Showing Posts For Purebeh.6512:

ETA on Staff ele fixes?

in PvP

Posted by: Purebeh.6512


The staff had its day. Its long gone now, the ele itself died not 2 long ago. I turned into a necro

Gems in paid?

in PvP

Posted by: Purebeh.6512


thats not cool i was really hoping for gems again

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Purebeh.6512


Find it funny that other good teams went and sync’d frees, JBUO did that last night to play one game against ALFA. After only having 1 good match against a team in the new paids we decided to sync queue with team in a free, It was sad the other 2 matches in that free were on par with the paids we were playing earlier. People love the new system just put in custom arena’s so the best players can be happy too and who cares about the rest

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Purebeh.6512


New guild in AR called Manvil Rock. you better watch them they are going to sack the world.. FOR MANVIL