Showing Posts For Radene.3194:

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


That, my friend is called life. As it happens, the event happens at 2pm my time, and I’ll have to miss it for a prior commitment as well. US time zone. shrug my problem.

Some people put up and some people speak up.

I do not think it should be your problem (or mine) in the first place, I think Anet made a very poor decision by executing it this way, since the alternatives are plentiful, and I think their reasoning that “We don’t want this to be spoiled” is very very flawed, because I’ll take an event I’ve been spoiled on over an event I can’t even attend any day.

And yes, you didn’t call anyone names, which is a lot more than I can say for many others peers at the thread

And yes, I have been called names for saying basically the above.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


Ok, I understand people on Asian servers being upset by this. I don’t understand EU servers being upset. Noon PST doesn’t that make it like…8pm there? Isn’t 6-9 pm like, prime time for gaming?

Some of us have prior commitments we can’t change at such a short notice. And I think we’re well within our right to express our displeasure at the notice being short and lack of alternatives without being called names.

Thank you.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


The ONLY thing you may be missing out on is some form of cosmetic reward, if even that.

And since this game is about cosmetics in a large part, that clearly makes no difference at all.

Well played, well played.

So I’m guessing you’re one of those people who complain about missing out on the special hats every year in Gw1 too then?

If they gave out Exotic weapons to everyone who attended, then yes, it would make a difference, because then you could sell those for profit, or put them in the forge and potentially get a legendary precursor.

At that point I’d say whoever missed out on it is at a disadvantage. A cosmetic skin like the devil horns, will give nobody an in-game advantage what so ever, thus, it doesn’t make a difference.

Actually, they’ve given out Halloween themed horns for everyone already, so they’re probably just gonna run with something akin to the end-events of the beta weekends.

Which gave no reward.

I don’t know, are you guessing that? Or is that just a cheap and thinly-veiled attempt at trying to paint me as, say “a baby throwing a tantrum” (which seems to be the current FOTM insult) without actually saying it?

I see having more options for my character’s customization as an advantage.

If you think stats are the only thing that one can see as advantageous, there are other MMO’s for that.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


The ONLY thing you may be missing out on is some form of cosmetic reward, if even that.

And since this game is about cosmetics in a large part, that clearly makes no difference at all.

Well played, well played.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


I pre-purchased the game, I played the beta weekends, and I happened to miss the major events at the end of them.

Not comparable. After that everything was wiped. In this case, missing it remains a permanent mark on your character.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


Okay by now it feels like some folks think that ignoring people who voice legitimate complaints about real grievances will make them go away.

…and they’re absolutely right thinking that.

(edited by Radene.3194)

Temporary game bans for forum misconduct

in Suggestions

Posted by: Radene.3194


Absolutely not. Your actions here and your actions in the game are two completely separate things. Receiving a suspension from the game because of actions on the forums is absolutely unacceptable, especially given how easy it is to receive an infraction on these particular forums.

You might say that, but I read “I want free lease to insult people without fitting punishment!”

Because, frankly, who feels a temporary lack of forum access to be a proper punishment for unacceptable behavior? I don’t.

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


some people just suck at puzzles, yous need to get better or deal with it, not whine on every forum about your shortcomings. yeeesh

Uhm, actually, a “puzzle” would imply some sort of cerebral activity, tactical thinking, deliberation and carefully planning out your steps.

Kind of the opposite of what you have to do here, which is more akin to “twitch gaming”. But, hey, if you’d read what people are saying you’d realize nobody is whining on every forum about their shortcomings.

Why do people insist on making up stuff about others?

Clock Tower- LEAVE IT AS IS

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


If fixing technical design flaws makes something “easier”, what does that tell you?

All that should stand between you and puzzle completion is the puzzle itself.

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


4 hours to just do some lame kitten jumping.. Not worth the time..

Nobody forced you to do it.

Wrong. To fully complete the Halloween event you HAVE to complete the tower……there is no way around it as the event list stands now.

It doesn’t count towards the Emissary title. It’s just 1 standalone achievement with no unique rewards (the shoes can be purchased in the TP).

Actually, no they can’t, they’re soulbound and unsalvageable, even.

Mad King Clock Tower Needs to be tweaked!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


Cry more you entitled losers at anything not handed to you in a gift wrapped box..

See, this is the kind of comment I personally would punish with a 24-hour game ban. It brings nothing to the discussion, all it does is insult others, disregarding everything that was actually said.

I don’t work at Anet of course, so I can only throw this little opinion out there, but who knows, maybe it will be considered somewhere.

Temporary game bans for forum misconduct

in Suggestions

Posted by: Radene.3194


The community around here can be rather pungent at times. The amount of people who come here and do nothing but spew bile at others, insult them and generally act with callous disregard for civil discussion is donwright galling.

