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Constant Crashes after HoT Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Putbroekerpwnage.2816


Had the same issue, fixed it by reinstalling. I think one of the patches may have corrupted some game files. Repairing the client didn’t work for me but considering I couldn’t play properly anyway a full reinstall was an option.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Putbroekerpwnage.2816


I too am stuck in the prologue. Would be great if you could actually completely quit out of it, pretty sure that might fix it. Unfortunately you can only put it on hold so you are still stuck with the same issue.

In addition the expansion (didn’t notice it on the first few builds, only started noticing after 19:00 UTC orso) is constantly crashing. It seems to only happen with a lot of people around. So world bosses (missed out on Karka Queen credit, also missed out on the Taidha Covington chest even though I got the loot from her corpse) but also started getting it in Lion’s Arch/Silverwastes as well now. Up to the point that the game is completely unplayable. The message when it kicks me out is lost connection but the game instantly crashes after returning to character select.
I’ve checked and it isn’t my internet disconnecting so it’s an issue with the game.
Had no issues before today.