Showing Posts For Pox.3296:

No Flying Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pox.3296


They would better add a climbing mastery than mount flying over everything.

This would be AMAZING and probably utterly kill any argument I have against the physics of this game.

It would also destroy 90% of the maps

Not if done properly. He did say “mastery,” rather than just “I can climb everything.”

No Flying Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pox.3296


They would better add a climbing mastery than mount flying over everything.

This would be AMAZING and probably utterly kill any argument I have against the physics of this game.

No Flying Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pox.3296


As someone who plays both WoW and GW2, I’m surprised and dismayed by what people seem to be judging other players (and another game) like.

Flying did absolutely nothing to kill anything in WoW. It shifted things to a degree that that made exploration different (and for players like me, vastly more enjoyable). WotLK was designed specifically with flying in mind and it shows: the landscape itself is HUGE, and makes the player feel small in the face of something larger than oneself, leading to the feeling of a need for actual heroism. Even with all its faults, WotLK is widely regarded as the best Xpac Wow’s ever had. Cue WoD, in which they decided not to include flying at all; subscriptions dropped and were only stemmed when they relented and allowed flying back in. Keep in mind also that when people say “the WoW dev team says adding flying was a mistake,” the current dev team is NOT the same as the one that brought us TBC and original flying.

Basically, flying was a welcome addition in WoW and the only thing it hurt was the idiotic notion of slogging through enemies that are too stupid to run screaming from you and that you already killed 2 minutes ago, and 2 minutes before that, and 2 minutes before that, etc. It made exploration FUN again.

Having said that, GW2 is NOT the kind of game that flying should be included in.

As others have said, immersion has taken a back seat in this game, so I’m also discounting the natural technological progression of jetpacks, dirigibles, mechanized gliders, etc., that in reality should lead very quickly to independent flight. Outside of those, the game is simply too differently-designed to warrant, need, or even justify flight. Compared with WoW, even with my own personal dragon moving at 310% of my normal run speed, it can take me 5 or so minutes to fly from one part of the continent to another, whereas in GW2 I can teleport. Basically, I’d be done my objective in GW2 when my WoW character might have only just arrived. This is a substantial strength that GW has over not just WoW, but any other MMO I’ve played.

Added to that fact is the terrain; GW has wide, rolling terrain and (outside of HoT) its multi-level inclines and perches are easy to get to, with gliders effectively taking care of anything that doesn’t fit this. Newer WoW terrain is increasingly stacked on itself for no reason other than condensing the region, making it frustrating to navigate until one can simply fly to the top (or bottom) of your objective.

Finally, a solid portion of GW2 is also the exploration via vistas and POIs, which are far more important than merely opening up a map in WoW. GW2 even gives tangible, useful rewards for exploring the world by foot, and jumping puzzles are EVERYWHERE (my complaints about GW2 physics notwithstanding, there is always somebody doing a jumping puzzle when you find it, and chests at every finish).

TL;DR, there’s nothing wrong with flying in WoW, which is still an active and reasonably good game for those who like it. It is also NOT Guild Wars 2, and neither should try to emulate the other as their core concepts differ enough that merging them might lose more than they gain. If you don’t believe that, then just examine how each has examined the idea of mounts: in WoW they are only (and will always only be) vehicles to increase your speed. In GW2 they each have multiple functions making them out to be less a taxi and more a tool. For that alone I’m excited to see what I can do with GW2 mounts.

Fused Weapons Skins coming back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pox.3296


Since this seems to be a weapon set that releases rarely you can either save up the gold or wait and hope, whichever seems to be best to you since no one on the forums can answer your question.

As a comment. This is a very old thread and the Fused weapons were re-released 7 months later, or not quite a year ago. With the re-release the prices have dropped considerably. At the time of the original posting, for example, the Fused Greatsword was selling for 3400 gold. It’s now selling for ~700 gold.

I guess, with that added perspective, I should count myself lucky and just save up the ~850g for the Longbow skin.

Pretty sure I’ll find a different use for my Black Lion tickets sometime in the future then.

Fused Weapons Skins coming back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pox.3296


Bumping/necro’ing this just because it’s still relevant. Would love to see the Fused skins back available for tickets.

Anyone have any thoughts as to if this may happen, or is this now just a lost cause I need to save up money for?

Feedback: Tuxedo Outfit (Slight critique)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Pox.3296


I’m also disappointed with the Noble Outfit, because I can’t ENABLE my helm slot. For the character I bought it for, it would look superb with the Top Hat which I also bought, and yet I can’t seem to add it. With any/every other outfit, I seem to be able to mix-and-match; please enable this feature!