Showing Posts For RESISTOR.4587:

MSI Afterburner OSD Black Screen Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RESISTOR.4587


a new version of MSI Afterburner was released yesterday…v.2.3.0
if you already running this release, try “v.2.2.5 beta1”

Ah, sorry, I guess I completely forgot to mention. I first encounter the issue with Afterburner version 2.2.5 beta and then upgraded to 2.3.0 and I’m still having the issue.
Thanks for your thoughts, though.


MSI Afterburner OSD Black Screen Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RESISTOR.4587



I have found the issue, I changed the OSD rendering mode from Raster 3D to Vector 2D and now it is working just fine! I feel stupid for posting this now, thanks for your help everyone.

Hi there, I’m going to keep this as short as possible.

After the Lost Shores patch I’m getting a black screen and crash when I launch GW2 and have MSI Afterburner On Screen Display enabled, which I like to have enabled to monitor my custom fan speed profile, GPU temp, usage and FPS. I can play the game properly if I disable the On Screen Display before launching GW2, so I’m fairly certain that there is some kind of interference between the two programs in their current builds. I have not tried downgrading my drivers or version of Afterburner, I’m just wondering if anyone else is having this issue and if they know a fix for it. I can use the On Screen Display in other games, such as Battlefield 3 with no issue at all, so again, I’m pretty sure it is some conflict that was introduced in the Lost Shores patch. Thanks for reading, have a great day.

Specs, if it matters.

  • Intel Core i7 2600k (stock speeds/default settings, turbo boost enabled)
  • MSI P67a-GD55 B3 stepping [BIOS v1.9]
  • Corsair Vengeance 4GB 1600MHz RAM
  • MSI GTX 570 (stock/default speeds) [nVidia driver 310.61]
  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) SP1
  • Western Digital Black 7200RPM 640 GB HDD (where GW2/Windows are installed)
  • 1920×1080 Resolution monitor

(edited by RESISTOR.4587)

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RESISTOR.4587


Jumped in game to test as soon as I saw this post, I just wanted to share my feedback. I am very happy with this change. I was really hoping that some FOV tweak would come along and for a while it seemed like it wouldn’t. I can’t express how happy I am, thank you so much ArenaNet for listening to community feedback. I really appreciate that you developers are willing to do what it takes to make this game the absolute best it can be. I’d have to say that one of my biggest complaints was the FOV setting, now I will be able to enjoy this game every more than before. It would be really cool to be able to adjust the FOV in game with some kind of toggle or slider. Thanks again, keep up the great work.

Here are two snapshots I took right before and after the “beta” FOV setting was applied.

The first image is before, please note the Charr NPC on the far right side of the screenshot, he is bleeding off of the image (I framed him this way on purpose in anticipation of showing off the new FOV)

The second image is after the beta FOV setting is applied, you can see that same Charr NPC standing on the rock and he is no longer bleeding off the image. This is a significantly better FOV for my resolution of 1920×1080, much more enjoyable.

This is excellent progress ArenaNet, absolutely love it.



Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RESISTOR.4587


Thank you for taking the time to reply Jon, I’m happy to hear that the camera is going to be changed in the next build. However, I too am a little bit discouraged by the news on the FOV. I would like to hear a response to the FOV issue in regards to eyefinity/surround gaming setups, “window mode re sizing” and FOV mods.


Screen tearing after recent patch.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RESISTOR.4587


Hi there, I’ve noticed that I’m getting screen tearing when I have vertical sync enabled in game. The tearing was not there before the most recent patch, has anyone else noticed this? I’m running the game with a GTX 570 (306.23 WHQL drivers) at 1920×1080 60hz, high detail settings. I don’t think it is a hardware issue on my end because the GPU’s temperature never went over 60 degrees Celsius when I was playing.

Thanks for reading.


Camera Smoothing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RESISTOR.4587


I’m really glad that the camera is being looked at, I would LOVE the option to disable camera smoothing and increase the FOV. Those two things are really the only issues I have with the gamer, otherwise it’s quite amazing.


Camera-Related Issues: Compilation and Lengthy Anaylsis

in Suggestions

Posted by: RESISTOR.4587


Great post, I would love to see some changes to the current acceleration on the mouse movement as well as an FOV slider, in my opinion it would really make a much more comfortable gaming experience in GW2. Please consider this feedback ANet!



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RESISTOR.4587


Might as well start with my system specs, it’s not this year’s newest hardware but it certainly exceeds the minimum and recommended spec for the game.

  • Intel Core i7 2600k @ 3.4GHz (stock speeds/default settings, turbo boost enabled)
  • MSI P67a-GD55 B3 stepping [BIOS v1.9]
  • Corsair Vengeance 4GB 1600MHz RAM
  • MSI GTX 570 (stock/default speeds) [nVidia driver 306.02]
  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) SP1
  • Western Digital Black 7200RPM 640 GB HDD (where GW2/Windows are installed)
  • 1920×1080 resolution monitor

I play the game with every detail turned to maximum except for shadows on HIGH, render on NATIVE and reflections OFF. I do not use vsync in game, I force ADAPTIVE vsync within the nVidia driver panel. Normally I can maintain a relatively smooth 60 FPS in normal situations when I’m exploring and finishing heart quests. I do notice rather large FPS drops when I rapidly turn my camera 180 degrees. I haven’t tried any PVP of any description just yet but I have also noticed considerable and consistent FPS drops when there is a large amount of players on the screen for a dynamic event or within the game’s populated cities.

Something interesting to note, I just recently upgraded my monitor to 1920×1080 resolution this week. Before I was playing on an older model 19", which ran a native resolution of 1360×768. I am running GW2 on the same graphical settings as I was before and there is little to no difference in performance even though the 1080p monitor is double the resolution for the GPU to drive. The GPU hovers around ~50% usage at both resolutions. I may be underestimating the problem, but this seems to me like the game may not be utilizing the GPU hardware as efficiently as it could be.

