Showing Posts For Ravagin.7065:

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ravagin.7065


Are you so desperate for any inkling of power in your own life that you can’t take a gag punch for a few hours and move on?

I’d tell you to get a pet, but I don’t know if you’re competent enough.

You evidently are so desperate for any inkling of power that you immediately descend to ad hominem arguments. Stay classy.

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ravagin.7065


This is a fundamental power abuse by the Devs; by playing an April Fool’s “joke” on the community, when the community is not able to do so on the Devs.
Poor judgement Devs, very poor judgement.

You know… There’s hating the ability to disable it and there’s going a little too far. Sure, I hate it to, but I would hardly call it power abuse. It is just a little bit of April fools fun for people, which, unfortunately, people who don’t want it don’t have the ability to turn off. Poor judgement? Sure. Power abuse? Hmm… That’s maybe stretching it.

What is an April Fools joke? It is something that you pull on someone to make them look like a fool for either believing something or doing something silly.
So, since this “joke” happens when you log in, the Devs are in effect saying "You Fool! You logged into our game! Hahahahaha!

Poor judgement to pull this kind of “joke” on your players.

Power abuse? Yes, it is. It may not be on the same level as oppression of minorities, as some put it, but it IS still an abuse in an asymmetric power relationship.

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ravagin.7065


This is a fundamental power abuse by the Devs; by playing an April Fool’s “joke” on the community, when the community is not able to do so on the Devs.
Poor judgement Devs, very poor judgement.