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Being Helpful vs. Being Elitist

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pinny.9018


The hardest part is, whenever I give advice, people just accuse me of being elitist and refuse to listen.

The other day on the guardian forums I mentioned how it perplexed me that people would refuse to run wall of reflection, even in areas where that skill is incredibly useful. It does damage, protects the team, makes a light field to comb off of, and can be used in any build with no required traits to be effective. The responses I received were along the lines of:

“You don’t have a right to tell me how to play!”
“You have no respect for other playstyles!”
“I choose not to use it out of principle”
“If you don’t like how others play then you should form a static group on your own”
“If you didn’t check beforehand when forming a pug, you deserve what you get”.
“I’m not responsible for keeping you alive. Learn to dodge.”

And so on. Of course, this just infuriates me. It always has, from videogames to real life.

I often say that reasoning is dead. For reasons unknown (though I could probably write a book about my theories as to this), people have stopped bothering to be self critical, and they lack the ability to respond to criticism meaningfully. The moment you mention anything, these people put up a defensive wall and spew a torrent of generic entitlement garbage from their mouths. Their standard practice in life is to surround themselves with yes-men, and to despise anyone who doesn’t unconditionally support them. They consider all those who don’t agree with them as less than human, and the thought that there is intelligence behind any decision contrary to their own never once crosses their mind.

In this sense, society has become more bigoted than ever. This is an issue that is far larger than just videogames, since it poisons society from the cultural level to the political one. However, it continues to leak downward into everyday lives, to recreational entertainment. I assume that the mass amount of information available at our fingertips has always left us with an excuse to refuse to listen, and with a prepared response for everything already said, a refusal to reason.

So, the big question becomes this: How do you help a person who refuses to be helped and fights you all the way? The answer is simple: you don’t. Instead, you exclude these people from your group, and then you only play with people who do listen to what you say. If socially ostracizing the helpless doesn’t instruct them on the error of their ways, then at least you don’t have to put up with their nonsense anymore. When someone justifies bad decisions in life with some grand philosophical statement, I don’t want to associate with these people. I don’t want to play next to a player who plays kittenome kind of political statement. It is worse than a regular bad player, because then a regular bad player can get better.

AKA: you surround yourself with your own yes-men. Negotiation and reasoning in general requires two willing parties in order to function. Either both sides are working toward an agreement, or neither of them are. When someone calls you a doodoo head and leaves the negotiation, what are you to do? The answer: the same thing. The breakdown in reasoning is contagious, and reinforces itself over and over until the whole social contract breaks down. Doing otherwise is difficult.

And yet here I am, constantly reaching out to people who despise me for it. The last reasonable man.

That’s all well and good, but there’s a difference between excluding the people that refuse to be helped from groups or dungeon runs or whatever and straight out shutting out EVERYONE but your own little clique on account of everyone being too stubborn to accept help, when said help is typically given in the form of massive walls of math that most people don’t give a flying finger about.

Unfortunately, pretty much everyone who adopts that “some people don’t deserve to be helped” mentality actually mean “nobody besides me and my buddies deserve to be helped”

TC's Cursed Shore being choked by Ember farm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pinny.9018


Failing to complete an event and intentionally failing it to continue farming champions are two very different things.

Arenanet isn’t changing events because people are “failing them,” A-net is changing them because people are intentionally failing them in order to continually spawn champions. Massive difference.

At the same time, completing an event isn’t an exploit, and neither is completing an event if people are sitting there farming champions. Completing an event has never been griefing, either.

So how do YOU handle thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Pinny.9018


Before we begin: No, this isn’t a whining post, or a nerf post, or anything of the sort…The purpose of this thread is to share how you all handle thieves in a PvP/WvW situation. I’ve been looking through the thief forums and nearly every other thread is some form of “nerf thieves because they can stealth and backstab me” or “nerf thieves because I can fight them and they’ll just stealth and I can’t kill them”

So I’m wondering just how many people actually know how to fight thieves and just how many people just sit there spamming their auto attack and give up when a thief goes into stealth.

