Showing Posts For Raden.2645:
It now cost over 10g to make a single insignia.
Oh well.. I guess leveling your crafting skill wasn’t that important anyways…
Oh boy a support Necro. 2014 isn’t going to get any better is it?
You know… its not even worth it to post in these forums.
I’m not even going to bother any more .
I guess this guy who’s done many necro builds and spent the time and
hours doing the research isn’t even worth watching.
I get it.
Unless you got zerker gear on.. your crap
Unless you roll a warrior.. your crap
You take any damage … your crap
You get any conditions.. your crap
You try and play a support role … crap
Any other trolls that want to post here.. plz feel free.
You have caused one more person to leave the forums who
isn’t part of the elite die hard
Perhaps you don’t realize that I go to college, have a job, and still manage to be one of the best players in the game.
Wow!!! …………………………………………….Golf clap for you!
Again, So sorry we cant all be as epic as you.
But make sure you get an embroidered plaque for your college room door.
“best player in the game”
typically stock shelves at their local grocery store.
I can assure you. I’m not stocking your local grocery store shelves,
nor do I feel the need to scan in my degree and/or certificates for your approval.
I typically find that the best players in any game are people that actually do things in real life and are able to apply themselves and understand whatever situation they have been put in
Perfect! I’m happy we have finally come to an understanding. So let me type it out for you just in case.
“I typically find that the best players in any game are people that actually do things in real life”
Just finished explaining how RL is more important to me then GW2.
“are able to apply themselves and understand whatever situation they have been put in”
I understand I’ve been put in to a pug “situation”. If I don’t adapt by going support, chances are I’m going to spend the next 2 hours wiping, dying and repairing my gear.
Kinda sounds like I met your criteria
(edited by Raden.2645)
Playing as a support so you can support bad players isn’t really fruitful. You don’t seem to understand how the game works, and instead, try to mold your own lackluster vision of some wasteful scenario to reality. I’m also not knocking Necros, but rather the imbecile that I’m talking to.
On behalf of many players including myself,
Sorry were not all as epic at you. Ill go hang myself
and nerd rage quit so you have one less “imbecile” to deal
with while your concurring the evil of Tyria!!!!!
Give me a break. Different situations and goals for different people.
Somehow I felt it was more important to do things like maintain
a relationship with my GF, get outside for some exercise
and see friends face to face instead of being glued to my computer
hunting and learning all the in and outs of GW2. Spending months
of time and money crafting my legendary weapon just so I can AFK in
LA showing it off or shooting other people with flying ponies. Researching
my toons ability’s to be all I can be in GW2
Other people want to kill the most magic dragon in game
and spends hours upon hours grinding to craft some super weapon
so they can leave cute little rainbows under their feet when they walk.
Boasting about how epic they are and their latest kills.
I could care less … but you don’t see me calling them names
or knocking them for their style of game play.
I play a casual game in a casual guild with a couple of friends.
If I play a little more then with said casual friends, I pug it.
If I want to do a little more then continually wipe, die and spend gold
on repairs, I go support. You will never see me in end content and honestly
…. I really don’t care. Its not going to be my end life legacy.
Its my 52 dollars. I play how I like. If you don’t like it… cry me a river
and stop trolling my posts
(edited by Raden.2645)
First, its warriors not “worriers”
Dam auto correct
TY Spelling bee judge. Ill be sure to put on my glasses next time I type.
Blizz messed up big time when they decided to cater to around 5 percent of their player base and thumbed the other 95 percent when they released CAT. As a result, they lost aprox 4 million subscriptions over it. Anet has no monthly sub fees but anyone I know has invested some RWM at the gem store for something or another. What happens to Anet’s bottom line when those people that are investing in the gem store quit? Simply because they feel the class they sunk 6 months time into sucks and they don’t want to start over.
Maybe Anet needs to spend some time looking at how to make other classes a little more valuable so they don’t end up with either a server full of worriers or, people that just quit cause they have already invested the time on other toons and don’t feel like spending more time rerolling cause they don’t feel like they help bring anything to the table when they see things like this when looking for a dungeon to join.
(edited by Raden.2645)
You described a your own playstyle, and it is completely useless. You run around thinking that you are carrying out some heroic role and you actually accomplish nothing but actively wasting time. When you actually play a Warrior effectively, you have to maintain a rotation between 2 weapon sets while evading attacks. It’s actually a lot harder than running around putting bleeds on a boss with a Necro.
lol.. first of all. I don’t just run around putting bleeds on the boss. I was really just summing it up cause I don’t feel like typing 6 pages to explain a rotation.
I don’t think I’m playing any hero type. I keep ppl up so we can finish the event and get on to other things in the game besides 4 hours of death and wipes.
“you have to maintain a rotation between 2 weapon sets while evading attacks”
If people actually did that… I could respec to glass cannon and life would be good.
But I’m speced into a support role cause… it never happens.
Im not knocking on worriers .. please don’t take it that way if you are.. Im just saying there’s more to this game then however many people there are that play, to roll a worrier and forget every other class.
Warrior is only the easiest in PvE because the regen out heals everything and u dont have to think. But the most brain dead professions overall are necro\ranger. Necro only spams AoE and enters in death shroud to avoid damage
Hey! I actually like my Necro. I don’t just sit back and spam Aoe. You cant. The cool downs take to long. Maybe when pulling pats but seriously.. who doesn’t? Wor/blades,
Ele/frost bow or earth quake ect, Rang/ Million arrow thing ect, ect. On a boss fight, I get all my bleeds up then run around finding ppl in my group who were standing in fire, red circles, standing in the damage cone of the boss or just dead and clear conditions and/or drop a well of blood to heal them up to avoid a wipe. The Necro… well my style of Necro play any ways, has always been a support charter that reminds me a lot of, dare a say, a disc priest. Do damage, get health, transfer it to your party.
You talk about Necro being brain dead cause they have to think about when to push a button to enter death shroud to avoid damage. Death shroud doesn’t last forever. It runs out pretty quick and if you don’t use it at the right times.. your dead. As a posed to a worrier that doesn’t have to think about anything. Most of there damage mitigation is already built in. Between stacking plate (heavy armour) and other stat’s ect. They really don’t have to think about anything except push button to swing weapon. Now that sounds brain dead.
Your statement “Warrior is only the easiest in PvE because, u don’t have to think”
yet Necro has to think about when use their ability’s …. Yet Necro is the brain dead class… Wha???
Ok .. so further updates.
Windows XP gone. Windows 8.1 installed with 12 Gig ram.
Downloaded new Cata for windows 8.1 and drivers for the GPU.
Downloading the entire game and doing a fresh install of GW2
Ill let you know it goes.
Did some upgrades yesterday and now GW2 is all weird.
Had a Radeon HD4670 and all was good except poor frame rate
in LA and Wvw.
No biggie. The GPU needed an update anyway’s
so I bought a Radeon 260x
Wiped out all drivers
Installed new cd drivers and started the game only to find
weird graphic stretching and textures.
Wiped out drivers and installed drivers direct from Radeons website.
Same issue.
Wiped out .NET and drivers with driver sweeper.
Removed Catalyst control and reinstalled
Installed drivers again. Same issue.
Played with different card settings and game settings. No fix and very annoyed.
Anything else I can try before I wipe out GW2 and have to re download 16gig
over the net?
AMD Phenomon ll
4 Gig ram
Radeon 260x with 2 gig
Win xp pro.
Any other games I play ( Dead rising, SW battlefront, ect ) Has no issues.
Its limited to GW2 for some reason.
(edited by Raden.2645)