I don’t think forum bans would cut it, since people persistently keep misbehaving (I will not name and blame, but there are at least half a dozen names that consistently pop up with rather shameful comments with no discussion value). When people persistently act that way towards other members of the community, IMNSHO they should be punished with a 24-72 hour ban from playing the game itself.

If that makes them miss an unique event, well, they’ll learn to act more civilly next time.

In my view, complaints about design isn't "OMG NERF" whining.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


People have legitimate grievances with the clocktower. People feel that its difficulty comes not from the test of skill and hand-eye coordination it should come from, but from all kinds of other things, such as camera behavior, other players who might be trolling or just obstructing your view, and a few technical issues like “failing” while mid-jump way above the advancing floor of doom.

And people have a right to come to these forums, and speak their minds about it, without being bullied by other people, who seem to think “OMG L2P” is the answer to all the questions of life, universe and everything.

So do yourselves a favor and don’t post unless you actually have something to say. If you have to flex your awesomeness in such a hostile way, do it with people who will tolerate it.

And I’m out.

Solving Clocktower Issues.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


So you want it nerfed into boredom. Good to know. Then will it match the rest of the content.

Thank you for your most useful post with loads of discussion value, O Great Master of Internet.

Really, have you read the OP…? I’m gonna bet my left arm he’s better than you at the puzzle.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


Yes, I’ve beaten it.

It’s still broken and needs to be fixed through.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


I’ve run this puzzle many times and I’m yet to see a warrior able to carry the banner into the puzzle, so excuse me if I’m doubtful.

Oh they can, I can testify under oath for that.

And well, about enjoying challenges, I enjoy challenge. When my skills are being challenged, not my patience, and my tolerance for bad design. Want a challenge, thy the entire thing with one finger, and the “challenge” will be along the lines what we have here – something that is difficult for virtually every other reason but the reasons it actually shoud be difficult.

Doing it a few hours later in the night, when I was instanced with only two other people made the entire thing a lot simpler and less aggravating and I was done with it rather quick. Oh sure, I failed several times still, but it made a huge difference. And it shouldn’t have. How many people are doing it should not be a factor of difficulty to that degree.

So yeah, I’m going to call “difficult by bad design” and not “real difficulty” here. This puzzle doesn’t need to be nerfed, it has to be fixed.

If people keep whining about “making it easier”, then add some funky jumps to compensate or something, just make difficulty stem from what it should be stemming from in the first place for crying out lout.

Timeframe for Act 3

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


From the official sticky:

For those of you wondering, having the event at separate times for separate zones is actually one of the worst options. Whatever happens is going to be on livestreams instantly and then on YouTube about five minutes later. At least this way, everyone has a chance to experience it in the game, without having it spoiled by the rapid availability of video on the Internet.

While I certainly agree with the prediction, I disagree with the conclusion. It is still by far better to have the event spoiled on youtube (as if you are forced to look it up there beforehand) and then also seen live on your server, than not being able to see it live at all and thus being required to watch it on youtube afterwards.

You might want to cut back on all that “reasonable” and “rational thought” you have going there. Some people might get a migraine trying to wrap their minds around that and still thinking the current arrangement is the best possible solution >.<

Who'd buy the skins if they were just available?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


But so far it seemed like those who actually support ANet with money and actions are idiots, and those who never gave them a cent outside of the $60 to buy the game (or maybe someone bought it for them, further not giving a cent at all) are calling donors “entitled idiots”.

I resent that.

I actually haven’t spent a cent on this game, it was gifted to me by a good friend. I simply do not have the disposable income to spend on the in-game shop myself, unfortunately – I would, if I could bloody spare some.

But I’m not calling anyone “entitled idiot” and would have been firmly on your side, but fine, if this is the way you want to play it, fine. Consider all the money you spent on the game simply a fine for insulting people you never met and know nothing about.

I expect a bloody apology.

rare skins and feeling "unique"?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


It would be elitist if they made you do a difficult dungeon in blues without dying and then a lore exam about GW1 before selling you a key. Everyone can buy a key, everyone has the same chance of getting an item.

No no, elitism as in “I have this thing and you don’t therefore I am better than you and you should just shut up and know your place, if you were too lazy to work for it.”

That’s what I have a problem with, and that’s what I’ve run into one time too many throughout my MMO career.

Also, not everyone can buy the same amount of keys. Some of us live in countries where the wages are lower and we have less disposable income to burn.

(edited by Radene.3194)

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


I really wish this one was addresses with priority over the “loot” threads…

Please stop using the phrase "Pay 2 Win" if you have no idea what it means.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


I focus on sPVP, and WVW. My goal isn’t skins but winning…..

