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error 5:11:3:157:101 (with all characters)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PurpleBoo.3961


Same. 3 1/2 hours ago I could get to character select, but not log into the game. Now I can’t even get to character select.

Pinging the server shows ZERO packet loss, so I think that pretty much shoots down the usual Anet explanation.
What I’m seeing from others’ reports above seems to show no significant packet loss problems either.

Mystery boxes? They changed the spawn :(

in Wintersday

Posted by: PurpleBoo.3961


Princess Dolls – HORROR. I’m geared with master level armor (level 14) and died in 3 seconds after opening a box with level 2 dolls. Tried with a group of THREE of us on a box with level 5 dolls. All of us died in about 5 seconds, and didn’t kill a single doll. So far 7 boxes opened with dolls, 7 deaths. Toy Ventari are actually nicely soloable at lower levels. But those dolls need to be squished. Their awesome regen rate is not much of a help either.

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: PurpleBoo.3961


Just about the same. Near the end, lag got so bad I was disconnected. Logged back in and found myself in an overflow that had finished the event. Tried reconnecting in hopes of ending up in an overflow that hadn’t finished, but no luck. What a total waste of those hours.

New Zone Difficulty

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: PurpleBoo.3961


The thing that confuses me is that I keep getting hit by DoTs and have no idea what is attacking me. No red circles on the ground, no direct attack from the mob. Difficulty overall is OK. I do have to check the level, since some are 84s but the 80’s I can solo, barely, most of the time (with a ranger). Guardian dies fast. 1 shot death every time in the maze where you collect golem parts, with any character.

I find the new map to be small

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: PurpleBoo.3961


6 waypoints that I know of, one of which I can’t reach yet. COOL new ranger pet. DEs every 2-3 minutes somewhere. Not so bad so far. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Killing veteran mobs was a waste of time

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: PurpleBoo.3961


Did thousands of points of damage to each veteran mob. Not once did I get any experience (and of course no drops). Why? Presumably I didn’t do a high enough overall percentage damage. Given that there were lots of people hitting each one, it seems likely that very few people got any reward.
After a few of these, i went back to killing the regular mobs, where I could do enough damage to get some experience and the occasional drop (got a lovely level 1 warhammer……….).
Suggest that they consider that the decision point for damage yielding experience be modified to take into account how many people are hitting the mobs as well as percentage of total damage.