Showing Posts For Raz.7153:

"Free candy" door = infinite loading screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


yep just fell for that as well…

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Raz.7153


My husband’s story previously stalled because no cutscene played when he talked to Trahearne. Now we get to the “Defend the front gate” portion but the giants never show up.

Please hotfix this. It’s really gotten a little silly by now.

suffering from this as well now, guess i will not be continuing the story for a while till anet fixes it

Monthly Survivor Achivement became ???

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


you dont have to discover it, they have to reveal it

since there is an ingame halloween event in the works, chances are it might be related to that

Monthly Survivor Achivement became ???

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


Monthly Achievement ???

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


question – did you notice that the monthly achievement was reset yesterday? when 1 month from gw2 going live was up, the achievement reset and I was able to complete the xp achievement and then get to 70 monthly events and some insane amount of salvages before it was completely reset yesterday – coincidentally exactly as the daily achievement reset itself.

it reset yesterday because it was the 1st of october, and since its a monthly achievement it resets on the 1st

and its also bugged here

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


latest tweet:

The maintenance is over. Have fun! ^AT

edit: about time…

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


And now they have just extended the maintenance according to twitter feed :

The maintenance has been extended. Thank you for your patience. ^AT

and no ETA…they should not bring the login servers up if they are not done with the maintenance

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


and put up patch notes and announcements on the boards in appropriate areas gasp I know… novel idea, they were going so well with it also X-P

i know right, if they only make use of twitter and facebook for announcements they might as well shut these forums down again and put the bandwidth towards the game servers instead

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


Well according to the twitter feed maintenance hasnt finished yet :

This mornings maintenance is NOT over yet, you may be able to login to the game but there will be a few things that seem a little off! ^AT

if only they had official forums to post updates like that on…oh wait

edit: it was also nice finding out that there was maintenance this morning via one of the ingame warnings, because they dont post these things on the forum, or at least their own wiki, only on twitter/facebook

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


no dice, no matter how often i relog the result is the same, they need to fix this and fast

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


lol, everything was fine until i just relogged…

the only unusual thing before relogging i noticed was the guild upgrades in the build queue were gone, but now im also having the issue with being the only person in my guild

edit: multiple relogs did nothing

Friend's list completely fubared since day 1...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


still not fixed after tonights update…sigh

Friend's list completely fubared since day 1...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


starting to move from slightly annoyed to really annoyed with this issue/bug

every time theres a patch im hoping its fixed, but nope….sigh

strangely enough it only happens to 2 ppl on my friends list/in my guild

Until all the events are fixed.. Could we get more restarts?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


i have to agree, over half of the events across all 3 Orr zones are bugged/broken on the Gates of Madness server, along with multiple other events in the leveling zones as well as multiple skill challenge NPCs being flat out missing making the challenges undoable… and its been this way since sunday already

new builds/restarts usually fix these for a while, so i agree more restarts are needed until a permanent fix has been put in place

(edited by Raz.7153)

can't resurrect pet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


alas, not a bug

Pets can no longer be revived using the “F” prompt. This is because you can either use F4 to swap pets which will bring that pet back alive or you can wait until you are out of combat at which point you pet will revive automatically. We felt it was doing a disservice to Ranger players to incentivize them to spend a long time reviving their pet when it was a very inefficient thing to do and happened after combat anyway. This will also help clear up “F” to interact functionality.

No weapon skills while having a weapon equipped

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


looks like you are not in any attunement, at least im not seeing the buff show up

did you try switching attunements to see if it works then ?

Gem Store Armor

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


if transmuting does not work for you then that would definitely be a bug, its the only way to get the look from one piece to another

Friend's list completely fubared since day 1...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


this issue does not seem to get any attention…

theres been multiple posts about it now without any reply or fix

for me it has been happening since the nightly patch 3 days ago now, starting to get slightly aggravated

Important: Exploit currently in progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


you should really send in an email as the wiki page states, instead of posting on the forum where other people can read about it and possibly also abuse it

Reporting exploits
If you discover an emergency game-breaking or economy-breaking bug, do not exploit it, but please notify us immediately at this email address: exploits (at) arena (dot) net. You may also use this email address to report suspected security vulnerabilities. Thank you to everyone who has sent reports. However, note that we cannot respond individually to emails to this address.

Contact list "..."

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


Having similar issue here.

Friends who are online are shown only their character name but player ID are “…” in contact list. Offline friends have only “…” that make me unable to recognize who is who.

The same issue happens on guild roster as well.

having this issue as well, tho for me it seems to be limited to the contacts only, i can see the tag/ID of people in guild fine

Friendlist and Guild gone

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raz.7153


having the issue with the friends list as well, instead of the tag it only shows “…”

also clicking on send mail does not auto fill out the “to” field for those only showing as dots anymore

no issues with chat or guild tho