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New Dungeons

in Living World

Posted by: RedTurtle.7048


I hope dungeons will be added through living story. Not dungeons like the ones they’ve released up to this point, but permanent story based ones. They could even implement them as a way to travel to newly released zones every 2 weeks. Remember doing GW1 missions to get to each new outpost or city? I was thinking it could be something like that. What do you guys think?

A plea for content

in Living World

Posted by: RedTurtle.7048


""""""The LS was a great way to keep things exciting and provide players like me with a constant influx of new missionto fullfill and goals to achieve"""""
Man.. you must have played another LS than me.

The LS i played was always the same mission just in another area.
Huge enemy mops zerked down my many people.
Even the archivements were the same.
I do not care i have to zerk down someone to get to a balloon tower with a chest or zerk someone down in a Round arena to get a chest.
It’s always the same. Even the opponents were always the same.

I speak just for myself here when i say i am happy that the LS is gone.
They need to work on a map expansion to get at least close to the map from GW1.
Not to mention the expansions to Cantha and Elona.
I would love to sacrifice LS2 for that

I agree

Let's be honest

in Living World

Posted by: RedTurtle.7048


Whole new map in WvW.
Rework of borderlands.
New skills.
Several new PvP-maps.
New dungeon(s).
New reward systems.
New world-bosses.

Should I go on? All these things are permanent changes. Then add the massive amount of temporary things added and we have a rather large amount of new stuff.

Still doesn’t compare to what an expansion could bring. Stop working on living story and use that extra time to work on an expansion. Anet is just trying to half kitten this.

Let's be honest

in Living World

Posted by: RedTurtle.7048


They have lost the majority of their player base for a reason. The game needs an expansion if they want those players back, that I can guarantee.

Let's be honest

in Living World

Posted by: RedTurtle.7048


I have been playing gw2 since beta on and off. It is also the only mmo I have played besides gw1. I don’t care about slight changes in the map, that doesn’t give me more to do. I want new zones and a new permanent story line with replay value. Southsun cove is the only new zone. New weapon skills are well overdue, that will definitely make the combat more enjoyable. I just want more things to do than to replay the same dungeons over and over. . 1 year after gw1 was released, the first expansion was. I didn’t like the game until factions came out. So in the end, yeah I guess they released some permanent content, but nothing compared to what other moms have achieved in the same amount of time.

Let's be honest

in Living World

Posted by: RedTurtle.7048


Everyone is disappointed in the living world, especially because it doesn’t bring any real permanent content to the table. An expansion needs to be released with tons of new content, including: new zones, dungeons, races, and hopefully a new way for the story to be told. The personal story just doesn’t work for me, I was never drawn into it. I don’t understand why anet is so focused on the living story, when they should be using their time and resources on providing permanent content that wil keep players playing. Instead it’s being used on a living story that nobody is even all that fond of. You’re messing up anet, shape up.

Suggestion: Add Missions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedTurtle.7048


To be honest, I don’t enjoy personal story at all, and liked the missions from GW1 a lot more. I never got tired of them. If an expansion is ever made, I think missions should be brought back. If you could make it so that you still have an open world, but need to participate in missions like in GW1, then I think people would get into the story more. It would require you to get into groups in order to progress in the story, and to the next area. The way personal story is now, you are normally in one spot and are forced to fight waves of enemies. In missions, you traveled along a path riddled with enemies, while still getting the story . You then defeated a boss and once it was defeated you entered the next city. I feel this is a large part of why I played GW1 for 5 years straight, and would continue if I hadn’t somehow forgot my email and password after a break. If this isn’t an option, something still has to be done about this personal story. It just does not intrigue me. The living story doesn’t either, as it isn’t permanent content.

(edited by RedTurtle.7048)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RedTurtle.7048


Don’t misunderstand me, I was not a fan of the rez zerg method for cof p2, in fact I hated it but we did what we had to do, I do think the new waypoint system was the way to go, but they also said they would adjust the fights accordingly, and this seems to go in the exact opposite direction. and since you pointed it out pdfrod.1948, yeah, if you fill the room with aoe you can probably clear about anything given enough aoe, but then you’re doing something we were promised we wouldn’t have to do: look for specific classes and builds just to be able to do the content, and they just said aoe needs to be toned down because it’s too op. So its either one or the other, you’re saying we can have our cake and eat it too, which we can’t.

I believe what they meant by ‘adjusting the fights accordingly’ was to make the fights easier so that it would NOT be hell to get through. Just my take on it.

It says in the notes that they will be making it more challenging.

Daily Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RedTurtle.7048


So I got online and my daily was already done. I was confused but kept playing, and later it was reset again. Please fix this, it’s actually pretty irritating.