Showing Posts For Qaia.7523:
Hmm ok. I could just be remembering it incorrectly. I thought you could replay the personal story. Oh well, ok. Thanks.
I stopped playing the game about midway into Chapter 4 a long time ago and I’m just coming back to the game now. I’d like to just re-play everything from the beginning to get back into the story instead of just reading the recaps. Is there a way I can do this?
(edited by Qaia.7523)
Thanks. I pre-purchased GW2 before its release in 2012, so my account currently has 5 character slots by default. Took a massively long break from the game and just getting back into it now, so I wasn’t sure how things work with the new expansion. I’m guessing the added single character slot will appear this week or next.
I just purchased the Standard Edition of HoT and noticed that I was granted 4 extra character slots which were labelled “beta”. Will I get to keep these 4 slots once the game goes live having only purchased the Standard Edition, or are they just temporary during beta and will be lost upon release of the game? Would I need to upgrade to something like Deluxe in order to keep these 4 slots?
Thanks for the replies everyone! So I’ll go ahead with the hair kit in that case. Much appreciated!
Maybe another approach would be if I use a Dragon Mask or Phantom’s Hood? Would either of those be compatible to use with the outfit?
I just purchased the Imperial outfit for my Norn Elementalist and really like the blue theme I’m using for it. However, it clashes with one portion of my character still visible from my initial character creation, namely the hair band at the top of the head, which is a purplish hue. I’d like to redo that part and make it blue to fit the outfit theme. My question is, having not used any kits before, which would I need to purchase, the self-style hair or the total makeover? I’m not certain if the hair kit also covers the accessory in question. I’m happy with the way the character looks in every other respect and don’t want to change it – just the color of the band. Here is a picture of what it currently looks like:
Not having the dexterity of younger players, and losing more money than I would like repairing my armour, I decided to enter the instance wearing no armour at all. This way I can endlessly attempt the first part and die as many times as I want without having to worry about costly repairs.
The first time I died, I was resurrected at a spawn point on the OTHER side of the chasm, thereby skipping the entire part where the wind blows.
Does no armour = all armour broken = you suck, so we’ll give you a break and advance you? If so, then this should be changed. Players should still have to actually manually do all parts of this storyline, but not be put in a position that can waste a lot of money on costly armour repairs.
I just checked. It seems that this is in fact the case. The armour I mentioned in the OP is level 36. It turns out that the colouring scheme from my previous armour contained peach-coloured dye and that this new particular armour type is a one-piece for panties + legs, with the colouring auto-applied when I upgraded my armour. Nonetheless, the devs might want to consider redoing this type of armour for the model since peach (or any flesh-coloured) dye really makes the character look nude.
The “Strong Magician Legs” armour doesn’t have panties. This is ever so prominent while diving/swimming. Given the way it’s portrayed, I’m going to venture a guess that this would put the game in the 18+ rating.
Not wanting to post this material publicly or do something that would compromise my account, if a moderator wants to send me a pm (with appropriate proof of credentials), I can send a screen capture via pm of what I mean.
I would really, really, really like to see the auto-zooming of the camera removed when the camera is rotated.
The camera should remain the same distance from the character upon 360 degrees rotation.
It is really, really, really annoying when trying to access certain vistas and regions that require more intricate jumping skills to have the camera keep zooming in and out while rotating the camera trying to position the character for the next sequence in the jump.
Whatever distance the camera is zoomed at, keep that distance upon rotation.
I unlocked Become the Raven and Become the Wolf. However, I find that these skills are underwhelming in terms of power output, and the cooldown time of 200 pretty much makes them skills of last resort while everything else is cooling down and I’m low on health.
I play mostly using double daggers. Does anyone have any suggestions how to use these two skills efficiently (for any combination of daggers, focus, scepter, and staff) and what my next skill purchase should be, i.e., Become the Bear, Conjure Fiery Greatsword, or Glyph of Elementals from tier 1 or save up to unlock one of the tier 2 skills Tornado or Become the Snow Leopard? I’m hesitating to save up 30 points for a tier 2 skill if I can be better served with unlocking more of the utility skills. I’m actually finding my utility skills more useful than the elite skills (for example, Arcane Power and Call Wurm).
With regards to boss fights, my opening strategy is usually the following:
1. Attune to air with scepter in main hand and focus in off-hand.
2. Use Utility Arcane Power for 5 hits of critical damage.
3. Use Lightning Strike with a series of Arc Lightning.
4. Summon a Wurm for distraction and additional damage.
5. Use Gale to knock the Boss down.
I also have Mist Form equipped in order to get to safe distance if I take damage. I also put trait points into Water so that you can attune to water to regenerate health. You can also use Signet of Restoration to gain health with every magic cast. After the initial salvo, I usually switch to Fire or Earth, cycle through the spells of those, then go back to Air. Gale + Wurm + Arcane Power + Lightning Strike is a lethal combo.