FSP Server.
Showing Posts For Questular.8359:
FSP Server.
Vaanss is an awesome warrior roamer imo (EU)
FSP Server.
I used to do some casual pvp on my neco (powermancer if i am not mistaking).
Now i am looking for a decent build for my necro for solo q and hotjoin. Is powernecro still viable or has the “meta” changed and if so does some1 have some different viable build for me?
FSP Server.
no one roams on power necro anymore qq
I roam on my staff/dagger/dagger necro, so far i havent met another necro like me roaming. Its always Mesmers, Thiefs or in general condi builds
FSP Server.
All this QQ over a game, it’s funny and sad at the same time….
FSP Server.
Had fun, hope you all also had some fun Cya next time on the battlefield
FSP Server.
The reason why desolation is pulling ahead now is FSP is way too weak, they provide free ppt. With AG and AM, they could cap their stuffs back and not let desolation keep free pts for several hours.
FSP too weak eh. Thank your oceanic Pain Train karma train who’s strong opponent is a Veteran guard. PT zerg is so bad, any equal number of pugs can wipe them. Sadly FSP or even mighty Gandara don’t have coverage at 7 am. Last night, late, we repelled 3 consecutive attacks on FSP garri simply by wiping you, including omega rush and 2 way attacks. But we lost it eventually as people went to sleep at 3 AM. So my friend, enjoy while it lasts. Get your silver dolyak, and then, really hope you guys get rolfstomped by Vizunah and Baruch once the leagues are over.
Want tissues?, before you go and call other guilds bad you might want to look at your own Guild you guys posed no challenge to us at all. But i would like to thank Yakslappers which is probably the strongest guild i have faced during this match up.
Tbh there is not that much fun fighting the deso zergs, most FSP guilds run alone with groups up to 25 players. When facing a Deso zerg of 50 people fights tend to get boring….
FSP Server.
nvm, enjoying the fights
FSP Server.
(edited by Questular.8359)
What a fun match-up thread..
Instead of reading all that: Why not look at SoD’s fun Last night <3
Hahaha nice
FSP Server.
Deso and Gandara attacking SM with FSP defending it omg dubbleteam!!!
Great fights so far
FSP Server.
GL to all servers, seems like FSP can be a deciding part here, ill accept payments of 100 gold per day to pressure 1 of those 2 servers
Nah just have fun all
FSP Server.
Thx for all the great fights tonight at FSP border, had a blast!
FSP Server.
Gl to all in this match-up. Respect for the UW players still doing their best.
FSP Server.
I was mainly referring to the fight we had near the Wurm at North Bay. We [TEO] didn’t have enough people for a proper raid so we did an open raid with Commander Tag up.
So you expect guilds to make the difference between pugs zergs and guilds with pugs zergs ?
I understand that if you see two clearly defined guilds with equal numbers that clash, than they could be left alone, but even so it’s hard to say how “even it is”.
Now if you have a tag up with pugs, it means you play to win the fights, get more PPT (because otherwise you would’ve ran with fewer guildies) and therefore not to have nice fights. So please don’t blame guilds for attacking guilds with pugsBy the time PunK arrived, there were no pugs alive with us. It was just TEO+some stragglers (PAIN ran with some VotF too).
But nevermind, the only people who could understand this are PAIN guys, I’ve yet to see a FSP guild behaving nicely as they all blob up and care only about loot.On another note, please show up at Deso Windmill from 6-8PM UTC if you are interested in some nice duels.
That’s quite the statement you are making, FSP has a lot of guilds that run solo and only group up if it’s realy needed but i guess you figured out the whole server in these couple of days. Well done.
FSP Server.
Booooooring, only “roaming runners” or “roaming groups” so far. You get damage you run get 4 of 5 of your friend and comeback. Ow and Thor thief i facemelted in a 1 vs 1, dont jump my corpse if you and your 5 friend down me.
FSP Server.
(edited by Questular.8359)
i’ve seen Zord posting in other match-ups and all i can say is : dont waste your time…..
FSP Server.
I just want to thank AG and Gandara for the fight, i won’t be online before the reset Had some great fights and eventhough we could not keep up with your scores i had a great week
FSP Server.
A bit disapointed with the “roamers” so far (today) i encounterd people running away comming back with 3 or 4 friends, 1 person actually building a balista in a tower to i guess defend it from my 1 man army and if i find a roamer it’s 1 of 3 classes.
1. perma stealth thief
2. condi engi
3. condi nerco
Kinda dull vs my dps mesmer.
FSP Server.
corpse jumping while downing me 4 vs 1 Gandara? Stay classy
FSP Server.
