Showing Posts For Prinny.4653:
Account security should be a top priority.
Using email addresses for your Account Names (Login Names) is a security risk and makes it much easier for accounts to be compromised.
Account names (Login names) should be unique not email addresses.
If an account is hacked (compromised) or if there’s a security risk, players should be able to easily change not only their password but their login name as well. This would essentially make account security much better.
Lets face it, it’s much easier to get a person’s email address than it is to get their login names and passwords, especially since most people only use a couple of email addresses if that.
I’ve made this suggestion before.
They do need to work on refining the search system, but I think they don’t really care.
Do a search for Superior Rune and you get not only runes, but sigils as well.
They do need to add a refinement for your class or at least one that will allow you to search for light, medium, or heavy gear.
They need to let people search for runes and sigils by the major stat increase or something similar.
But regardless of these suggestions we put in, I don’t really see them actually considering our suggestions. Obviously they don’t really take the time to acknowledge these suggestions, so I doubt they even really read them. Mind you, a Moderator may read these but I doubt it go any further than that.
What some people don’t understand is that people that create Bots and hacks as well as people that use them can be sued in real life for those activities by the gaming companies. Sites that host the bots and hacks are liable for the content on their sites even if they have disclaimers stating otherwise. These sites can be forced to give up user information of people that have used the site to download these programs
Creating the bots and hacks isn’t illegal, the use or distribution of them is illegal. It violates both national and international copyright laws. That being said, just because a person that is using, making, or distributing these illegal programs may not live in the United States, they can still be extradited and prosecuted under international laws.
Some gaming companies have started to sue makers and users of bots and hacks already.
As for people getting their accounts hacked (compromised), the fault for this usually the user, rarely is it anything else.
(edited by Prinny.4653)
One of the top blunders I think in this game is the auto nerf. It’s bull being a lvl 80 character going into a level 5 area and getting nerfed down to 5 and having 3 mobs walk all over you.
In some areas the level of mobs may be 70 and the area has 2 entrances, one say is in a level 60 section and the other is in say a level 75 area, if you’re level 80 and enter through the 60 area you get rolled because you are nerfed down to 60 going against a level 75, but if you enter from the level 75 side, it’s fine because you are nerfed to 75.
Basically…Auto nerf sux.
Needless to say, higher level maps from 70-80 need to have new content and and better drops added to bring players back to them.
Better drops to counteract better drops? How is that a good idea?
Game going downhill because the old higher level zones are less populated? Why won’t these new players go for the newer content? Did WoW tank because Onyxia and Karazhan became irrelevant?
Strawmen in fields only scare crows.
Not better drops to counteract the new ones, rather better drops to equal the new ones.
Besides, I’m not a WoW player, I tried it, and found it to be a sorry game, It’s basically a sorry knockoff of D&D, Ultima, BardsTale, and the other older games.
I’ve noticed that the amount of players on higher maps have decreased to the point that anywhere from 50%-90% of points on the maps are constantly contested making it impossible in many cases for a solo player to complete maps. It’s gotten to a point that you are lucky to find 2 players in a group.
Basically since the new content, most higher level players don’t even bother with regular maps anymore. Players are looking at it this way, why do maps with poor drops when you can do other things that net you better items.
Needless to say, higher level maps from 70-80 need to have new content and and better drops added to bring players back to them.
As it stands now, this game is going down hill since newer player that want to complete maps and other things can’t, due to the lack of players to aid in certain areas. It’s going to get to the point where people are just going to give up, and when (not if) that happens, this game will die.
I’m not saying this because I’m low level, on the contrary, I have 3 characters all at level 80 and I have 100% map completion. I just see this as a growing problem that needs to be addressed. I like the game, but I see the player base dropping in these areas everyday.
In beta I got several keys from monsters, however now, I currently have 2 characters at level 80, working on a third and haven’t gotten one key from a monster yet.
I have to agree with some people on this, due to the horrible drops, I’m not going to spend money buying Key.
I just want to point out that gold sellers don’t have many accounts for the game so the banning and blocking their ingame accounts that advertise the selling of gold will do nothing since these accounts are stolen from people not using strong passwords.
The only way to get rid of gold sellers is to not buy from them since if they weren’t making any money you would not get these messages.
I also want to add that I have seen a great improvement in the reduction of these mails since the start of the game so everything that ANET is doing to combat this problem is working, but if we want these to go away the communtiy has to learn that you need a strong password and not buy gold from the gold sellers.
I don’t see an improvement at all, I keep getting 4 or more letter in my ingame mail from people selling gold every day, so it seems to be getting worse.
One of the ways the they can fight the issue of people buying gold is to set up a sting account. ANet should set up an account like a gold seller and anyone that buys gold from that account gets their account banned. Make it so that people wouldn’t know if they are buying gold from a seller or sting operation.
I’m getting tired of getting ingame mail from people advertising the sale of gold.
The solution to the problem of gold sellers is simple. Instead of blocking and banning only their ingame accounts, also block the software key they used to create their account.
To people that are buying ans selling ingame gold: The buying and selling of ingame gold is actually against not just the terms of service, but it’s also against the law in real life. You can be sued, fined, and imprisoned.
Skill point challenge located by the Forlorn Waypoint in Liberation Dell (Ascalon Map) is broken. There is nobody there to start the skill challenge.
A feature of the game is a component of it.
You’re right about it not breaking the game. It only hurts it….a lot.
