Showing Posts For Reborn Grijmblade.2396:

Decent looking male Sylvari warrior pics?

in Warrior

Posted by: Reborn Grijmblade.2396

Reborn Grijmblade.2396

Gets the job done..


I Once was Dead…Now am Reborn

warriors changes

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn Grijmblade.2396

Reborn Grijmblade.2396

What are you thieves talking about? If GS + S/W warrior wants to run away you can’t really stop him. If he’s pure glass you might be able to kill him first, but if he’s a bunker and at high health he’ll eventually outrun you. Thieves will generally beat warriors in quick sprints, but not distance running.

This. Perma swiftness+fast movement skills+invulnerability+stability.
Even in quick sprints with the right skill the warrior can outrun a thief.
And most of warriors are NOT glassy. So..

I personally have no problems disengaging, however as stated before the only real reason to use a GS is for mobility. On a slight tangent, I find it amusing that so many warriors are talking about running away, instead of catching those that would attempt escape. But that’s another subject for another day.

Ultimately, this range nerf will not happen, I could give many reasons as to why, and also try to make a case for warrior mobility, but if the OP truly played is a warrior, they would already know.

All in all, thank you for this thread, it brought tears to my eyes, especially the teleport comment. I’m laughing now even as I think of it.

Great sword 3 should become a point blank Aoe spin attack with a range of 4000 and a teleport. Damage may or may not need adjusted.

Great sword 5 either have the cd decreased or be completely changed to a teleport. Perhaps a overhead cleave with a teleport?

Hammer 3 should have its range increased slightly or make the cone larger and be given a teleport.

Hammer 4 should have a slightly shorter cd and a teleport.

Axe should have a 10% damage buff and a teleport acrossed the board

Mobile strikes needs to be changed. Shorter internal cd maybe. With a teleport.

And because I know someone will bring it up I will go over my thought on heal Sig

Heal Sig doesn’t need a change for the fact it can be countered with conditions. Maybe put a teleport on it though. Disregarding solider runes that r not the warriors fault,they have 4 conditions removeals. 1 is a heal skill 2 are a traited weapon skill. Only one (shake it off) is an actuall utility skill.

There I fixed your suggestions a bit and they are still just as ridiculous as what you wanted.

I Once was Dead…Now am Reborn

Where is the promised Commando Class?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn Grijmblade.2396

Reborn Grijmblade.2396

A perma stealth thief heartseekers up to you?! Knifed in the foot insta kill.

Much like an eviscerate to the sweetbreads but with more of a paraplegic je ne sais quoi.

Honestly though, Ive been asking for a .50 for eons of time.

I Once was Dead…Now am Reborn

Guild wars Jokes

in Community Creations

Posted by: Reborn Grijmblade.2396

Reborn Grijmblade.2396

A Norn walked into a bar…

I Once was Dead…Now am Reborn

thief nerf required in www

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn Grijmblade.2396

Reborn Grijmblade.2396

Leave thieves alone, and create a counter to stealth.
To maintain balance, every mechanic must have a counter.
If no counter is present, you will be left with an overpowered mechanism.

I Once was Dead…Now am Reborn

WvW Livestream on GW2 Twitch Channel

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn Grijmblade.2396

Reborn Grijmblade.2396

Just do your entire run with your group before you start the stream and record the video. Then when you do the stream, playback the video that you recorded and add your commentary live then.

This or have a reasonable delay in place.

Also a quick ban to those shouting abuse may also be in order.

Its your prerogative.

I Once was Dead…Now am Reborn

Remove PvDoors

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn Grijmblade.2396

Reborn Grijmblade.2396

Counter-intuitive? Shouldn’t be possible? Ever heard of an axe?

As far I have seen, the door are made out of wood and not metal. And I think you an cut wood.

Johnny didn’t had troubles with it:

ps.: a game needs to be fast passed, if it takes 4 hours to take hills or bay, than I say goodbye I am gone to play a fun game. And countering a zerg really ain’t that hard, a server big blob will lose against 25 guildies in a tower. This is just a l2 kitten ue, just as you think we, that don’t like the AC, have a l2 kitten ue too.

I was not going to say anything but if you want to be logical about it,a large group of people will have killed themselves in the process of trying to break down a door due to all fifty of them swinging axes within a small radius.

In future think carefully before feigning logic.

I Once was Dead…Now am Reborn

Remove PvDoors

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn Grijmblade.2396

Reborn Grijmblade.2396

Though this subject may have been covered at an earlier time, I would like to bring our attention back to it in order to see some semblance of progression and improvement in wvw.

Players being able to damage doors without the use of siege is counter-intuitive.
Not only does it encourage a lack of skill in gameplay, but also discourages others to upgrade and defend.

At the moment, we see masses of players surging through keeps and towers, only being moderately hampered if siege is already in place. Defenders feel overwhelmed and frustrated, which leads to the feeling that everything is futile. They will at this time allow their borderland to be taken, and return once the enemy has left the map.

With the introduction of world experience, ranks, and improved siege, there now needs to be more of a focus on making wvw enjoyable once again.

By removing player damage to doors, masses will be required to use siege at all times, which in turn means more players will require supply.
Camps will in turn hold more of a significance, and small groups will have a better chance at dispersing the attacking forces after destroying their siege.

Players as a whole will need to be more intelligent with siege placement, they will have to think before rushing into a battle, and finally realize that even an undefended fortification will require some effort.

So, Remove PvDoors.

Thank you.

I Once was Dead…Now am Reborn

(edited by Reborn Grijmblade.2396)