Great fights in Gandara border, even with all the skillag ging on the 3 way fight in hills was epic!
FSP Server.
Well done slav spawncamping pugs
Might be playing Devil’s Advocate here but you got 2 other exists from spawn.
As you can see on your mini-map.Cheerio
and that is supposed to make a spawncamping action less lame? dont think so.
FSP Server.
gonna get my roaming on, cya on the gandara or ag border
think ill better replace roaming with running., so far i only meet roaming party’s because it seems running around alone is scary?
FSP Server.
(edited by Questular.8359)
Seems we can shake hands then, i just ran away from 10 AG just to be killed by 10 Gandara
Got some nice duel’s today. Special thx to the dawn mesmers i duelled. All those interuptions…. but still we managed to fight wp
btw love to fight against players of the TUP and Dawn guild!
FSP Server.
(edited by Questular.8359)
Our dream match-up I am glad we can field more players this time. And no matter who wins i know we will have a great time this week.
I will be roaming your borders today and tommorow. Look out for the bald bearded human mesmer in black/gold. I am not a realy good roamer but i am always in for a fight
FSP Server.
thx for the fights and gl to both server in the rest of the league
FSP Server.
Had a realy nice duell vs a FR Engineer, to bad 2 of FSP players jumped in. (im the bald bearded mesmer with all the irritating pistol clones
Sorry that you got jumped.
FSP Server.
OMG, the BLaOaB speak ? i think i don’t hear correctly.
Yesterday on FR bl we were 22 aZm, but and i want an answer, how many AoA + pugs how many ? how many arrow cart, balista on supply camp and bay?
What do you want ? we put 30 ac on every tower and we wait you come and you wipe in 3,0s chrono like in garrison ? or you want a gvg 20v20 the next week and i hope you don’t fear the proposition.WTF, xXx you play good and fight very hard but your mentality is the baddest, this week no one see a xxx raid guild…… oh wait one anouce, many had see xxx in the blob, like yesterday with the BLaOaB
we run with about 10.000 members every night….
We clearly outnumber your solo roaming guild
Just enjoy this match-up. You and we (Fsp) can’t complain. The people who have the right to complain are the UW players and yet those people just suck it up and fight as hard as they can. Kuddo’s for UW.
FSP Server.
(edited by Questular.8359)
oh the FS kitten talk~
they win because of absurd coverage during prime time and cry because other server has better coverage during night time… hypocrisy?
suddenly they wanna fight 1v1, what?? i thought wvw was about team fight not 1v1; i wonder if ppl realize that some team builds don’t work so well in 1v1 situation (cough staff guards for example); want to brag about 1v1? go do some spvp
as for fighting FS during prime time, we can’t even if we wanted to simply because our actual main group would never fit in one map during prime (back on IOJ we used to be able to queue entire BL by ourself), in fact we probably would sit in queue untill night time (which is usually the case atm when we tried to wvw earlier)
stop crying, sieg up and deal with it like every NA server did when they faced SoS (in case you don’t know, SoS is really weak during NA prime time but has absurd coverage during night time due to being pure oceanic)
lol that last phrase is hilarious. Ever checked the NA tier 1/2 match-up topics on GW2 site? If there is a place where people cry, can’t deal with it, accuse people of spying, pvdooring and TS ddosing it’s there. I agree that people should not complain but you’ve made a bad example
FSP Server.
FR you have the highest population of mesmers ive ever seen on a server
FSP Server.
Guise guise, relax! Things are getting very tense here! Breath in, breath out, sing along with us! Have some funky TDA banana time!
In other words, here’s my weekend roaming video. I had tons of fun :>
Nice Care to share what build you are using? I got a lvl 80 ranger sitting in LA waiting for a fun build to roam WvW in
FSP Server.
(edited by Moderator)
As far as FR “running” from fights, yesterday on UW border (i am not that good in remembering guilds names) aZm and Rtct (bet those nams ar wrong) always stopped and fight. Haven’t seem them running.
FSP Server.
Nice fights on UW border, UW showed us they still have a fighting spirit and pretty nice numbers at least in UW border. GG all.
FSP Server.
15 chars…….
FSP Server.
(edited by Questular.8359)
I feel sorry for UW, the people in UW playing GW2 for WvW are going to have a hard time… gl to those who try to fight
FSP Server.
