Showing Posts For Raz.1632:
Toggle or slider are best solution: everyone wins!
I think that’s the point. You’re supposed to think about what you’re doing, not just blow all the things forever and always. The weapon swap energy refresh is for use after you’ve hit 0 energy, not before. Use your ultimate, then swap weapons to get back up to 50% and keep on trucking. It would be insane to be able to get up to 100 > blow it all to 0 > weapon swap back up to 100 > blow it all again. I like that it adds strategy, and what you propose would also mean everyone would weapon swap every 10 seconds for 100 energy.
Mighty fine troll thread, top form wot!
Ok, there seems to be some confusion about the word “martyr.” A martyr is someone killed for their beliefs, but in this usage I was referring more to the idea of dying selflessly. Absorbing conditions from someone else to make yourself stronger (stay in Shroud longer) is not selfless. Nor is spending blood or taking a condition to gain an advantage or injure someone else.
OP’s idea is about sacrificing yourself completely. Dying. Necromancer’s are not about dying, that’s what a martyr does – no matter what ANet calls that trait, it’s not really being a martyr unless you die, which a good player won’t do (we have plenty of tools for offsetting those conditions). My point was that a Necro doesn’t want to die, unless there was some sort of powerful, dark rebirth involved (like common lich lore). No Necro is going to just kill himself for a minor benefit for others or slight impact on enemies. We’re not martyrs.
Quick question: As a new player, how much do I need to know about previous lore content before getting into HoT and its story? I have only played about a month, and don’t even have a character at 80 yet (just enjoying the world and trying out different profs), but once I do get to the HoT content, will I be lost if I haven’t played through the Living World stuff? Is Season 2 pretty mandatory for it to all make sense? Just something I’ve been wondering.
The folks in this thread need to exist in every other game I play. Nothing worse than loading up some Witcher save file from a year and a half ago and trying to figure out what is going on…
Don’t really think it fits. Necros are all about the deaths of OTHER things, they’re not really the martyr type. Might make sense for some sort of transform, like a perma-Lich where you gain tremendous power, but your life slowly drains (only stopped if you are doing damage) and when it runs out, you die. Something like that – Necros are willing to harm themselves in the name of gaining power, but dying so others can live really doesn’t seem like a Necromancer gig.
Personally, I like the CD on weapon swaps because it means I have to think about what I’m doing. If I want to switch from a single-target weapon to an AoE one, I have to be sure it makes sense and that I’m not going to press two buttons and just want to go back to the other weapon right away. It makes even minor considerations in combat more meaningful, and that’s a good thing.
I think part of the issue comes from people carrying over notions from other games, in particular WoW. Wisps and bird imagery are very big in Night Elf lore, especially their druids – so I think we’re seeing some of that bleed into reactions to the staff (at least that’s how I’m seeing it). There is no basis for wisps as being nature-y or druidic in any GW lore I’ve seen. Ravens are harbingers of death and the light blue coloration I see (outside of Guardian abilities) used for ghosts and Necro spirit powers.
So from what I’ve seen, the staff works very well for Necromancers, but Druid players can definitely get into it by interpreting the visuals another way. To me, the goal with a Legendary that many professions can use is to make a visual that different people can interpret in different ways to match their profession. I think they’ve done that very well with the 3 shown so far, and I cannot wait to see more.
Just noticed in the screenshot that when the staff is drawn it makes your arm covered in black feathers… so awesome!
Edit: And that controversial blue glow is perfect if you think of it as Spectral instead of naturey or Guardianish.
(edited by Raz.1632)
As someone who has come into this game just in the last month, but already bought it because I’ve enjoyed it so much, no just please god NO to all those suggestions. Maybe… Maybe mounts could be interesting, just because I enjoy exploring and a little speed boost would be ok – plus there are so many interesting possibilities looking at the creatures in this game, but totally unnecessary. Mostly, I’m interested in what A-net might do with the concept of mounts to make them their own, but can easily live without them.
Really just sounds like you’re bored of other games and want to make this one more like them so it feels like a fresh skin on what you’re familiar with. Really gotta say they are all horrible ideas and absolutely disagree that it would make A-net any money. It would push a lot of people, especially veterans already invested in the game, away.
That’s a level 80 character scaled down for the zone. Elite specializations can ONLY go in the third spec slot, which doesn’t unlock until level 71. So while you don’t have to be 80, you have to be pretty close.
I really have no problem seeing them, however it seems there are folks who do. I think the easiest solution is to keep the icon, so it doesn’t disorient people who are used to looking for it, but add a blue glow outline to it. That would make it stand out more, but still be recognizable to people who have no problem finding it right now.