Showing Posts For Rain.8253:

Open unid. dyes or sell after 4/15?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rain.8253


Well apparently I can’t read XD. Thanks Aidan. I can never seem to get the search function on these forums to work.

@mods. Since this is a duplicate topic then feel free to close.

Open unid. dyes or sell after 4/15?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rain.8253


There are plenty of topics on this forum discussing this. Read them.

Mind linking any of them? I did not see a thread on the first two pages of BLTC topics about the use of unidentified dyes before the feature pack so I thought it was worth a thread.

@ froacus. That was my take too, just wondering if someone thinks unid dyes are going to go up ridiculous amounts due to the lower drop rate.

Open unid. dyes or sell after 4/15?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rain.8253


Should we open all our unidentified dyes knowing that if we get a duplicate color we can get back an unidentified dye after the feature pack? Or will unidentified dyes price spike (due to lower drop rate) and we’d be better off just selling after the patch?
“If you already have the same dyes unlocked on multiple characters, when you log in on additional characters, you will receive one unidentified dye for each duplicate dye already unlocked on your account”

Personally I’m leaning towards opening them since there will be lower drop rate, but there will also be lower demand (one dye unlocks everything and less needed for gift of color). What do you think?

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rain.8253


How about a gemstore item to reset the upcoming Tier 7 crafting material cooldown. This would fit perfectly into the “those with money can pay, those with time can wait” philosophy that was stated for the gemstore.

Potential Matchups 6-21

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rain.8253


Xerol, my numbers are very different from yours. would you mind posting the code you used to calculate base ratings and the code you used to calculate matchup ratings?

I’m thinking that either your code or my code (or possibly both) are wrong and I’d like to track down why so that we both produce similar results.

attached are the base ratings I used for my matchup calculations; they are predicted ratings based on live scores from a couple of hours ago.



My numbers match yours. Just in case you were worried about a mistake in your program.


Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rain.8253


I’m fairly sure it wasn’t a member of Choo that banned you Raiden, I was actually looking forward to the Karaoke :< Not even sure how you got banned if you weren’t on the teamspeak when it happened O.o

All it takes if for someone to go in the ts, click tools, and click ban list and you should be able to see who did it. Please let me know and ask what I did that made them so upset they banned me because I’m starting to get curious.

i was looking forward to it too


I don’t have ts3 privileges to look at the ban list, but I don’t think any person banned you for trying to set up a karaoke night.

I posted earlier about how Epi (the JQ and SoR ts3 manager) mass banned ALL ip addresses that he had recorded logging onto both JQ and SoR team speak. This happened about a month ago. If you had ever been on both ts servers before that you got caught in a mass ban wave. It was known this mass ban would hit people with legitimate reasons for being in both, but it was done to catch the vast majority which were there for spying purposes.

I’m sorry this happened but I’m about 99% sure there was no malicious intent towards your karaoke!


Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rain.8253


Interesting banned from JQ ts as well. Really guys…

If I was gonna spy why would I name myself my in game name and tell you all I had the info…

You all realize I still have the info. If I really wanted to spy I could just send another person in…

Or just bypass your ban, not that hard…

Some of you need to think a bit here, the chances of us all fighting each other after this week is extremely low. Just wanted to set up a night where we could all chill and have some fun…

From what I know the jq and sor team speak are run by the same person who is a neutral third party. Don’t think he even plays the game. Awhile ago (maybe a month?) he noticed there were a bunch of ip addresses that had accessed both jq and sor. These ip addresses were banned. Pretty sure he knew this would hit some legitimate users of both, but it was more aimed at people trying to spy. If you contact an admin of either server I imagine you could get unbanned. Sorry you’re having trouble planning karaoke!

No luck with Lost and Found/Secret Contact

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rain.8253


I was able to guest on Tarnished Coast and find all the mystery devices and lost and found objects in Diessa Plateau, not sure about Wayferer’s.

Daily bug? :O

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rain.8253


I also got two rewards. I haven’t logged on since the patch on the 26th, so there wasn’t any roll over from a previous daily I’m aware of. I am not sure if I completed two at the same time or one on/off the list as shown.