A question for the FR night crew, obviously you dont get much resistance from FSP and UW seeing you tick 600 in the morning, and let me be clear about this i would love to have a nightcrew like that on FSP, but isn’t it kinda boring for you? I bet you like the fights as much as any other player in this match-up and i seems there is not much fighting going on at night. I hope you find some good fights vs opponents with a good nightcrew
Yes we do love to fight just as much as everyone else and yes for me and I’m sure others it does get boring. I also hope we see a server with a night crew so we can have fights for more then 2 to 3 hours. It is very ironic that the server that hit us up last week about covering 75% of our transfer is the one QQing about being night capped.
If wonder where you see mee qq-ing, i just asked a question to bad you have to end your awnser like that… I couldnt care less about the ppt and therefor couldnt care less wether we ppt hight during the night or you…
FSP Server.
A question for the FR night crew, obviously you dont get much resistance from FSP and UW seeing you tick 600 in the morning, and let me be clear about this i would love to have a nightcrew like that on FSP, but isn’t it kinda boring for you? I bet you like the fights as much as any other player in this match-up and i seems there is not much fighting going on at night. I hope you find some good fights vs opponents with a good nightcrew
FSP Server.
nice fights at Miller border
FSP Server.
So far ive seen a lot of FR players not knowing the meaning of a fair 1 vs 1 fight. Stay classy, if you see people duelling just walk past.
FSP Server.
Some intense fighting, had a blast gg GH and UW
FSP Server.
Quite the group you have at Bluewater GH Fury is a paintrain
FSP Server.
all those people bragging about how good they are…. I will post this only once and you can all spread the word. I am by far the most skilled GW2 player in this match-up, in this world, even in the entire universe. I’ve seen people complaining about an AoA war blob but if you look closer into this so-called blob you would see me, riding on a cripple unicorn casting rainbows and small lifestock upon my enemy’s with only a pancake and rubber chicken as weapons. Those people arround me are Wappyslacker’s kind of the "beliebers"in GW 2. I only use the power of perception to flip entire borders, i can kill zergs with only the sound of a whisper, i am the allmighty… And the best thing is that i don’t have a GW2 account let alone the auth to post on this forum… think about it, believe it, live it…
FSP Server.
Had fun on our HB with some great fights, this matchuo could provide all servers with some serious fun
FSP Server.
The WvW guilds of FSP are trying to get FSP back in shape again, i wonder if the Gandara players have noticed any form of improvement since the last time we met
FSP Server.
The sad part is that we (in our home border) even have a queue and still we (AoA) have to fight vs different guilds on our own…. no idea what the rest of the players is doing….
FSP Server.
Some good fights near Klovan
this is me always looking for a fair fight
Cya in game!
FSP Server.
Some good fights today, to bad we cant field a decent amount of players to cover more then 1 bg, gonna roam the bg’s with my mesmer. So be aware of the bald bearded human black mesmer :p
FSP Server.
Jumping me 2 vs 1 in a fight and when you finally down me /laugh? Classy Drakkar players….
FSP Server.
As for benefit, What benefit does running away give?
is it rewarded with badges and wxp and realm points? same as kiling a player, capping a tower, camp is? Thought not, you wouldn’t understand i guess.
Well… yes, running away to a group about to capture a tower/keep/camp does indeed award that :P
And seriously, (Almost) everyone from Kale, DW and Punk runs a teambuild. There is no point to fight back against roamers.
Please tell me more of those excuses about teambuilds vs roamers.
Learn making a build that fits roaming and zerging, saves you money and trouble.
“Oh kitten it’s a roamer! q.q I must run away to my buddies so my build works”
“Oh kitten it’s a roamer! q.q I must run away to citadel, go to my bank grab my other gear and food and go to the retrainer to get my other build. Oh noes it’s the wrong build must run back grab the other gear set and build.”Please tell me more.
No offence, but thats how I’m reading this, nothing more than crying in a corner.
Ps. Punk and Kale not only run teambuilds (aparantly), but their also the most hand holding guilds I’ve ever seen. You never see either one atacking alone.
I got 2 sets of gear and 2 builds, 1 for WvW and one for roaming. Both builds are better then a mixed build for both. And tbh when i stumble across a person with a WvW build i tend to face melt them in seconds. So pls tell me about those great mixed builds i would love to see those builds in action vs my 1 vs 1 build.
FSP Server.
Is Dzagonur anti-roaming??
Because i’m getting hunted on your borderlands. The only thing i’m doing there is looking for 1v1’s. If i find them you guys interfere when passing by or bring the zerg to kill me. Pretty sad dont you think?
Allthough i have to say it really made me laugh when you brought your zerg along to kill me. I take it as a compliment.
Take care.
Seems like it, havent been able to find 1 1 vs 1 with a Dz player today. Found enough 5 to 10 player hunting party’s….
FSP Server.