Showing Posts For Raavus Funkmaster.2056:

do not allow F2 + F1 combo

in Thief

Posted by: Raavus Funkmaster.2056

Raavus Funkmaster.2056

Just that Inf Sig has longer CD, and doesn’t remove boon, cause poison, and does good damage. For Guardian’s case, F2 + F1 steal option allow you to remove Aegis from Guardian first before landing the 5 seconds daze. (And it all happens in 0.1 second or less because you can precast it)

Also I hope people can be more objective when it comes to things that they play. So far all they do is “OMG don’t touch my OP stuff or I’ll kill you” attitude.

do not allow F2 + F1 combo

in Thief

Posted by: Raavus Funkmaster.2056

Raavus Funkmaster.2056

true that it can already be done with instant blink skills

BUT those are on LONGER cooldowns and don’t give the insane things that a traited LOW COOLDOWN steal does

Cheesy D/P

in Thief

Posted by: Raavus Funkmaster.2056

Raavus Funkmaster.2056

P/D is essentially mastered if you can reliably hit people with Claok and Dagger. Voila, you’ve mastered the build. Now roll with Dire gear and never die to anything while spaming the same move over and over again.

Heartseeker through blackpowder until healed to full.

The use of the word 'cheese'

in Thief

Posted by: Raavus Funkmaster.2056

Raavus Funkmaster.2056

Thief in general is going to get hate because people are upset that you have to do work to stay on a thief as that’s how the class is designed. Some builds are better than others because some traits are better than others. This is nothing new, it’s how pretty much every game with such features goes. It’s not impossible to play builds that aren’t “cheese” or “meta” or whatever absurd lingo people use, you just have a more significant learning curve.

Cheese is a stupid word that should not be used outside of referring to food. Like OP said, every build is apparently cheese. To QQers, Builds are strong, that’s the nature of games, please stop using the word it’s annoying.

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raavus Funkmaster.2056

Raavus Funkmaster.2056

I would just like to add my voice to others who disapprove of the thief changes. For sword in particular, the infiltrator’s return nerf is going to make a lot of sword builds significantly less effective, when the class as a whole is pretty average. The d/p perma-stealth was an issue that needed to be addressed, but I don’t understand the severe hit to damage avoidance, whether it be the vigor or the infil return nerfs. It seems to me that builds utilizing stealth are far more effective and far more common than builds utilizing mobility. Plus, according to the class description, the thief class is supposed to be about mobility and maneuvering.

In addition to the mobility, the initiative change is a nerf according to the math in this post (which has been linked before, but I figured I’d throw it in.)

If the initiative gain is truly a nerf, it will be another strong hit to most sword builds as they tend to be initiative heavy. However it’s not just sword that gets hurt, these are significant blows for every build.

For the class to be fixed it would probably take more work than can be done before the Dec. 10 balance patch. However, I feel as though these changes are a step in the wrong direction for thief as both of our primary damage mitigation methods (stealth and mobility, or simply avoidance) have taken a significant blow throughout the entire class when trying to fix specific builds.