Winning….what, exactly?

Something that will reset to square one the moment you walk out of it?

I’m sorry, but for me to see something as a “victory” that I have “won”, it needs to be a bit more permanent than that.

Please stop using the phrase "Pay 2 Win" if you have no idea what it means.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


I must have missed the part in the manifesto where they said the only point of playing the game was pretty princess dress-up time.

And I must have missed the part where they said things have to be “unique” and “special”.

Please stop using the phrase "Pay 2 Win" if you have no idea what it means.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


Exactly, Hughs, people are still too deep entrenched in the WoW type of thinking where the NUMBERS were everything.

Also, I just realized how patronizing that sounds.

Well, tough.

rare skins and feeling "unique"?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


Some thing rare like a diamond is special. Something that takes work and skill like an Olympic medal is special. Something that most people can’t afford like a Ferrari is special. There are special skins in the game that fit each of those criteria. Halloween weapons, Legendary weapons, Cultural T3 for example. The OP asked a general question about rare skins.

I don’t really understand why your post sounds so hostile? I don’t have any Halloween weapon skins and I haven’t bought a single chest. I just opened some with the few keys I had sitting in the bank from story quests and drops and got the usual chest junk.

Chests are a waste of money, just as lottery tickets are. I’ll never pay for either since I know full well I’ll never win. Far more sensible to just buy the things from the TP. They aren’t soulbound.

Why so hostile you ask?

Well, the most accurate answer would be something that reaches far beyond the scope of this game, and has a lot to do with my worldview. But let’s say I’ve been “around” and that’s made me cynical.

So all I can do is say again, I don’t mind things taking effort.

What I do mind is elitism.

Oh, and that “one time event” thing I have too little information on. That’s making me cranky too, because some of us have to work and can’t really schedule our lives around where a game event we want to see is going to happen.

I just want my games to be a pleasant, fun experience. Because the moment I shut the game off, it’s back to the drudgery of responsibility, work, making ends meet.

(edited by Radene.3194)

Who'd buy the skins if they were just available?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


If you want it cheaper, buy gems with real money like those of us who are supplying your gems to you! :P

You’re not supplying anything to me.

Please stop using the phrase "Pay 2 Win" if you have no idea what it means.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


If they can’t charge players money for statistical gain, that leaves cosmetics. That is what the cash shop SHOULD be for.

See, thing is….there is no statistical gain. You can’t “play” for statistical gain. Cosmetics are all there is. So you can either take the hard working approach and slowly grind your way to things, or you can take the rich kitten approach, throw money at it, and then act as if you’re somehow “better” and your opinion more “valid” just because you happened to have money to burn.

Please stop using the phrase "Pay 2 Win" if you have no idea what it means.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


So which skin do I buy to win the game? Do the credits roll after I equip it?

Let me see you use that crafty retort when instead of “Pay2Win” we say “Pay2GetBetterStuff”?

Who'd buy the skins if they were just available?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


I would be highly annoyed since I already spent a lot on getting the recipes for the permanent crafted version.

Well, to use the usual argument used against people who are critical toward the current status quo, “Sucks to be you lol!”

Or in other words, it’s amusing to see how people still expect an MMO to cater to them precisely, sod everyone else, even after a near decade of the genre being mainstream.

rare skins and feeling "unique"?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


Yes, same as pretty much any real world product (excluding things that are special for sentimental reasons of course).

Skins that take a lot of work or skill to get (rather than RNG) are of course a lot more special, but if they’re challenging to get then the result is still that only a few people will have them.

So the skins being “rare” is not the reason for them being special, the fact that they took a lot of effort is. Just like in real life! I mean, if I work hard to buy my own car, let’s say, a modest Nissan Micra, it will still be special, even if millions of people have the same kind of car.

See, I’m down with that. I’m down with “special” things taking effort and dedication. What I am not down with is this “I have mine but now I have to make sure nobody else gets it or I won’t be special anymore” hogwash. What I am not down with, is things being a lottery.

What I am especially not down with, is people who think having won the lottery somehow elevates them above the masses of “noobs”, “bads” and “whatever else insult you can come up with to validate yourself over others”.

Please stop using the phrase "Pay 2 Win" if you have no idea what it means.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


As always, it’s galling to see how many people take on the “I’ve got mine, **** everyone else” attitude.

Who'd buy the skins if they were just available?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


They wouldnt be unique if they were just …..available now would they?

I’m sorry, I missed the fine print where it said they had to be “unique”?

It’s a HOLIDAY, for cryin’ out loud. Not a contest.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


I, too, would like some more clarification of this, being another of those people with lame commitments such as “work” and all.