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(video) ele vs necro post patch

in PvP

Posted by: Prepin.3962


I was on the fence about making a necro and figured it would be best to see what happens after the patch.

This is rather disheartening to see, and of course the pve limitations with regards to conditions is pretty kittenty as well. Sounds like necros are in a bad spot all around.

Bugged/stuck events

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Prepin.3962


I recently came back a couple weeks ago and have come across quite a number of events that are stuck or won’t start. The kids quiz in queensdale, moa herding, a couple of patrol events in kessex hills, and several others in the Plains of Ashford, Caldedon forest and Shiverpeak Mountains.

I’ve reported every single one as i’ve come across them, but it’s been almost a month and none of them seem to ever get fixed or reset. Is there any way of getting an ingame GM to reset them or anything?

Devs disappointed by human race bias

in Human

Posted by: Prepin.3962


Perhaps if they bothered fixing some of the graphical bugs/clipping with the other races there’d be a bigger interest in playing them.

The very obvious stretching on anything that isn’t Human and Asura aside, Charr have all kinds of tail/weapon/helmet/shoulder clipping going on, norn animations come off as goofy and ugly to a number of people, and Sylvari have some weird poofing going on in any kind of coat/skirt.

These are well documented problems that ANET has for the most part it seems decided to ignore. While i’m sure there players that can ignore some of these issues, it shouldn’t come as a surprise or disappointment that a good number of players don’t want to be stuck with a character that is covered in glitches and stretched textures.

Why do you still play the Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Prepin.3962


Tried a Guardian, didn’t like their ranged options/swinging a wand around.

Dual wielding is also neat.

Question: Warrior Crafting Skills

in Crafting

Posted by: Prepin.3962


Between armor and weapons, i’d go for armorsmithing, as that would allow you to cover 6 equipment slots and also make your own inventory boxes.

I personally went ahead and gave up on AS for now though. It’s probably the most expensive craft in the game right now, and if you intend on grinding for the mats instead of buying them, you will out level the gear you can make pretty fast.

For now i’ve personally gone with Jeweler and Cooking. Cooking has some neat benefits before big/difficult battles, and being able to make your own jewelry/stat boosts is useful for pretty much any class, up until Ascended gear I guess. Both seem much much cheaper than armorsmithing.

I’m not sure which, if any, would be a profitable craft. I see no shortage of weapons/armor on the market, and it even seems like it’s cheaper to buy gear from others than it would be to try and make it yourself.

(edited by Prepin.3962)


in Guardian

Posted by: Prepin.3962


I had a hit register just after I poped shield of absorption, it said it was blocked. It could’ve just been an aegis block I didn’t notice, but has anyone already tested whether or not it blocks melee hits?

Edit: Nevermind, it must’ve been an aegis.

(edited by Prepin.3962)

March 26th Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Prepin.3962


I was wondering the same thing just now actually, there doesn’t seem to be any announcement as to what time they’ll update the game yet.