Showing Posts For Rand.2973:

The hatchery bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rand.2973


Ridiculous how long it’s taking.

The hatchery bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rand.2973


PLEASE hurry and fix. I appreciate all that you’ve done, but this is ridiculous. It’s the MAIN story. I paid for a game that would work well without any bugs. Now I’m stuck without being able to progress. I know it sounds like I’m a huge whiner, but I’ve been bearing with this for awhile. I could care less about the Halloween events (as I’m sure many others as well).
At the very least, let us go back and choose the other option or something. All I’ve been doing is farming and fighting and it’s gotten quite bland. I do other things every now and then too but it really does get old fast. I’m almost at 70 right now since I have nothing else to do.
You’d think they’d notice with all the people who have this problem and at least say something or update us on it.

The hatchery bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rand.2973


God this is really frustrating. I want to get my story done before November 6th since that is when Halo 4 comes out so I won’t be playing this as much.