Showing Posts For Quixilver.6307:

What ascended armor should I get?

in Ranger

Posted by: Quixilver.6307


@felixdacat: Because I have nothing else to do.

@Taku: sounds nice but I want to use the armor for wvw as well.

What ascended armor should I get?

in Ranger

Posted by: Quixilver.6307


I am currently using exotic soldier for my armors and ascended berserker for trinkets and weapons. I use both bows for range and a greatsword for melee. My traits are 30/25/0/15/0.

Should I stick and make an ascended soldier set? Or should I make a sentinel one for survivability? I mostly play PVE .

Q: If I char select with a reward screen open

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quixilver.6307


will I be able to receive it using another char?

Why did I ask that? There was a time when a friend of mine was asking me to join his FOTM group. I was farming COF then. Naturally I would be in a hurry so after I defeated the boss I left the reward screen open. Upon exiting the dungeon the reward screen is still there.

Sum1 here have a full FlameT engi? Pls help.

in Engineer

Posted by: Quixilver.6307


Personally I like it. #1 is great for laying on the damage if a mob gets close, then hit #3 to push ‘em back and up the burning damage. The FT’s utility skill is perfect to use with the grenade kit for spreading out the burn damage to multiple mobs as well.

Hmm I see. And how much is the range of damage of the #1 skill of flame thrower?

Sum1 here have a full FlameT engi? Pls help.

in Engineer

Posted by: Quixilver.6307


As the title said. I need to know if it would be effective. Like how much damage the auto attack would do, etc.

Q: Temple of Grenth: What server has it open?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quixilver.6307


Sorry in advance if I posted on a wrong section. I don’t wanna risk my two guests so I need to know exactly what server has it open/not contested right now?

New Colossus Rumblus

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quixilver.6307


I hate the path 2 and path 3 bosses. Path 2 boss needs ALOT of coordination which you can’t really expect from alot of people. Path 3 is just a huge pain in the kitten Warmaster Grant always fails to activate his bubble in time.

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: Quixilver.6307


For PvE:
Grenades: needs to have an autoattack like when you use it underwater.
A real ranged DPS toolkit: I played engi thinking it was a ranged class and to my suprise, only grenades are the viable ranged damage. Pistols… look like crap. Gatling gun toolkit anyone?

And Sigils please.