Showing Posts For PointAndClick.5631:

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: PointAndClick.5631


I’m having issues with a retaliation build (traits on DS and on Healing). It didn’t work in Dungeons at all and it doesn’t reflect (fully?) in PvP (WvWvW), damage also keeps coming through.

It feels more like turning on spectral armor than retaliation, something is wrong here.

Edit: Not a bug. Thanks people for explaining.

(edited by PointAndClick.5631)

Vabbi EU server - Empty population issue

in Suggestions

Posted by: PointAndClick.5631


Hi guys.
I completely agree that we are having a big problem on Vabbi. For all the reasons mentioned above. We have internal discussion in the guild switching server. Which means another active guild gone, we feel bad but we also want to play the game.

What I would like to hear from A-net is a time frame. When can we expect something to be done about this situation?

There is no way we are going to wait longer than a month, there is just too much dissatisfaction and constant minor annoyances. We want to stay, because we really love the people playing on Vabbi. You are all so nice and helpful. It’s going to feel bad leaving everybody behind, but it’s going to happen sooner rather than later.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: PointAndClick.5631


- Deposit/withdraw “ALL” button at the bank.

- Stop camera rotate on defeated state. You either don’t wait for it, or you don’t want it. It’s beautification for AFK people, who aren’t around to watch this magnificent rotation. No need for it.

- Lower frequency of townsfolk audio-loops by 100%, or twice as long. (I know what a sylvari thinks about, I play as one. It’s plain old rage and not very contemplative.)

- Default personal weapon sound is too loud

- Preview window need default zoom adapted the staff often falls outside the preview window. A zoom option would btw be very nice.

(edited by PointAndClick.5631)