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Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


And you are doing that on level 1-40?

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


@ SoggyFrog:

I don’t have any level 80, my highest is a level 60 warrior, then a 53 guardian. And let me tell you, compared to my mesmer they where way better at killing stuff.

You need level 40 to unlock tier 2 traits. So no clone on dodge, or bleeding on crit.

The reason I posted btw. isn’t to whine about something. I wanted to give my feedback, which may or may not be useful to anet. But nowadays anyone who isn’t sharing your opinion is a bad player and is doing it wrong and there are as many apologist as whiners on the forums, so whatever.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


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Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


Wow, your argument totally convinced me.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


@ Quelris, I’m not sure if you’re serious either. Ever heard about cooldowns? So you use Staff for clones. Gives you two. Then you shatter them. Doing about 20% of 1 mobs HP in damage. but only if you’re lucky enough the mob didn’t one shot your first clone before you get out your second.

Even if this works, and if you use a decoy for a 3rd clone for more shatter damage, you’re still looking at a mob who isn’t dead yet. And that is only in a one on one scenario, If there are more then one, your tactic isn’t going anywhere. So please, stop telling me this stuff which clearly doesn’t work @ my level.

@ MrMacAndCheese, I really don’t believe you “melt everything” with a staff on level 1-40. Unless melt means takes ages to die. A warrior melts. A guardian melts. A mesmer is whittling down.

@ Aerie: Thank you for your link. You are right, shatter is the best thing you can do at this level, but there are several problem with shatter if you face more then one enemy:

1) Phantasms die before you get out 3 of them. If you face more then one enemy, you are lucky if you get out two a the same time.

2) Shatter radius is way to small. A lot of enemies are moving a lot (which is nice per se, but kills shatter viability).

3) Cooldown on Shatter. There should be a trait that resets shatter 1 every time when you kill an enemy (like guardians have one).

4) Confusion is useless in PVE.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459



Run in circle with a staff = I kill a mob every 30 seconds.

Keeping distance with a GS is impossible, I don’t have to tell you (untraited, since we are talking low level) CD of GS 5. Unless you wait after each kill for CDs.

Pistol is nice. Does like 5% of an enemies HP bar every 7 or so seconds, the time any other class needs to actually kill a mob (or three).

So how long are you invulnerable in melee? My guess is 2 seconds. Then you get torn to pieces.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


Posted 2 vids whitch shows level 80 mesmer in PVP and PVE

No harm done, but maybe you should read my posts before replying. But I repeat it again:

Leveling a mesmer is a pain. As in, from 1-34 (my experience so far). I know mesmer is godlike in pvp, I believe you it is cool when you are 80 and have all traits. But I am talking about my leveling experience.

Also, if every week someone complains about something, don’t you think there is at least the possibility it has some merit?

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


not sure why my post got deleted, but again:

I don’t want to be rude, but I can’t really believe you. I COULD see the class being less of a pain with both -20% cooldown talents, but before then you just don’t get enough clones out to fight more then one opponent at a time efficiently. Sure, I can kite 5 mobs around as well, but it takes ages to kill them and only works with melee enemies anyway.

Staff? Damage is subpar. Why does it have vulnerability? Why do I want +1% dmg? Garbage.

GS? Why do I do LESS damage the closer the enemy is? What a * mechanic for PVE. Also, 3’s area is way to small.

Sword? A good weapon, really. But going melee is a deathwish with this class.

Pistol? Good weapon, but cooldowns are way to long.

Focus? Gimmicky.

Torch? Yeah. As if confusion is working in pve.

Overall, the summon CD’s are to long, the time between attacks is to long for its damage, not enough AE and cooldown on shatter is just not optimal.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


That wouldn’t change the fact that mesmer leveling is horrible. I’m not sure about you, but I think a better solution then WvW leveling would be if they fix this. It’s not like they can’t separate PVP and PVE skills.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


It’s not the class, it’s not the game, it’s just you.

Give me a link to a thread where I can actually see proof of someone playing a mesmer 1-40 in a way that is on par with other classes. I would love to be proven wrong.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


I really love the idea behind the class. I love the abilities, the tools and the style. I also played mesmer in pvp to rank 35, so I know the class pretty well.

Now in PVE? This class is horrible. I have to force myself to go on, because I read with level 40 it is getting better, but honestly I don’t see it (level 33 atm). No matter what specc, no matter whitch weapons, leveling is a pain.

Please change something. Give us better traits, fix broken ones, replace useless ones.

Just do something.