As for myself, I have no actual PvP/WvW experience yet, as I’ve yet to hit 80 and gear out my thief, but I feel what I have seen is relevant. Thieves can be attacked while they’re in stealth, and they can be crowd controlled while in stealth. D/D thieves are predictable because every time they go into stealth, you know they’re going to position themselves behind you to do a backstab, which means the best way to counter them is to….Drumroll…TURN AROUND. Or use your knockbacks, or just dodge their CnD in the first place.

I know this thread isn’t going to make any difference within the “nerf thief!” community, because they will ignore everything that goes against their own belief that the thief is OP, but maybe it can open some insights for others who are honestly looking for ways to put up a fight.

The reason of hate on thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Pinny.9018


Do people not realize you can still attack a thief even if they’re stealthed? If they are a backstab thief, you know EXACTLY where they’re gonna be when you see them stealth, so start swinging. Plant AoEs around you. Do SOMETHING besides just stand there complaining that thieves are OP because they are so predictable in their stealth/backstab routine. If you know what they’re going to do, stop them from doing it. That’s always been the name of the game in GW2

Thief is easy mode?? mmm

in Thief

Posted by: Pinny.9018


People complain about thieves being OP because they don’t know how to dodge. Dodge the heartseeker / cloak and dagger, or dodge out of the dagger storm, and suddenly you’re fighting a character that can’t do jack to you because they’re out of initiative.

Unfortunately it seems most people in PVP/WvW don’t know how to dodge.

This patch has made mesmer the joke of pvp

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pinny.9018


lets see what would happen a week from now. Time would tell…

A week or so from now people will realize that losing the 5 points into illusions for illusionist celerity doesn’t make the mesmer useless and are overreacting. It’s how it is for all patches in every game that adds buffs and nerfs: People see a nerf and talk about how it’s the end of the world and they’re rerolling and their class is worthless etcetcetc.

Then later down the line someone makes a new build that, surprise surprise, puts 25 points in illusions instead of 5 points and all of a sudden mesmers are good again.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pinny.9018


Hmm, with 1530 condi damage it’kittenting for about 4500, and a additional 4500 if they run.

I feel it hits pretty hard all things considered. I am really liking it I got to say, but I need a couple more days with it to really have a valid opinion.

It does seem to scale very well with condi damage almost so much so I think scepter now requires condi gear to be worth while

What mesmer runs 1530 condition damage these days? Completely impractical after the confusion nerf. And I hate to break it to you, but no one’s gonna buy all condition gear for one torment application off a block on scepter.

What mesmer runs 1530 condition damage these days? Mesmers that use torment, clearly. Is it so strange that someone doesn’t run the FotM build that theorycrafters made?

Asuran Advantage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pinny.9018


Hey all, I want the opinion of some of you on a problem that has plagued me since I made my mesmer (my first non-BWE character) 2 days after release… Do Asura’s have an advantage as mesmers?
Reasons I think they do…
- Smaller size allows you to hide behind smaller objects in WvWvW
- Clones more difficult to recognize because weapons are smaller (clones missing off hand)
-Racial abilities such as pain inverter and poison field naturally complement mesmers

None of these being game changers. If you’re considering making an asura mesmer, then by all means; however, don’t think that by making an asura mesmer you’re going to suddenly become invincible due to the things you listed above.

thinking of switching from mace to sword

in Guardian

Posted by: Pinny.9018


Just to let you know mace dps>sword dps but sword dot>mace dot. So over time to the same target you could deal more damage but unless that target is a dungeon boss that’s not likely as with the mace most targets don’t live long enough for sword damage to be better.

You’re using terms incorrectly, here. DPS and DoT are both terms, true, but here is what each one means

DPS = Damage per second

DoT = damage over time.

Typically DoT refers to condition damage such as bleed, poison, burn, etc.

What you mean to say is that Mace damage does more damage per hit, AKA more spike damage, but sword has a higher DPS, or damage per second.

This is just to avoid confusion, mainly. People who play other MMOs will look at DPS and think a fast attacking weapon, whereas if you say sword DoT is higher, people will think that guardian sword does bleeds, poisons, burns.