It doesn’t matter what time I posted. The game has been in a state of constant problems since launch, being as such, they should have people working around the clock on fixing the major issues. Being as such, anyone on their end can take the 2 to 3 minutes required to keep us informed. There is no excuse for the lack of communications on their end.
The reason people complain is due to lack of information. People don’t like to be kept in the dark, especially when they spent money for the thing they are complaining about. Mind you, even with information as to the problem and what’s being done to fix it, some people will still complain, but the percentage will only be a small fraction of what it is when no information is put out.
It’s getting old that the trading post down again.
Sadly, since launch, I actually think it’s been down more than it’s been up.
Before I was impressed that they were keeping players informed, now it seems they have gotten in the habit of keeping us in the dark about what’s being done about this issue.
Needless to say, the game should never have been released if major components of it wasn’t working properly.
I’m starting to feel that the money I spent for this game wasn’t worth it at this time.
Hey all—we hear you loud and clear. Thank you all for your feedback.
One challenge with some of the emergent issues is that when certain portions of our game experience issues, the forums will also be affected. As such, when we had login issues yesterday, as you know, we could not post any messaging that was hosted on our infrastructure because the forums were completely unavailable . With that, we relied on social media channels, which do not live on our infrastructure. As you might be aware, other big companies like Twitter will also handle outages this way—posting messaging on channels that are not hosted on their infrastructure.
Having said that, whenever we can for emergent issues (when they do not impact our infrastructure), we should be using the system broadcast on the forums for outages.
With regard to the current outage: at this time all commerce sites (Trading Post, Currency Exchange, Gem Store) are down right now and undergoing maintenance. We will provide an ETA as soon as we are able to.
Thanks again, everyone.
That’s fine and all, but even if not everyone is able to get on the official site, you are still required to post on it for those that can.
On top of that, there is an official Wiki page for Guild Wars 2 that you can also use and should use before you rely on social media sites.
Always post on official sites first, that is the most important thing you can do.
It seems that when they ban people, they don’t blacklist the game key code, so people are able to make new accounts using it.
Accounts that are banned, should have their game Key Code blacklisted so it can’t be used again. That way, if they want to open a new account, they need to purchase another game/Key Code for $49.
@Deulon I don’t think you’re being told to settle. You’re being told ANet has decided that twitter is how they will be sending up to the minute information. Its up to you if you decide not to bookmark their feed – it doesn’t even require an account.
You don’t trust facebook or twitter, but you trust this website and game that has been compromised daily, resulting in service interruptions? You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Did you know that by law, they are required to use their own site to disseminate updates.
They can use other sites, but the primary one must be their own.
They do not have the right to tell people to go off site for information.
Like many other people, I like crafting and one of my goals is to get all my crafting skills maxed out and learn all the recipes.
But there is a problem with this…I need materials for my crafts.
Now, I know some people will say go farm the materials. Problem with this is, it will take forever to get the materials needed. The solution to this problem is buying the materials from the Trading Post. This is all fine and dandy, but this leads to another problem.
Now, where that is a problem, it leads to a bigger problem which is lack of information and communication. Anyone in the customer service area knows that people don’t like to be kept in the dark.
The solution to help keep people from getting angry is to keep them informed and provide updates on a regular basis, on the official forums.
or….better yet.
Get the system working.
I don’t trust or like sites like Facebook and Twitter because of their lack of security. Therefore I look at it like this…Since this company (ANet and Ncsoft) is basically forcing people to visit these sites for updates, then they are liable if anything should happen to our systems.
I don’t care about excuses, simply because there isn’t any valid excuse for them not posting information on these official forums.
Basically it’s like me running my own business but telling people to go Walmart to check the availability of the items I’m selling.
They need to do one of two things.
1. Remove Posting fees.
2. Remove the 10% selling fee.
I just thought I should say I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with how the trading post information has been presented today, and I don’t like it when threads get so negative.
I mean come-on, it’s harder to get unscheduled information in super official visible places on short notice, and it’s not exactly big enough for the launcher.
And the “Down for Maintenance” screen in the game already tells you basically everything you need to know.
Not to mention I’m sure some of them worked / are working on it throughout the night instead of going home and sleeping, eating delicious pizza, or watching Adventure Time, which they didn’t have to do.
This isn’t direct at just you, but a few others also.
1. It shouldn’t take over 12 hours to get an update on it, unscheduled or not.
2. The Down for Maintenance screen doesn’t say anything about when to expect it up or why it went down to start with.
3. I purchased the $149 version of this game, and like many others, I expect to get what I paid for, this includes announcements and updates on the official forums.
4. They did get the part of the TP up that makes them money. Nothing else though.
5. If there was only a problem with the Gem system, then the player’s part should have been up at the same time they got the Gem system.
6. There is no excuse for not using the official forums for posting of information first, and there is no excuse for having to force customers to use another site to get information for this game.
Some of us don’t use Facebook or Twitter for various reasons, for me, it’s security concerns because I don’t fully trust those sites. Since this is the official forums, updates should be posted here.
Well…The Gem store part of the TP is up, the part for players to buy and sell from other players is still down.
Regardless of what the problem is or was, they still need to take the 30 seconds to do some type of status update.
The Trading Post is a major part of the game, they need to keep us updated on it’s status. An in-game notice “Down for Maintenance” isn’t considered keeping us informed as to what the problem is or when it’s going to be back up.