Showing Posts For PooPooTron.3495:

Do skins work more than once?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: PooPooTron.3495


So I was thinking of buying a Braham’s armor skin, but I couldn’t decide if I wanted it for PvE or PvP. If I buy the skin once, can I get more than one set of it?

Sylvari Hounds (???)

in Lore

Posted by: PooPooTron.3495


So the origins of the sylvari was that they all sprung up 25 years ago. What about their dogs? The dogs look like plants, too. So did they come from the same origin as the Sylvari, or are they something different?

Best USA server for PvE?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PooPooTron.3495


So right now I’m in Anvil Rock and its a total ghost town. The only places you can really count on seeing people is LA, Queensdale, and wherever the living story is based in. The only thing keeping me there before was the guild I was in, which now is just a reminder of how bad the server is.
Can anyone tell me of a server that has active players doing PvE, all around the map? I don’t really care about WvW but not sucking at it would be a plus, too. Thanks in advance.

4 Levvi's Detectors into the MF?

in Crafting

Posted by: PooPooTron.3495


So during this clockworld thing, I’ve gotten a couple of the same exotic rifle. If I put 4 into the Mystic Forge, it’ll give me something new, right?