Showing Posts For Quickener.8597:

Survivor Achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Quickener.8597


Survivor achievement is not working right still. Finished dungeon went to another map to continue increasing survivor title, I did not die in between, and it did not increase. Is it supposed to reset each time you go to a waypoint or another map? Just wondering since it is for not dying and doesn’t say going to another map or waypoint will reset it.

Dynamic Events, AoE and Loot.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Quickener.8597


turn off diminshed returns for events. just ban the bots don’t put random punishments for players in a game where events are supposed to be played. diminshed returns is the most absurd idea in video game history. fix it. today.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quickener.8597


ya please post the times for each dungeon path that you guys want so we can sit and wait until the timer expires so that we can get the rewards we deserve and have earned w/e the antiexploit. 3 dungeons in 4 hrs i guess is too fast. mail my tokens to me that i earned that the supposed reward system was supposed to give me. i will post every dungeon i do on here so that you can mail them to me when you “fix” the dungeons reward system again. if that isnt going to be possible send each player some gems or gold to compensate for this ongoing mess that have missing tokens. fix the rewards system before any other maintenance or issue and also chests need to reward tokens again because obviously this is just wasting players time and effort. if i get dc’d or kicked you will just have to mail me the full rewards everytime since you guys just keep making everything worse and worse everyday. speedclearing—-pah its week clearing now just to get tokens.

(edited by Quickener.8597)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quickener.8597


Cof path 2 first run of the day=45 tokens
Cof path 2 second run of the day= 10 tokens
AC path 2 first run of the day=15 tokens
so does that mean anet will mail the rest?
everyone else in party got 60 for first run and 22 for 2nd on cof and 60 for ac first run this needs fixed ASAP. also drop the amount of enemies at bomb plant forced to kite still too many kds and enemies have too many hp to kill outright. also nothing but blues from all 3 runs this needs patched also. anet owes me minimum of 25 tokens for cof and 45 for ac from today i expect them mailed as of tomorrow when i login. thanks.
cof run 1 was completed at around 530pm pst cof 2nd run was completed around 615 pm pst and ac was completed at around 715 pm pst today

(edited by Quickener.8597)

[Bug] Citadel of Flame explorable exploit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Quickener.8597


i just wanted clarification from anet on what to do about bugged dungeons ie arah, cof, and hotw. where you can jump over stuff and skip stuff. was this intentional in design is it classified as an exploit in anets opinion as do alot of guildies. i am i guess just done with all dungeons from now on since they are all broken in some way. i don’t wanna get banned for bad patches or programming within those dungeons. I would like a reply from anet. DOES ANET STAFF WANT ALL PLAYERS TO STOP RUNNING DUNGEONS THAT ARE BROKEN OR BUGGED OR ABLE TO JUMP CHALLENGE ON SOME PATHS? please reply so that i as a player know exactly what to do in these situations. thanks.

[Bug] Citadel of Flame explorable exploit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Quickener.8597


i was wondering what us as players are supposed to do the dungeon is still open and groups only do this. do you not want players to do this? i could not find anything on here and groups say its ok. i want tokens to get my armor but im just wondering what exactly to do. wait for a fix? and also please fix magg on explosive bomb returns sometimes quest wont start. communication to us as players about what yall as designers want would be appreciated. i have ran the dungon since i cant find a group doing any other way than this. if you would like us to stop running cof please say so or lock the event blocking the dungeon so noone can enter. ive been an avid guild wars player since 2007 and hate to see bugs and glitches and programming errors effect gameplay.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quickener.8597


i dont mind the difficulty its spending too much silver on repairs (say 20s in repairs for hard dungeon) and getting lol 2s or 6s or even 13s for the dungeon that is the problem. since dungeons are supposed to be the best way to earn exp/gold/tokens then if you are spending more money than the dungeon gives u then there is no point to it. difficulty is fine some dungeons should be harder than others but not all should have 1 hit and 15k hp char dies. especially for a lvl 80 doing a lvl 30 dungeon. if there was no repair fees in a dungeon they can reward me with w/e because then i would actually be rewarded for doing the dungeon. for example kill a boss get a free repair for each boss killed to prevent exploiting the free repairs in a dungeon.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quickener.8597


I did a few CoF runs today magg bomb part requires dying trillions of times to complete if you are in a pug group. spend more silver than i earn in dungeon. mobs hit too much, do too much stun and kd’s. drops are terribad. did ac right after got 2s for completing for first time. dungeons are the best ways to earn gold experience and tokens… are we talking about guild wars 2 or a game in development noone has ever played? i will never ever buy gems from anet. hard to find groups now for dungeons noone wants to do them. people are starting to get scarce in servers since worst patch in history. if you want a dungeon to be not a grind then make it require less tokens for each piece. grinding was not intention… hmm actually it was, everything about endgame is grinding. if some dungeons are easier than others who cares? if i omg make a gold piece, who cares? if i get dungeon armor quickly, omg who cares? o wait i didnt spend money on gems for it must patch to fix that. would not want to “circumvent normal rewards” ya normal rewards=money from my wallet. circumvent=earn without money from my wallet. fix this so that u lose no more players eventually noone will be playing where is the “fun” in that???

