Showing Posts For Realus.9572:

just hit 80-looking for a condition build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Realus.9572


in the process of farming for my level 80 gear to craft,im useing knights gear at the momment with the undead runes.i had a build i was useing but lost the link=/currently at the momment 30 curse,20 bm,20 sr,if anyone could help me out with a level 80 condition build i would be greatfull for pve/wvw. my current gear has power/toughness precission,which the toughness is converted into cond damage

(edited by Realus.9572)

hi guys,looking for abit of help with a con build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Realus.9572


just a quick update been playing couple of hours,changed things you guys said,went with what you said Gnome and im surviving alot better then i was,and im packing more damage also,useing the lvl 65 knight gear at the moment,but when i hit 80 ill buy that then get gear needed,but i am having mroe fun not dieing

hi guys,looking for abit of help with a con build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Realus.9572


thanks guys,i will try it out and see how things go:)

hi guys,looking for abit of help with a con build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Realus.9572


been reading around and it seems scepter and dagger and staff is a viable option,ive taken a build on here and useing it|3|1201|11099|1197|3888|1204|30|1255|1211|2242|30|2325|2327|1235|0|0|0|0|10|2321|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|4|28013|28023|53504|53504|53504|53504|53504|0|0|0|0|0|0|
,but im finding my self dieing alot,maybe its somthing im doing wrong,im a causual player so im not on heaps so i am leveling slowly,level 70 at this time but rather enjoyin necromancer. would you guys suggest any other build?i do pve mostly but take a break and play abit of wvw to take the grind off things:)id estimate another week and i will be 80,any hints or tips with builds or maybe where to start gaining lvl 80 gear would be nice. thanks guys:)

forgot to mention im running around with precision and con armor/weps with some magic on.

(edited by Realus.9572)