Showing Posts For RJ Zephyroth.6473:

Switching from Condition to Phantasmal build.

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

Since I’m bored with my Full Rabid 0/20/25/0/25, I’ve decided to switch to a Phantasmal build. I’ll be getting Soldier-prefix type Dungeon Armor (Power/Vitality/Toughness) with Berserker weapons and accessories.

Critique please.

Scepter Suggestion #X

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

Actually, my concept did not involve the creation of any dummy clones, as such, when clone capacity is full. It should just generate the shatter effect on the target, not in an AOE.
Your idea is pretty awesome. I like the concept of wreaking some AOE chaos on the battlefield, given that lack of AOE damage is one of our primary shortcomings. I, as a condition Mesmer, would love it. The only problem I could find with that is the positioning of the clones. Since we can’t micro-control, and most clones/phantasms have iffy positioning, not to consider phantasms like the Sword and Pistol ones, whose idea is to stay out of enemy reach, achieving true condition control would be distracting, considering we Mesmers already have enough on our minds to think about in PvP and PvE, without worrying about illusion positions.

Scepter Suggestion #X

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

Autoattack: If you are at maximum clone capacity, instead of generating a new clone on the last attack, it could proc shatter effect of the last shatter type used by the player, for the duration of a 1-clone shatter, i.e, 1 second. Default shatter effect could be Mind Wrack.
Maybe even clone-on death traits, but that would be too OP.

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

My humble Nazgul-esque, or so I’ve been told.
I’m just stoked I was able to make my toon look the way I wanted without much investment. Love you guys at ANet.

Love your mesmer’s look! I wish female light armor looked as good as male.

Thanks a lot
It’s not very costly either, disregarding the Dungeon Set.
Full HotW armor, only I transmuted the helm and leggings with Order of Whispers skins.

Is a Greatsword viable for a Condition Build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

What the topic says. I’m running a 0/25/25/0/20 build, and I really miss using a GS.

nice level 80 outfit for mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

Go with what you like. It doesn’t even have to be incredibly expensive, you can just pick up bits and pieces from various styled and make your own. My style must have cost me around 6 gold, max. On top of my Dungeon Set, of course.

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

My humble Nazgul-esque, or so I’ve been told.
I’m just stoked I was able to make my toon look the way I wanted without much investment. Love you guys at ANet.


[Crystal Desert] DIVE into Divinity's Echo

in Guilds

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

Guild Name: Divinitys Echo
Guild Tag: [DIVE]
World: Crystal Desert

For those looking for the most pwng 1337-h4xx0r guild ever made in the history of
For those who seek glory and fame through complete and utter domination of the game population…
For those seeking to establish their supremacy with equipment that have a kittenload of
numbers stacked on them…
For those who find joy in roflstomping helpless souls and such….
Sorry, that guild is around the corner.
On every block, ever.

Welcome to Divinity’s Echo. We are not legion. Not yet. But we can be. A fun one. One with cookies. And cake.The Cookie And Cake Legion. Which was almost our legit name. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
We’re looking for guys who put the ‘game’ in ‘gamers’, and the ‘fun’ in ‘dysfunctional’. The ones who value camaraderie over trivial selfish pursuits. The special ones who conduct fun conversations in chat, not those who spam “LFG FOTM NEED 3 FAST”. Not that it’s wrong, it’s just not the only thing that we look for in an MMO, and in the people we want to play them with. We’re a small community as of now, but we know that there are many more kindred spirits out there like us, who hearken to our call of brotherhood and friendship. If you are, you know what to do . While we are actively looking for players from Asia, in our timezone, other players are welcome to join us as well, we’re always open to good company.

For details and recruitment, contact Leaf Silverglen or Arjei Perennui in-game.

P.S While we refer to our guild as Divinity’s Echo, our guild in-game is actually ‘Divinitys Echo’, due to ANet’s technical restrictions. Apparently, ANet doesn’t favour special characters, and is of the opinion that all game characters should be equal. We love those guys.

(edited by RJ Zephyroth.6473)

Phantasmal Defender

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

I have specced for Toughness, in a Precision+Toughness+Condition Damage build, and I have a decent amount, 1.9k. So I was wondering, when I call out my Phantasmal Defender…. is the damage diverted to my Phantasm, half of my REDUCED received damage, which is further reduced by my Phantasm’s Toughness? If so, this could be an incredible pseudo-tank solution for us squishy ones (only have 15k HP).

