Showing Posts For Prey.7218:
same here… won a game and waited for the reward chests, then clicked “leave the game 1:00 min” and i was marked as deserter. Game did not count, no progression rewarded.
If you are going to do an ingame league system do it right please, otherwise people wont care anymore (oldschool WvW player here).
edit: i got the exp for the overall rank, but did not get any league specific progression
(edited by Prey.7218)
There is a first person view already… bur only in the alpha build of eotm.
(For those who didn’t know: pressing F11, scroll down to “developer options”)
The camera is in the head then and no arms or weapons are shown. You see all effects and the size is correct too; standing “under” an omge as asura was awesome btw
Fighting as an D/D ele is really cool cause you get really “movement sick” after a while.
The other camera option was “duell camera”….
It’s just the normal 3th person view but your opponent will always be in your view. This way you can keep fighting while ignoring the camera movement (cause the game is doing this for you).