Showing Posts For Pointblanc.6593:

Kicked at the end of a dungeon to sell it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pointblanc.6593


Can anyone point me to an official statement about what is Arenanet stance about people being kicked from dungeons they helped complete as soon as the last boss is reached, so that the remaining members can sell the path?

Is this reportable as lfg abuse or what?

We Do Not Like Scarlet Briar

in Fractured

Posted by: Pointblanc.6593


I support this campaign of hate toward Scarlet

Does Crusader Angaria do anything?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Pointblanc.6593


Update: this event is still bugged and Angaria keeps trolling people doing nothing.

Claw of Jormag - Chain Fear

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Pointblanc.6593


It is indeed bugged.Just today after an attempt that failed the area behind Pact researcher Darrin (cannon’s area) is still spamming fear and Frigid Breath even if jormag is not there.

Claw of Jormag - Chain Fear

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Pointblanc.6593


It is not a matter of understanding or “learning”, it is really a matter of being chain feared, to the point that if you are close to the cannons’ area there is no way to get to the distance that let you hit the shield unless you use some skill that makes you invulnerable and manage to skip a cycle.
Even when you get there if for some reason you get pushed back to the cannons’ area the problem reappears.