Showing Posts For PvPizza.5167:
Thank you both.
Could either of you clarify if they are both good at AoE or Single target burst?
Sorry if this has been asked before. I’m just after a more recent answer
Which class is capable of the highest burst damage both single target and AoE?
By this I mean the ability to kill a single target or group quickly? I’m not concerned about defensive capability, just raw burst. Nothing else.
in game options, theres a drop down menu for ground targeting with 3 choices on the first page. the one thats alone. select fast with range indicator instead of normal. turn off melee attack assist too if thats on (the last check box in that section).
next, bind 6-0 (and f1, conditionally) to your mouse. if you dont have enough buttons put as many as you can.
if youre able to do all of this, turn on free camera (right above ground target dropdown). not strictly necessary, but can be useful. takes some getting used to.
often times new players miss these options since theyre in the options menu instead of the hero panel, but theyll drastically improve your experience with nades. if youve done most/all of this already and still dont like nades… yeah try another build.
Thanks for the help. I’ve played MMOs before so I was familiar with the key bindings and the free camera but not the range indicator. That really helped
Hello all
New player and newer engineer here!
So I’ve been trying to find a spec to learn how to PvP with this profession. The problem is, I’m finding grenades hard to use.
What’s a simple to play spec that will help me learn the profession without grenandes? Or could you offer tips on how to use grenades properly? I tend to aim where I think the opponent will be but they take so long to land
Thanks for that
So just to confirm. I enter the heart of the mists, by the low level gear and weapons. Setup my runes, sigils and traits and i’m good to go?
Hello all
Long time listener, first time caller
I’ve been enjoying GW2 for 2 months. Already a lot more enjoyable than that ‘other’ MMO.
Here’s my question. Can GW2 be played purely as a PVP game? I’ve done my share of leveling characters and exploring worlds and I like that you can just hop into pvp will all your skills and traits ready to use. I tend to just hot join matches and i’m happy with that for now. So:
1. With an aim to PVP, do I need to do any PVE content before jumping into PVP?
2. Do I need to collect any specific gear before pvping?
3. Does any PVE content need to be done before doing WvW?
Hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance for any help and advice