Which traits for a condition build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

My build. Probably sucks, and definitely not one I’d recommend, but coupled with the other comments, it should give you a basic idea of at least which traitlines are to be focused on, for a Condition Build.

(edited by RJ Zephyroth.6473)

The Benefits of dating a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

Ladies gonna dress up them clones like the world’s ending in 6 days. Get ready to go bankrupt.

The Benefits of dating a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

This topic needs to be stickied.

‘Dine and Dash’ becomes a lot of easier. Pop out a clone, put a ‘stache on him, tell the waiter "He’s paying", rush out with your date, and shatter.

(edited by RJ Zephyroth.6473)

Toughness useful in dungeons?

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

I was originally planning to roll a Precision + Toughness + Condition Damage build, as I’ve posted earlier in this subforum. However, after some intense discussion with my guildies, I’m not sure that Toughness will be much help, since I’ve already put in 25 points in Toughness and I still seem to be as squishy as ever. However, I’m not yet level 80 and I don’t have the proper equips to justify this. So my question to you experienced Mesmers is, well, the title

My Condition Build. Critique please.

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

@Ushiromiya Xyrius.1470 : Yeah I know, tried getting into the sword playstyle, it’s just not for me. And it’s not like Scepter is ridiculously underpowered, I actually find it easier to fight most PvE mobs with Scepter, given the proper setup. If I manage to kite correctly and produce clones effectively, my clones do all the tanking for the first half of the battle, and the conditions take care of the second half :P
The only problem is, well, I wouldn’t mind a bit of AOE control…. Staff provides that, somewhat….. but that’s it. I switched out my Pistol for a Focus, with the reasoning that the Warden provides some decent AOE damage. Thankfully I have quite some experience with a Focus, so my Warden doesn’t die often

My Condition Build. Critique please.

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

A few questions I had about overall mechanics:
- Does vulnerability affect condition damage?
- What’s the average swing time on enemies in PvE? Would be great to know so we can compare Confusion’s damage in PvE with similar conditions like Bleeds (right now it seems balanced around a 3s swing time).
- Does Compounding Power affect condition damage?

- Vulnerablity does not affect condition damage.
- I dunno the exact swing time of mobs, but it’s way too slow for Confusion being worth it. That’s why Scepter is pretty worthless in PvE, it’s a PvP weapon (and even there it’s a weak weapon).
- I don’t know if Compounding Power affect condition damage, but I doubt it.
(edit: a quick test on dummy golems says no, it doesn’t affect it)

Sucks about the Scepter

No way I can pick the GS over the conditions laid on the opponent by the Phantasmal Duelist (Confusion+Bleed), and so I might have to consider using a sword…. which sucks, because I’m not speccing much into toughness or vitality, gear bonuses apart. Unless Exotic Armor bonuses compensate for that?

My Condition Build. Critique please.

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

Yeah, I’m sorry I forgot to mention, this is a primarily PvE build.
So the recommendations are
- Switch out the Mantra and Signet of Inspiration for something better.
- Illusionary Elasticity instead of Blinding Befuddlement.
- Drop Crippling Dissipation altogether, since it’s a PvE build.
Also liked the suggestion about putting 10 points in Inspiration. Thanks guys!

My Condition Build. Critique please.

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

I would change Blinding Befuddlement to Illusionary Elasticity. It allows your Winds of Chaos to hit your target twice if there are no other enemies nearby. It will also allow Magic Bullet to bounce one more time inflicting Confusion, though that isn’t particularly significant.

I would also change Signet of Inspiration to something more reliable.

Ah thanks. Even I was unsure about one of my signets. And since I switched from GS to Scepter+Pistol, I disregarded Illusionary Elasticity for just my staff, I didn’t know it modifies Magic Bullet too. Hullo Feedback

My Condition Build. Critique please.

in Mesmer

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

I am yet to reach level 80, but when I do, hopefully this will be my build.
Please give your opinions.

The Celebration Hat

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RJ Zephyroth.6473

RJ Zephyroth.6473

Due to technical difficulties, I haven’t been able to log in to the game since it launched (even though I pre-purchased).
My question is, is there any way for the Celebration Hat to be reserved for my account beyond the 12th of September, since there’s a 95% chance I will not be getting my GPU repaired and back before then?