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quickener.8597


im just wondering how farming a dungeon to get the 1300 tokens for armor plus the 390 for a weapon and actually breaking even on repair costs or making a few silver is circumventing a normal reward. and also how is getting that many tokens not a grind. if it isnt your intention to make it a grind dont diminish returns on dungeon rewards….increase them. take out the crudy repair costs then and the waypoint fees then if you decide to decrease the rewards that would make sense. as of now cannot find a cof dungeon group or any other for that matter. since running dungeons to earn gear or silver is circumventing normal rewards how do we get gold? other than buying it from anet? and dont even say farm events 1 silver per event is stupid. and on top of that if dungeons are part of the natural order of earning experience and gold how do we do that if…
1) dungeon impossible to complete due to KD and 1 shot/2shot
2) repair costs are far higher than dungeon reward
3) no groups due to faulty diminishing return program
4) dungeons require 50+ grinds to get a set
5) with diminishing returns now require 100 times that amount of time to get armor set
6) tokens for legendary require dungeon grinding—nogroups=nolegendaries
7) casual players cant ever complete a dungeon
8) anti event farming bots decrease more rewards
9) bugs or exploits may or may not get players randomly banned
10) programmers and developers obviously never played guild wars 2 in any way shape or form
11) characters take entirely too much damage from enemies due to faulty level scaling and op’d enemies
12) too many enemies with too high hit points fighting 5 people
13) entirely too much dying game sets you up to do nothing except spend silver you earned and die 50 times to complete a “challenging” dungeon
14) dungeons are not challenging just some require repeated dying/respawning and run back due to insufficient healing
15) no straight healing class tank class and dps class like in other mmos

i could go on but i wont. change dungeons back to how they were…increase rewards from dungeons like tokens… get rid of repair and waypoint fees
if you do this then players would be happy
there is no for the player in guild wars 2 and unless something changes there will be no players in guild wars 2

Fix the Dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Quickener.8597


what 1 silver an event dungeons u give the repair guy more silver than you receive bah need 1000g per char for legendary tis stupid 100s=1gold so spend 100 hours for 1 gold forgot that noise.

Fix the Dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Quickener.8597


there should be no reason to not make money to play a dungeon. spending more money than you make on repairs is stupid. patching in a speed farming detector was stupid. how am i supposed to make any gold to pay for anything? how am i supposed to earn tokens for armor? how do i find a group now that you get nothing from a dungeon but oooo 3 silver. how much do i spend… 30 silver. just take the repair fees and waypoint fees out of the game. no more of that crap if you want people to not try to earn gold. i am not a gold farmer i want to have fun running dungeons. if i have no silver left how can i craft anything or teleport or do wvwvw or do story or repair or anything? how do i earn this?? oh yeah i spend real life money to buy gold….
take out the armor repair and waypoint fees, put the cof dungeon back to how it was, take out the speed run detector, decrease the healing cooldown to 5 seconds since armor rating means 0 in gw2 only limiting players access to gold or silver mean anything. fix this today immediately before u have no players left to play your game.

The CoF Buff: My opinions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quickener.8597


here is an idea evryone likes to do different things me personally i like to farm dungeons and earn money. there is no other way to make money since everything costs silver ie teleporting, armor repairs that cost around 20s for higher end armor everytime it breaks. i want to do dungeons and make more money than i spend on armor repairs what is the point of you do a dungeon and spend 20s just to run it. cof offers nothing now except spending money leave it the way it was let players actually earn money if thats what they wanna do. where do you earn gold in gw2???? from your actual pocketbook in real life. they have anti farming stuff hmm well what if i want to do events in the area my level is hmm im srry u have done those a cpl times u get nothing here spend more gold. never have i played a game this condescending towards players. DO NOT PATCH THE GAME TO MAKE PEOPLE SPEND REAL LIFE MONEY TO GET GOLD. game geared towards players right maybe geared towards their pocketbooks. fix what you patched or take out armor repair and waypoint fees all together. doesnt matter if you have lots of gold who cares. make the game player friendly and what players want not what some random developer wants. thanks

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quickener.8597


0/10 decreased silver per run in cof after 4 runs only get 3 silver for a run that costs you 20 in repairs due to die fiesta game breaking patch. way to make everything about doing dungeons or making money impossible. need more healing skills more effective armor ratings on armor and less bugs. It was not broke dont fix it period. if this is how players are treated for playing gw2 then why bother.