North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
Toes to fit the shoes
Out of that entire message… this is what got me thinking.
P.S is BG the pinky or big toe?
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
Merge Ehmry into SoS so Rimmy and Grav can come here plis. (It’s actually quite fun 82.5% of the time…)
(Bonus: There are Red Pancakes and sirrup.)
Well well well, look at who’s posting!
Instead, why not come here where we also have pancakes (in a variety of colours), the finest syrup this side of a mythological syrup-source, AND no lineups.
Or just wait – when we get another 850 or so points on our rating, we’ll come to you and have a big Red Wedding style fry-up. It’ll be great!
I couldn’t help but post this as it’s pretty fitting. But this is what I’ve seen so far:
My thief stealths, backstabs you, stealths again and runs away laughing.
stealing should actually steal gold from the target
“Game message: Your target is broke, you cannot steal from the poor”
Maybe some day we can craft superior siege blueprints via crafting stations (lvl 0 items which yield zero crafting experience ofc) instead of using the mystic toilet…
Rather than an override, perhaps a 1 min window with a message to the claiming guild stating if buffs are not applied within 60 secs, the claim will fail?
^This guy should be a WvW Dev.
Also towers/keeps/camps should be unclaimed when the buffs expire.
1. My Guardian has 16k HP. You’re first point is Moot then.
2. Armor? If so then yes. This is most MMORPGs out there.
3. Counter? Conditions. Armor reduction doesnt apply there.
4. Hardly. If a guardian is speccing damage just full burst him hes dead. Warriors lost a majority of massive damage potential in the hammer nerf and GS is way too situation to provide constant use.
5. Cant argue here, however EVERY class has some form of CC for multi-person.
6. Guardians are the 2nd slowest class in game out of combat, Taking traveler’s runes is just stupid as well. Warriors.. I cant argue. Their GS mobility is kittened coupled with Sword.
7. Every class in the game has access to “Stun Break”. And its not automatic. If you’re referring to stability.. Necro boon strip. Wells as well. Simple.
8. lol. Again.. Thief, Necro have many of these things, Couple with a ele or engi you have all. Again guard doesnt have access to Fear, Bows, Or these “Automatic” weapons you speak of.
Please learn classes and the game before playing. I wont disagree that there are ASPECTS that are COMPLETELY UNBALANCED. However many of the stuff you said is just FaceDesk worthy.
Well, just come off an evening in the Underworld borderlands.
We actually had control of the map at one point, but then lost everything in about 20 minutes. 2 supply camps are ours at the time of writing.
I’d managed to get the walls reinforced and the doors were two thirds done when, at about 23.30 UK time, a zerg of 20 to 30 people came up and pounded the wall to dust, followed by the inner gate. There were, I think, 2 of us trying to defend. Shout out to whoever that charr was, didn’t catch his name. Think he had a pink warhammer.
Epic it was not (the fight, not the hammer – that was actually quite cool).
Something needs to be done to help defenders because it’s becoming farcical.
Of course we should lose, we’re horribly outnumbered, but it just shouldn’t be that easy to defeat someone who’s occupying an apparently fortified position.
I mean, think about it – we call it “flipping a keep”. Flipping it, like a huge castle is as inconsequential as a coin.
I see our garrison just got flipped back to us. Yay. Those upgrades I bought were a waste of money though, guess that’s why no one else ever bothers buying them any more.
I must go to bed now, I can hear the world’s smallest violin playing me a lullaby.
The line of sight issues that make it easier to AOE targets on the walls than it is to AOE targets on the ground should have been fixed before release.
But anything that slows down the karma train will probably be unpopular.
It’s one of the best things of wvw, punishes dumb karma trains who rush on to next keep without securing what they took.
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