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CDI- Guilds- Guild Halls

in CDI

Posted by: Raiddx.8436


Proposal Overview:
Guild Hall Add-on; Training Room.

Goal of Proposal:
Provide Large Guilds the ability to organize instanced raids while also providing a way of replaying living story content that would be too large scale for the present living story journal or fractals of the mist.

Proposal Functionality:
Either through Queen’s Jubilee style holograms and hand-waving, or Fractals of the Mists style “You can’t change history but you sure can kitten around with it,” provide an arena for large scale ‘training missions’ as recreations of historic encounters, such as the final battle for your guild hall’s territory(seeing my first post) the last few steps from living world season 1(marionette, escape from LA, battle for lion’s arch) or new examples drawn from Guild Wars’ lush history, ala FotM.

Players would start in a large, empty ‘loading’ room where they would organize. This would be an instance specifically for players taking part in this mega event, and players from outside the guild could be sent invites. This empty loading room may include a few colored zones players could stand in that would decide where they start, ie the three zone-in options for escape from LA. In such cases there would be a player count at the top in the style of wvw score while you’re in wvw maps. But it would instead show how many players were in the red zone, the blue zone, and the green zone.

If at all possible when you mouse over this count it would show a breakdown of players by professions or possibly even ‘chosen roles’ from a side window like pvp’s ready button except with options like dps, tank, reflect, condi.

Once they feel they’re ready the mission is started and the event carries on as it would originally, with failure and success netting the appropriate rewards.

Associated Risks:
Limited to large guilds.

CDI- Guilds- Guild Halls

in CDI

Posted by: Raiddx.8436


Proposal Overview:
Guild Hall Add-on; Guild Requisition Officer.

Goal of Proposal:
Provide guilds with a use for influence that scales based on the number of members.

Proposal Functionality:
Allow guilds to spend influence to make available to its members items that they can pick up in the guild hall from a guild requisition officer. Examples would include the consumable banners you occasionally receive for completing guild missions, as well as the tier x crafting material bundles you can purchase with laurels. It would be limited to one per week per character. If you had sufficient influence income you could purchase multiple types of rewards, but couldn’t simply give every member 40 tier 6 crafting material in a single week.

These items would be available until the next weekly guild mission reset, possibly being paid for in advance and lasting the whole week. The guild members would have to visit the guild hall some time during the week to claim these items. It would cost the guild influence, with the total cost being a multiple of (value of item being offered) x (number of active members).

Associated Risks:
Largely balancing costs, and in particular deciding how much the whole guild should pay. Should the cost be based on how many players were active in the last week? How many players actually claim the items being offered?

CDI- Guilds- Guild Halls

in CDI

Posted by: Raiddx.8436


Proposal Overview:
Guild Hall Add-on; Menagerie

Goal of Proposal:
Provide a location for the keeping of a multitude of pet types that can be accessed by any rangers in the guild.

Proposal Functionality:
An unlock achievable by any level of guild hall which provides a menagerie for the display, and charming, of the multitude of species from across Tyria, in the style of the one available in guild wars 1.

Unlocking animals would be achieved by tracking down and subduing, ie killing, a veteran member of the appropriate species. The animal itself would be added to the guild menagerie once any player in the guild had completed the subduing while representing that guild.

Each player would have an achievement track for doing this which they could complete at their own leisure either incidentally while exploring tyria or as a form of scavenger hunt, similar to most collections. If this could be done as an actual collection that would probably be better, as that way players could see which they had and hadn’t completed yet.

By having it as both a personal and guild wide collection you allow it to be a resource that players developed and filled on their own, while simultaneously allowing players who ‘arrive late’ to still be able to go through the process and acquire some personal reward for it.

Associated Risks:
To avoid juvenile animals from being pointless it should possibly be level gated, but what level is “Alright, you can go ahead and charm every animal in one spot, safely” a good fit?

CDI- Guilds- Guild Halls

in CDI

Posted by: Raiddx.8436


Sorry if these end up being a bit long, but like many of you I’ve given a great deal of thought to this subject over the last couple of years and could probably come up with 200 pages of guild proposals(not limited to guild halls, granted) I’ll do my best to be brief and not repeat what has already been presented, and to divide the suggestions into more manageable chunks.

Proposal Overview:
Process for acquiring a guild hall for your guild.

Goal of Proposal:
Creating guild halls that have a very unique look and feel.
Make acquiring a guild hall feel like something that is earned, rather than simply bought.

Proposal Functionality:
I don’t want to just give money and/or materials to some invisible workforce and receive a guild hall, I want to feel actively involved in its creation.

Firstly, where? So far the proposals all seem to posit there’s vast tracts of unused land upon which a guild hall could simply be plopped down, either in Tyria or in the mists. Personally reading this thread I’ve become a huge fan of the mists concept but not as something that you get, but as something you take. And not simply some floating island, but as a unique location that will be rebuilt or re-purposed as your guild hall. Having it in the mists allows for some very diverse options for guild halls as opposed to simply “make it like divinity’s reach” or “shiverpeaks theme.” Just a couple examples;

-The Aetherblades have been driven from the edge of the mists, but they’re still out there. We’ve managed to track down what seems to be a sort of port in the mists used by their airships, and should an intrepid guild manage to infiltrate and capture it they would gain not only several airships, but a holding from which to launch them.

-In some fashion an ancient jotun stronghold from the shiverpeaks has been either moved or replicated in the mists. These are not your current day Jotun, they are their ancient, intelligent cousins. The stronghold seems to be from the last time the dragons awoke, as evidenced by the fact that the current inhabitants all suffer from some form of dragon corruption. Their magical runestones have all been removed and fed to their now absent master, but if these corrupted Jotun were cleared out the stronghold could make a mighty fortress for any active guild seeking a home.

-An Orrian citadel that seems to be phasing between its original state during the days when the human gods still walked amongst men, and its current state as a ruin infested with the risen. It’s possible that if the risen were driven out the citadel would stabilize in its original form providing a unique and grand base of operations.

Regardless of the guild hall chosen, acquiring them would be a staged process, with each stage providing a larger guild hall. It would focus around an instanced guild mission to drive out hostiles and hold territory. After successfully completing the ‘capture’ mission would come the part where you provide materials, influence, or whatever the chosen method is, for actual construction of the guild hall, or portion thereof, for which you have claimed territory.

There would be a couple stages after the first, each requiring more territory to be held on missions thus requiring more active members. It would then require more resources for the construction of the larger facilities. There could also be requirements to unlock the missions for larger guild halls, such as performing guild missions related to the three orders to secure their assistance in the form of troops, mortar support, etc.

Associated Risks:
The same as most of the proposals with regards to guild size. You risk either trivializing content to accommodate small guilds or you make things unreachable for small guilds and have players feel locked out from content. The only consolation I find for this is making the things that require a ‘large’ guild hall only being things that a large guild would want, with an example coming up in a following post of mine.

Where are the set-3 minis?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Raiddx.8436


I also noticed the limit on collection expansion purchases hasn’t increased. Not really intending to buy more right now, but I thought it should be pointed out.

Quaggan Dietery Error!

in Lore

Posted by: Raiddx.8436


Human Dietary Error!

I’m pretty sure Humans are based on the Primate family of land mammals, most likely apes.

I just came across a mission where I have to "make a run to burger king”.

Apes and Primates happen to be herbivores, it’s not natural for them to eat meat!