Showing Posts For PinoTheMike.9803:


in Match-ups

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803


We don’t want anyone from SBI or Ebay.. Sorry.

That’s too bad.

We could teach you guys how to do a proper zerg busting group, without having to bring 50+.

Or proper open field fighting (w/ no siege creep LOL) without having to bring 50+.

Or a proper SW camp BL defense without having to bring 50+.

Oh wait, I forgot this is BP.

Who in their right mind would want to move there? :]]]]]

Interesting. How come you guys never use these leet skills?

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803


Constructive criticism here, but instead of putting the responsibility on ANet, are you guys doing what you can to improve as a server? Are your commanders communicating? Do you have a central communications server? I’m not talking about many different comm servers used exclusively by guild. I’m talking about a singular, server wide communications that is agreed upon on by all your big guilds. Are you educating and recruiting your roamers?

Now is the time to get unified since you have less guilds to get on the same page. Rebuild your foundation and start recruiting.

7/12 CD/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803



Dude, where have you been? BP hasn’t spotted “Blue Hair” yet.

Zerg tail is still my favorite snack and I am getting hungry, I am sure he will make an appearance soon.

GF is looking for some GvG challenges this week, step up kids!

( send a challenge or contact me in game for an unofficial GvG)

Good to hear. Typically, I let sleeping dogs lie, but I would never deprive my BP’s a chance to kill their favorite thief.

7/12 CD/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803


Couple vids:

1) Reset night in Eternal – SM 3-Way

2) Sunday Night around Ruins & Briar

Looking forward towards some more ‘Good Fights’.

PS: Did ya really need to drop the AC’s in Briar’s Lord Room?! You were already up 40 players on us! lol

PSS: Nice portal in btw, we missed it completely the 2nd’ time.

Man! Thank you for this video! I was wondering if anyone recorded it.

Yeah that was a good capture by BP, but an overall good 3 way fight all around. WFD was leading that group last night, but BOSS deserves credit for the portal. It was well coordinated. And YES we had to drop the ACs!

7/12 CD/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803


wow lol just wow, this guild will chase 1 person with like 5 people halfway across the map, if you wanna fight me just do it one on one instead of the cowards way lol, ironic for a guild name of Good Fights

As the guild leader of Good Fights I am glad you brought this to my attention, we do not chase people halfway across the map. I will speak with the offending members and find out why the kitten they did not kill you sooner (1/6th of the map is considered the maximim chasing distance for any GF member) will consider a gkick if they didn’t have a good enough reason.


Dude, where have you been? BP hasn’t spotted “Blue Hair” yet.


in Match-ups

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803


These threads are funny. Our servers see the battle very differently.

Severe: Walk through closed enemy gates in EB

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803


Thank you for reporting this on behalf of your server. I’m sure most incidents were unintentional, but there have been many reports of some individuals using the glitch to gain an advantage. We lost a fully upgraded Bay, that we held for several days, because a Mesmer decided to portal people in behind our defenses.

Please continue to discourage your server to accept portals in this manner, and I will do the same on my server. If anyone “walks” through the door, the honorable thing to do is fight your way back over the wall. SBI is playing so well this week and it would be a shame to tarnish it with incidents like what happened at Bay.

Anti-Stealth Food

in WvW

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803


You might as well ask for food that makes your attacks unblockable, or food that prevent you from seeing clones, or food that prevents you from being CC’d. Why break one class? Why not ask for food that makes you and you alone the best kitten on the server?

We can call it a Bowl of Korgav Kitten Chow.

Thieves with stealth

in WvW

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803


First off, thieves are NOT the only class that can do this. That is misinformation. Second, thieves can still take damage when they are invisible. I’ve been downed many times while in stealth because my opponent used common sense.

The reason why we do it is so that we can finish you quickly before you rally. Thieves are generally glass. If we try to cap you without stealth the opponent can use their abilities to delay the finisher (I stealth on Rangers for example), or their buddy can simply attack us during the process bringing us down very easily.

Before you cry about this realize that all classes have mechanics very similar. Rangers can swap their pets (or is it weapons?) for a quickness stomp, or they can pop stability; mesmers can invis or use quickness; warriors have stability; etc.

Time to roll thief?

in WvW

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803


Thieves are not useless in WvW. Shortbow is amazing.

What keeps you clockin in to Gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803



It’s awesome.

WvW thieves

in WvW

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803


Of course there are amazing thieves (not me though). Why do you think there are so much tears. Thieves are the troll class of choice, and really good thieves have amazing survival instincts without sacrificing much damage. Most thieves range from good to awful, but there are a few that are flat out ninjas.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803


Thief – Stealth Stomp, blind stomp (can make a blind field) and teleport stomp
Mesmer – Invulability Stomp, stealth stomp, teleport stomp
Engineer – Mini Stomp and Stealth Stomp
Guardian – Bubble stomp, stability stomp
Warrior – Stability Stomp
Necro – Death shroud stomp (not really amazing)
Elementalist – Mist form stomp

Thief has the most stomping options and also is able to go into stealth very easily and not use up a utility slot.

Teleport stomp? Really? I’m not wasting shadowstep on a stomp, or do you mean steal to stealth (which requires a trait) stomp?

I used to think stealth stomp was OP, but then I played a thief. If a thief didn’t have stealth stomp they would be killed VERY quickly exposed.

Every class has an OP stomp.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803


Thief – Stealth Stomp, blind stomp (can make a blind field) and teleport stomp
Mesmer – Invulability Stomp, stealth stomp, teleport stomp
Engineer – Mini Stomp and Stealth Stomp
Guardian – Bubble stomp, stability stomp
Warrior – Stability Stomp
Necro – Death shroud stomp (not really amazing)
Elementalist – Mist form stomp

Thief has the most stomping options and also is able to go into stealth very easily and not use up a utility slot.

You forgot Ranger. We are in the same boat as Warriors. Although we can only use one of our two stabilities since the signet of the wild is a transformation so no stompy stompy for us with that ability. We have to burn an elite (Rampage as One). To get it.

Weapon swap for quickness stomp.

Constructive Ranger Changes

in Ranger

Posted by: PinoTheMike.9803


Psisah – You pretty much nailed it.