This line is focused ofcourse on illusions, and seems to be essential to any build focused around them, including phantasm builds. Additionally this seems to be the go to line for condition damage builds. However, this line is so incohesive it needs to see a lot of changes to make it viable.
Minor: The minors already have issues. We have two minors which help shatter builds, but another that is essential for phantasm builds in the form of Illusionist’s Celerity. I’d almost suggest moving Illusionist’s celerity somewhere in the Domination or Dueling lines, and replacing it with one of the various shatter traits.
- Compounding Power: This trait really is focused on phantasms, which immediately shows the lack of cohesion when you look at the the minor traits. Ofcourse this also helps shatter builds, but not nearly as much.
- Persistence of Memory: This trait is probably gonna see some number tweaks. In fact the only way I can see this working it upping the numbers to at least 10%, probably 15%. If it does become viable though, the possibility of shatter-phantasm hybrid builds opens up.
- The Pledge: A weapon specific skill, this one is best used in PvP where stealth is most useful. Strangely though they’ve put it in the line with the minors that areall about shatters (or phantasms I guess) while torch is mostly about condition damage. Again the numbers on the recharge have to go up I think, considering it used to be 20% and now its even lower conditionally.
You can probably see why I take issue with this line here. We have one trait which doesn’t synergize with the shatter based minor traits. We have another trait that would make the first one synergize with it, but they’ve put it in the same slot. And then we have a third that is out of place in regards to the minor traits.
- Sum of All Fears: This trait seems decent but they’ve put it in the same slot as Malicious Sorcery, which just seems straight up better. As it stands it works well for condition based builds, but will probably never be used in PvE, unless confusion becomes a lot stronger.
- Phantasmal Haste: Here we have another trait that is fantastic for PvE builds, but it is in the line that focuses on condition damage or shatters, which makes me wonder if it is even worth taking.
- Malicious Sorcery: As I said this seems to be flat out better than the Sum of All Fears if you want to do a condition damage build. The numbers on the recharge reduction need to go up most likely though.
Here we see another Phantasm based trait but you have to wonder if it is good enough when you realize that the Grandmaster slot has no options for phantasm builds. This makes the line seem only viable with condition damage builds, which has two options here.
- Blinding Befuddlement: This trait only seems useful in PvP, and mostly on condition damage builds at that. Might be good enough on that basis, but it might also be overshadowed by the third option in this slot.
- Master of Fragmentation: This trait seems to be a must have for shatter builds, but then we look at the adept and master slot and see literally no options for that type of build that is worthwhile. This is a massive oversight in my opinion and makes me feel like this should be moved somewhere else and replace by a Phantasm based trait, which this slot has none of.
- Maim the Disillusioned: Another condition damage trait, which really frustrates me considering the potential of this line. No shatter builds are gonna take this over Master of Fragmentation either.
In conclusion, this line seems completely off. It’s probably great for condition damage builds, but then you also get essential traits for phantasm and shatter builds which get shafted due to the lack of cohesion. This line needs to biggest rework in my opinion.
TL;DR: Read the first paragraph at the top.