does more than most people on BG as you can see from the picture.

1) I don’t remember building a treb with you, could be my own fault since i do have a bad memory you see,

2) I do remember it was Choco that was leading at that time.

3) All i remember is, Choco was leading a group to get garrison, we manage to get in, but the keep lord was bugged, he can’t die, i think everybody knows about this bug.

4) You were leading a small people attacking a tower next to the garrison, the plan was you distract them long enough for us to hit the garrison from the water gate.

5) The plan was a success, we manage to get in with little resistance but the keep lord was bugged. As people was confused we were slughtered, so we retreat.

6) After that, you start raging and badmouthing choco saying that it was stupid to follow him. IT WAS THE PLAN.

7) All i can say is, you wanna be a leader but feel butthurt when somebody with a better LEADERSHIP and REPUTATION comes on and take the commanding job.

8)If you wanna lead, lead by example, show people that you can lead, not by talking kitten towards other people, especially people that ACTUALLY MANAGE TO ACHIEVE SOMETHING.

Lastly, have a good day at DB. I hope you would a journal here regarding your daily life at DB. We will surely mi.. WHO AM I KIDDING?! IM HAPPY THAT DB NOW GOTTA HANDLE THIS GUY!!

Ok first off I was leading before choco even came into play but at least you remember the battle. I said to go one direction and we went that direction up until this Choco character joined and as you put it…its all about “E-REPUTATION”….and i had far more than a “small force” with me….but you guys took several people away from the main SUCCESSFUL Zerg because the Godly Choco had entered the WvW…..after that we kitten near lost the entire map and as I recall Choco bailed. He didn’t hang around to rebuild what I had conquered…he split. But as I recall when Choco entered it turned into an IGNORE KAIDE AND FOLLOW CHOCO….and you did follow Choco…you guys followed Choco to your deaths.

The rage is strong in this one.

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Email, and now I am worried

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


people freaking out – check for another mail in your inbox

Yeah, just seen it…


ignore this thread!

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Email, and now I am worried

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


Okay, just got an email with the following content

Someone -hopefully you!- has requested to change the email address associated with your Guild Wars account.

Need help or have questions about your Guild Wars account? Visit our support site:


-The ArenaNet Team

The email was sent from:

This just scared the hell out of me. Is this for real? or a hoax?

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Queue size data from 9-14 to 9-18 (EU)

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


instead of complaining about “night crews” and such, why don’t you just try and attract an international guild/alliance instead?

Because guilds lose their upgrades. And it’s a known fact that US guilds or Oceanic guilds refuse to join EU servers.

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Queue size data from 9-14 to 9-18 (NA)

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


@Pligrim, Now you know T.T 300+ ques are the average… With about 100 being the minimum.

I feel sorry for you HoD guys. I play on the EU. Used to be Ruins of Surmia ( but we transferred to Vabbi ( A bit more queues, but overall not to bad. I just wish that Anet never went with the EU/NA servers but made them all international.

Also they need to make sure that when guilds transfer to lighten the load for Wv3 to keep their upgrades. But alas, doubt that will happen.

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Queue size data from 9-14 to 9-18 (NA)

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


holy hell @ the queues for HoD

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Please enlarge the WvW zones

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


I agree here, would love to see the maps bigger so that there is more of a roaming feel to it. As it stands now you run, hit tower, run, hit supply camp and then do it all over.

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


I think the hardest part here isn’t the way it’s paired, but the fact that Arenanet decided in all their wisedom to make EU and US servers. Thus making the need to recruit others harder. Now combine that with a guild transferring and losing all their guild bonusses will make any guild reluctant to move to another server. So that is a bit of a downer.

As for the bonuses being applied, it’s a pain once you are down, it will be so hard to get back up there and be on equal grounds. Once a World has the full map and can dominate all Timezones, good luck with those who cannot do it and have social stuff going as well. As it stands, I love Wv3 but there are moments that I am just going ugh. This morning, woke up and saw we had a whooping 5 and Whiteside Ridge (EU and home of Reddit’s) had the rest. Disheartening to know esp. considering we wipe them when we are fighting them (held a tower for a good 45 minutes with 10 people against 50+ of them). But then sleep hits, people need to log and the other TZ’s come in and we can start all over. This will go on for us for the rest of the week and in the end it will be hard for me to keep my guys going there with that crap.

So, either give an incentive for guilds to move to another server to help balance out. Get all servers to be internation, and have the US / EU servers to be mixed. Biggest fail from Anet was to have it split.

Sort it or you are going to lose people. I don’t see myself farming Orr for 2 weeks in a row if Wv3 / servers get a look after.

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Kaineng... going down... Dev's... send... reinf *end transmission*

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


Join Ruins of Surmia! we can use some US guilds

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


My lvl 60 Guardian, in lvl 60 crafted armor
WvW staff (with guild skin)
WvW Greatsword


Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

WvW Rankings website

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


Nice one, might want to put a small disclaimer that the current listing is with a score that is updated till 10/09/12 atm.

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


yes please.

Make a compendium inbetween the commander and none. I wouldn’t have an issue paying some gold for it if it means I can get all my guildies in the same warband/raidgrp. The commander I don’t care about that much since all the pugs can join it. It’s more like a zerg magnet.

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Siege Golems are overpriced.

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


Golem + Mesmer Portal + invis.

Enjoy the fun with that. Also, 5 golems with support can take down a door in say 30seconds (roughly) and then move on.

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Wanting info on a few servers..

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


like 50 of us :p
We’re all at the same university. And game together a lot.

All in same guild? maybe consider the EU then. I am sure we can make it worth your while on the EU servers and there can be some good competition there as well.

If no guild, drop me a PM, my guild has some US people in it, but we would love to get them some more friends for overnight when us lazy Euro’s sleep

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Ruins of Surmia Server Forums

in Community Creations

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


Ruins of Surmia has their own server forums. You can find them at (site name might still change to one without the Enjin but when it happens I will inform everyone!)

Website has an active member crows looking after each other, offering advice and we are always looking for more RoS members, you can promote your guild and once we get the option to run sPvP tournaments we will make sure to organise them as well for server members and with future prices!

So if you are a Ruins of Surmia player, drop by, say hi and join the server forums!


Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Wanting info on a few servers..

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


depending how many you are, how about EU servers? And set something up there? Even tho it might seem non competive but it can help other servers as well and no queue’s in the long run

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


Posting this on behalve of a guildie of mine who got his account hacked and then banned for RMT. His current account doesn’t exist and now he is even unable to login to post it here.

Ticket has been priotized and was submitted on 31/08 and no response

Account name: xanord.4735
ticket number: 120831-020619

Is account was unbanned but now his account doesn’t exist anymore.

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening