Showing Posts For Rahne.7521:

My very sarcastic post.

in Living World

Posted by: Rahne.7521


While this is little more than troll-bait, I agree with the sentiment.

Admire the living story but what about...

in Living World

Posted by: Rahne.7521


And here, FINALLY, we hear a legit concern about the new schedule change, though I am willing to let it play out a bit before getting antsy about it.

As per usual, the majority of the comments have been silly complaints about “you’re overloading us with content!” Further evidence that some people will gripe about anything.

My thoughts are thus: let’s see how it goes. If it doesn’t work as promised, then say “hey, you might want to slow down so you can polish these things more!” Until then, my socks are knocked off that they’re even ATTEMPTING something this ambitious.

Ridiculous special event... SPOILERS

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rahne.7521


I’m sorry to have to pile on here, as I’ve greatly enjoyed the Halloween event thus far. But I have a group of people, and we all got shunted into separate instances. I have a feeling this is not working as intended, and if it is…It’s not a good intention.

I’m not going to get into Ad-homonym attacks against A-net, because as a whole, I’ve really enjoyed the game, and as stated, the event thus far. But the sheer amount of frustration I’ve experienced from trying this dungeon-and the Clock Tower with all of those people in the instance making it near impossible to complete-have made this part of it less than enjoyable.