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Not really an Exit Review

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plutoe.4859


Have you ever wondered why, especially in other MMO’s, you hear players talking about entitlement and that eventually things will become too easy? GW2 is the result of taking that entitlement to the extreme resulting in a technically competent but dull game experience.

I was so excited about GW2 that I booked time off work so I could have a 5 day weekend and hark back to some classic Everquest/WoW early MMO marathons I did years ago. Within about three hours I was bored and logged off to do something else.

GW2, misunderstood game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plutoe.4859



But what I dislike more is hearing things like “DEs are just zergs” from people who have no clue about DEs.
Because if they did they would know the huge depth DEs have, the dozen of different possibilites and the hundreds of consequences they cause.

How much time do you have to invest before the mists clear and the grand DE revelation reveals itself? I’ve played on and off since the 3 days before this game went on general sale and have never felt like a DE was anything other than a timed zerg event which, certainly compared to other games, was incredibly inconsequential.

The world isn’t dynamic in the way you seem to think it is. At best it rotates every hour or so and when you’re fighting off the Centaur horde (for it is always Centaurs in GW2) it loses all weight as no matter the outcome it’s going to revert in a trivial amount of time. Compare that to something like WAR where zones spanned several areas but, depending on the amount of control exerted by each faction, only some of those were accessible at once, or Tabula Rasa where towns could completely change. Even WoW has a more dynamic world with phasing because the world actually changes. GW2 runs like clockwork and doesn’t change – ever.

You can argue that the DEs have consequences beyond win/lose but if that’s true then they’re so minor they might as well not exist.

GW2 isn’t misunderstood in my opinions, it’s just a colourful mishmash of ideas that other MMO’s have done better thrown into a theme park melting pot where the entire population of Hobbiton descends to clobber one beleaguered Centaur.

GW2, misunderstood game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plutoe.4859


Ya know, I keep hearing these people saying, “OMG the DEs’ are all zerg fests, all we do is zerg ’em without any strategy or tactics or effort at all!”

How many times have you lost a DE? I can’t remember ever losing one even if I was trying my hardest or dancing with a nearby farmer NPC. They’re zerg events as the only reason you’ll ever lose is because not enough people turned up for the event rather than because the people who did turn up are six sandwiches short of a picnic basket.

GW2, misunderstood game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plutoe.4859


This game is a console interpretation of a traditional MMO. Maybe some people like that but personally I think that there’s so little substance it might as well be single player. The DE that you’re so fond of are little more than timed zerg events which are almost impossible to lose, dungeons are ridiculous corpse running treadmills and WvW is just dull.

Other MMOs have catered to a certain type of people; WAR went for large scale PvP, WoW for PvE and EVE for MS Excel fans. GW2 on the other hand spread itself thin on all fronts and ended up being bland across the board.