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Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ravenheart.5306


I did the event on Sunday, but did not get my chest reward because I died on the way down the long ramp at the end of the event. Noone was there that could resurrect me because of the torrent of little karka bugs coming down the ramp. Anyone trying to res me would have died, so I had to go to the map and go to a teleport point and run back to see about getting my chest reward. When I got there, there was no chest. I heard that when you map teleported after death it put you in a different overflow instance, therefore, the chest of course would not be there. My characters name was Merla Skylar. I don’t know if this is true, but thought I would pass it on. I understand that you are checking accounts to see about giving people rewards that should have gotten them. Thanks.