In-game username: Authoritarian
Showing Posts For Psychopathic.3785:
In-game username: Authoritarian
They’ve always been one ticket. This is a huge let down for me. No, it doesn’t hinder my gameplay but those scraps I worked hard grinding for and for them to charge double prince is insane. Is this the new system? Charge regular price when they don’t put any effort into the skin and then double when they put in actual effort? Its a shame more people aren’t bothered by this.
In-game username: Authoritarian
Returning after a while! Need a good group of people to play with.
In-game username: Authoritarian
In-game username: Authoritarian
Anvil Rock has a bunch of chill bros.
Send me a pm if you’re interested.
In-game username: Authoritarian
I’ve returned to Gw2 after a big hiatus and I’m starting a fresh character! Just looking to see if anyone would like to join me in my new quest of leveling up and story. Pm me @ Dragoon Auron. Thanks!
In-game username: Authoritarian
If you are looking for a good group to WvW with, even PvE and PvP, then check out Anvil Rock! We’re not a huge blob server and we have a fair share of difficulties when it comes to WvW but we are a very friendly server. I guarantee if you come check us out you won’t be disappointed. Good luck!
In-game username: Authoritarian