Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.
Showing Posts For Rasern.3562:
Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.
I feel like this issue deserves escalation, so I’m bumping the thread.
Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.
To clarify, it appears the issue is with Alpha siege golems only. Omegas will do damage to Hardened Gates.
Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.
Definitely applaud these changes. Look forward to seeing them in action.
Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.
kitten . Impressive videos! I’d love the privilege to run with you guys some time if I happen to be online during the SEA timezone (It be somewhere between 6am and 10am for me). Run Saturday or Sunday by chance?
Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.
Having an odd issue with the map not rendering. See attachment.
Edit: Logging fixed it. Must have been a client side issue.
Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.
(edited by Rasern.3562)
NOTE: There is cursing in the video.
I felt the need to share this magical moment with the community.
A “throw away” upgrade on SOS BL hills and a lone NPC manages to defeat the enemy in arguably one of the most hilarious GW2 moments I’ve ever witnessed.
If suspense bores you, skip to 2:10. However, the magic is in the presentation.
Quotes of reflection:
“Savor this moment. Think about how you feel right now. If you could make this happen…. that moment happen for someone else in a video game; you have not wasted your time playing that game.”
“At that exact moment. All my time in Guild Wars 2 has been worth it.”
“I have waited almost 4 years for this moment.”
“2 and half years lead up to that moment.”
Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.
Hey Gaile, any details on the evening GW2 community event at PAX South? I heard down the grapevine (penny arcade forums) that there’s a community event planned 1/24, but the details are a little vague.
EDIT: Scratch that… it’s right on your news page. Think I’m good!
Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.
(edited by Rasern.3562)
At the end of LS2 he strikes it rich in the mine and repays you with interest.
Then he stages a hostile takeover of the BLTC, rebrands it as a low-interest mortgage shell corporation, and plunges us all in to massive housing debt for the new player housing feature. LS3’s plot is all about solving the tyrian mortgage collapse.
Too funny. Well done sir. Well done.
Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.
Tons of suggestions in this thread. May have been mentioned before, but if we’re going down the route of a squad interface (needed IMHO), then let’s try and keep it as simple as possible. Obviously this would list all players in your squad (if you have to limit squad size to avoid making the UI too large that’s fine. I’d say a limit of 30 is perfect). Frankly, just 3 things would be important to me:
1. Player’s supply count (with a total for all players at the bottom)
2. Player’s profession
3. Player’s current health (important so commanders know when waterfields are needed for the whole group, not just their own party.)
Boons/conditions by player would clutter the interface and are totally not needed.
Nice to haves for the squad system would be squad wide ability to draw on the map (like parties), and squad wide dots on the map (like those blue dots for parties). I can delegate individuals to different tasks, and know where they are on the map. (E.G do I have scout coverage of keeps/towers? Where’s my roaming group?)
Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.
Stay classy FA, nice to see this is how you react when you kill one person
there was a FA group spamming sit on SBI BL too. I don’t even think they killed anything.
er.. wait. just noticed that is SBI BL. yeah, that group was just running around emote spamming
Its nice to see that 15-20 man group is sooo proud of killing solo roamers
You’re just mad cause your solo roamers be getting #outplayed…
I’m not mad at all, I’m just wondering whats so good about emote spamming after killing one person
Sure there was definitely solo ganking. To me spamming emotes is no different than dropping a ram on a dead body. If you don’t like it, take the suggestion above and turn off emotes.
I will point out that the guild doing that was definitely taking on groups of SBI around south camp / south ruins and holding their own. I think I witnessed them wipe the SBI group once or twice actually… It wasn’t 100% gank squad for the lolz.
Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.
Female Norn: “If I track a wounded animal through a gate, will the gate’s energy cauterize the wound?”
Female Asura: “I….. I haven’t the slightest idea…. My ears! What an intriguing question!”
Femal Norn: “What do your ears have to do with it?”
Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.
I too wondered what prompted the change. Really really prefer the old ones.
Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.
Normally you wouldn’t hear this line a lot, but the Clockwork Chaos meta event certainly opens your eyes to how the NPCs interact with players….
Can’t remember the zone (Lornar’s Pass I think), but every single time a player walked by this asura, she would belt out “You there! You look useful!!” And I mean EVERY SINGLE PLAYER. Never thought my chat log would entirely fill with a one-liner.
Proud member of [coVn] on Fort Aspenwood.