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Trading post is totally broken for me..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Refnulf.8074


Close to 7 days now, no reply from support ticket. Nothing.


Trading post is totally broken for me..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Refnulf.8074


One more thing I forgot to add

4) 4 orders remain that were unfulfilled. 2 have been fulfilled now after the TP broke for me but I don’t see it in “Items I’ve Bought” tab anymore. So that’s an issue too now.

Trading post is totally broken for me..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Refnulf.8074


Yep, same issues

1) Unable to see the orders I bought in “Pick Up” tab

Bear in mind that coins were taken when I ordered the items and those orders were fulfilled. If you go to “My Transactions” and “Items I’ve Bought” you’ll see the long list of items I ordered that were fulfilled. Just no idea why it’s not appearing in the “Pick Up” tab.

2) Unable to see profit from the weapon I sold in “Pick Up” tab
3) Unable to buy anything from the trading post, error “Sorry! Your order did not match any current listings. Please refresh and try again” when there’s 1000+ availability.

I assume that once this broke, I was unable to sell anything either. Put up a test item and it’s still sitting there.

Please help. No fun playing the game if I can’t make purchases and sell items on TP.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Refnulf.8074


So those that have made reports here, has Anet done anything to fix your problems so far? Because this is a pretty big problem and it stops me from playing the game.

Just looking for some indication as to how long it takes before they fix it. Those that reported on the 4th of September in this thread, any resolutions?

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Refnulf.8074


TP has been working for me pretty much since day one. Once it was available full time, I had no problems till today.

Yesterday I made a few orders for ore and today I logged in expecting to see those orders filled. I did see the transactions go through and all the orders were filled.

I went to the pick up tab and found absolutely nothing. I also had a rare weapon put up for sale the same time as I was making those orders. I see no profits for that weapon in the pick up tab either.

Also after that, I found that I was unable to buy anything from the TP. Even though the items is available in the thousands (1000+ for Availability) I get the error “Sorry! Your order did not match any current listings. Please refresh and try again.”

I hope this can be fixed. I’ve submitted a report as a bug but I fear that this will never get fixed and there’s really no need to continue playing if I can’t do anything with the TP.

Transactions for items I’ve bought shows that I bought that ore 15 hours ago. Problem still hasn’t resolved itself and my pick up tab still shows nothing.


same as you,i have posted a picture above.
it’s really annoying for me that can’t use trading post..

I hope it’ll get resolved eventually. I’m worried it might never be fixed since I know some people who have never been able to use the TP since day one.

Anyway, one thing I forgot to mention was that I am able to put things up for sale. I put a green weapon up for sale just to test and that’s up. No one has bought it though, so not sure if it’s because of the bug or because no one wants it.

All in all, a little relief because I’m not the only one. Not glad at all that so many are facing the same problems.

Please help.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Refnulf.8074


TP has been working for me pretty much since day one. Once it was available full time, I had no problems till today.

Yesterday I made a few orders for ore and today I logged in expecting to see those orders filled. I did see the transactions go through and all the orders were filled.

I went to the pick up tab and found absolutely nothing. I also had a rare weapon put up for sale the same time as I was making those orders. I see no profits for that weapon in the pick up tab either.

Also after that, I found that I was unable to buy anything from the TP. Even though the items is available in the thousands (1000+ for Availability) I get the error “Sorry! Your order did not match any current listings. Please refresh and try again.”

I hope this can be fixed. I’ve submitted a report as a bug but I fear that this will never get fixed and there’s really no need to continue playing if I can’t do anything with the TP.

Transactions for items I’ve bought shows that I bought that ore 15 hours ago. Problem still hasn’t resolved itself and my pick up tab still shows nothing.
