Showing Posts For Prometeus.6514:

Let's Start the Karma DR Dialogue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Prometeus.6514


No DR at all, please. It just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

By the way, I would like about 4 hours of my life back, when I was farming centaurs for Jute Scraps back in August. The trading post wasn’t up yet, and I needed the Jute Scraps for my crafting.

I thought the drop rate was just really really bad, or that I was unlucky. I got maybe 10 Jute Scraps that day.

Again, there can not be diminshing returns on farming in the game. Find another way to stop bots. DR is the opposite of “freedom” in the game.
Remove DR from dungeon runs too. 40 extra badges for first run of the day is fine, but make sure everyone knows when the “day” resets so we don’t waste time running an instance for only 20 badges.
Better yet, make it every 18 hours like wow.

Thank you.

Let's Start the Karma DR Dialogue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Prometeus.6514


The whole Diminishing Returns idea is absurd. Botters are your problem. You should have coded the game in a way that does not allow for bots to exist.

A mmorpg is a world. People play mmorpgs to get away from the “real world” with its rules and restrictions. They want to get away and be free, feel powerful, whatever. In an online world you’re supposed to do whatever you want – be it grind the same spot mindlessly for 10 hours while drinking beer and listening to heavy metal, or running the same dungeon over and over with friends while chatting about nonesense.

You can’t presume to tell us how to spend our time in the world we have chosen as our escape from reality. Find another way, or we’ll find another world.

I have no desire to log in again until your “diminishing returns” are completely removed in any way shape or form.

Dungeons are simply not fun... (For the average Joe)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Prometeus.6514


I completely agree.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Prometeus.6514


I mean the cold hard truth is that people need to just suck it up. This goes for casual players and the hardcore alike.

“I got kicked from my group! Whaaaaa no rewards!”

Suck it up. Form an organized group. Can’t? Suck it up. Find another group. The rewards are at the end so if you get kicked before the end you can try again with no harm to your rewards (provided they aren’t bugged).

“Whaaaaa this is too hard!”

And for me it’s just fine. Or maybe for him it’s too easy. It’s all subjective. Unless you can provide an actual reason for why it’s too hard (bug, design flaw, etc) I suggest you play better. Maybe with an organized group.

None available?

Then try again and hope for the best. Oh, and suck it up.

What we’re seeing here is a good ol’ fashioned weening. The crybabies will be out before New Years.

Exactly. They will not “suck it up”; they will quit and go play another game. If this is really what you want, or if you think this is what ArenaNet wants, think again.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Prometeus.6514


There seems to be a large disconnect between the developers and the playerbase. Your dungeons are unbelievably difficult. This, from a player who was in some top World of Warcraft guilds.

As an FYI, most people did not have the situational awareness to move out of Doan’s room in the Scarlet Monastery when he SCREAMED “Burn in Righteous Fire”, even when told to do so. They just sat there and took the damage.

Your mobs and bosses need to telegraph their abilities in a much more obvious way. I am not a first person shooter player, I’m a mmorpg player.

For the most part, if I concentrate on trying to discern when a mob will do a special attack so I can dodge it and not get one shot, the following things will happen:
1)I will ignore my own health and die 90% of the time
2)I will ignore other mobs if they’re present
3)I will ignore my team-mates’ positioning and combat situation.

Some random, barely discernable red circles on the ground (all of which look the same for all abilities – come on, put some work into it and make them all unqiue and much more obvious) are not going to work.

Most of the time I’m just running around like a chicken with its head cut off, just desperately trying to survive. Combo fields? I have never ever even seen one, in the mess that is combat. Between special effects from players’ spells and abilities and trying to avoid getting 2 shot by just about every trash mob, I simply don’t have cognitive ability to concentrate on that many things at once.
Just watching my abilities cooldown and moving around is hard enough.

If this all sounds terrible, know that the average player does much, much worse than I do. Yes, there are those amazing geniuses able to multitask and pay attention to twenty different things in a second, while thinking ten moves ahead. They are a very small minority.

I say goodbye to PVE for now, until your come back to reality and adjust the difficulty of the game to match the ability of those who play it.