Elementalist Weapon Moveset: Sword

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pinny.9018


Most of the MH dagger are super short range anyways. You could argue that they have range on them, but let’s face it: you’re going to be right in the enemies face getting hit in order to pull of attacks.

Something that has a bit more range in the way of the mesmer’s greatsword would be interesting. Also, consider combinations such as sword/dagger. If you’re coming up with ideas for another weapon, never consider only one part of the game (PVP, PvE, WvW) or only one possible weapon combination (Sword/Focus) because that will lead to either massively overpowered or underpowered skills.

Devs: Ele's too good, nerfs incoming.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pinny.9018


I admit that I don’t PVP. However, in a game like GW2 I really wouldn’t be surprised if all this talk about nerf is due to people not understanding how to fight an elementalist properly. For all I know, these people could be backstab thieves complaining they can’t two shot an elementalist, or a necromancer complaining that they can’t kill an elementalist because they get all their conditions remove.

Any possible number of things can happen. And the thing is? You aren’t going to see people who actually take the time to do the math and everything on the forums talking about nerfs: All you’ll get are people who got killed by an ele in WvW/PvP because they expected to be able to faceroll a light armor class, and now they’re going “ZOMG NERF”

New Elementalist Weapon: Longbow

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pinny.9018


Unfortunately, you can’t make a weapon JUST for WvW. It has to be thought out for both PvE AND PvP. Not saying that it couldn’t work, but rather coming at it from a “pvp only” perspective is missing the point, because WvW/PvP is only one aspect of GW2

Devs: Ele's too good, nerfs incoming.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pinny.9018


People just haven’t tried to deviate from this new tried and true survivability build, that’s all. It’s not that there aren’t other builds out there or that other builds are bad, it’s that the people that post on forums latch onto one particular build and never give it up, and fight to the death to defend it.

I’m 100% certain that if someone decided to spend some time ingame playing with various traits and came up with a new hybrid spec with balance between damage and survival, then posted it on here or a fan site, suddenly everyone will jump ship from this bunker build that’s apparently going to be nerfed so badly the class will no longer be playable with it (which is utterly ridiculous, btw) and praise the new hybrid as the new “only” way to play elementalists.

Uh, the hybrid d/d isn’t exactly unknown. Every ele that I know runs hybrid. It’s every bit as ridiculous as the bunker build, maybe even more so in wvw. Personally, I really can’t wait for these nerfs, and I hope they hit hard.

With my build, I give myself at least a fair shot against any other class in the game, even when fighting the best people I know at those classes. But against other d/d eles? I haven’t won a 1v1 against anything but the worst players since I moved away from hybrid. It doesn’t matter how much I dodge their spells. It doesn’t matter how much I land mine. They always win in the end just because the level of defense possible from even a hybrid build is completely out of whack. Even incredibly mediocre players are able to fight at a top level because the current popular d/d ele builds are so dumb that the worst case scenario is a stalemate.

Quite frankly, if you don’t think the triple cantrip bunker/hybrid builds need to be nerfed, you are either a pve’er, or you’re kidding yourself because you don’t want to believe the build you play is op.

The problem is that all utility skills and weapon skills are used for more than just one specific build. If you want to “nerf bunker builds into the ground” then you’re also nerfing anything else an elementalist might be able to do. If all people do is focus on “nerf this, nerf that!” with no regards toward what will be left, then eventually the elementalist won’t be playable at all.

Devs: Ele's too good, nerfs incoming.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pinny.9018


People just haven’t tried to deviate from this new tried and true survivability build, that’s all. It’s not that there aren’t other builds out there or that other builds are bad, it’s that the people that post on forums latch onto one particular build and never give it up, and fight to the death to defend it.

I’m 100% certain that if someone decided to spend some time ingame playing with various traits and came up with a new hybrid spec with balance between damage and survival, then posted it on here or a fan site, suddenly everyone will jump ship from this bunker build that’s apparently going to be nerfed so badly the class will no longer be playable with it (which is utterly ridiculous, btw) and praise the new hybrid as the new “only” way to play elementalists.