Showing Posts For PirateHell.1079:
Have you tried jumping when you use the skill? Also, what have you lost even if you do perform a half second roll back in pve?As for additional benefits for people who don’t need the evade, you gained an immob.
EDIT: I just noticed you’d said we shouldn’t have to jump to “evade the evade”. Honestly, I don’t have much sympathy for the position. As Ross says below, we now have options where we didn’t before.
You’re effectively saying this new evade, which is a very useful addition in pvp/wvw, and could be useful in pve in some cases, wrecks the entire weapon for pve… even though you can easily prevent the evade if you don’t want it, and lose a 1/2s (one auto attack) if you don’t while performing the evade (though you gained an immob that lasts 3x longer).
The benefits dramatically outweigh the cost here, jumping as a way to avoid this “cost” is nothing, and in no way would a 1/2 sec delay trash weapon (especially when a 1 1/2 sec immob was added to the skill).
if you use it in the wrong position, even accidently, such as say on a wall or an edge of some high place you fall. so now you have to purposefully avoid it, which I did at times because of the immobilization, but now it could be critical.
(edited by PirateHell.1079)
auto-dodge with rifle I HATE this…
Bug and Confusion for “The Way In”
First the confusion: I got lost. like really lost. The first star points to a way that you can’t go from where you finished the last instance. My party ended up wandering around forever and when we finally got where we were going we had uncovered the whole map. I don’t know if it was just us or not, but an intermediary star would have been nice.
Now the bug: When I was gathering Chak Enzymes the Veteran Nuhoch Stomper who lost his bag would tell me to go get it for him, but the star over his head never moved, and the Nuhoch who said he could sell me some wouldn’t actually sell anything. I still have no idea where his bag was supposed to be. I got around it by just killing chak.
Other than those problems though I love HoT. Thank you A-Net
OK I’ve been GRINDING updraft training since the start of the game, what am I missing what story line or event do I have to complete to get it? Lil help?
Whenever I try to complete the Jungle Provides Instance I get the following: whenever I try to defend the Itzel village and am in that instance, I get the Mordrem Commander down to about half health then I get bumped out with an error it is blocking my progress and has happened several times. the error is; Network error . Please check your network connection and try again (code=1022:5:1:874:101) so far it always happens here and nowhere else.
(edited by PirateHell.1079)
why won’t we get “(remember, you will not receive any of the bonuses that are one-time per account [such as Tomes of Influence, Rytlock Mini, etc.])”? the e-mail doesn’t state that.
You could upgrade your account in-game for only 500 Gems. A bit over 5 dollars. That certainly is an option. Use your key for a separate account that will net you 5 character slots and all the other benefits. If nothing else, lots of storage.
Up to you what you decide to do….choose the option the CS Team has offered by simply responding to their email (remember, you will not receive any of the bonuses that are one-time per account [such as Tomes of Influence, Rytlock Mini, etc.])…or not.
You have always had the option to buy the items included in the Heroic Edition off the Trading Post or the Gem Store.Good luck.
still no response
I did the same thing through the website and was sent this e-mail,
The reason you are having an issue with adding a serial code is because serial codes don’t “stack.” We have a way to resolve this issue. We can manually add the Collector’s Edition code to your existing game account for you. Please note that doing this will not release the original serial code from the account to be reused. The existing account also does not receive any additional character slots, because you are not creating a new account, but upgrading an existing one. We simply will be forcing the Collector’s Edition Serial Code on top of the existing account, so that your existing account will get the Collector’s Edition benefits. If you would like us to do this, please provide the following information:
Your 25-digit Collector’s Edition Serial Code:
The Guild Wars 2 account (log-0in) name for the account to which you would like the code registered.
We look forward to your reply.
GM Sparrow
Guild Wars 2 Support Team
complete bullkitten. had to wait 3 days for a reply. Now this back and fourth even though I followed the instructions to do the upgrade through the website, “* Offer applies only to Digital Heroic Edition and Digital Deluxe Edition purchased through from 6:00 a.m. Pacific Time March 6, 2015, through 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time March 8, 2015.” . still waiting.
(edited by PirateHell.1079)