picture this: You and a couple HC players are engaged in a tough battle. You’re on the edge of your seat as you dodge, maneuver, and use every skill at your disposal to survive. The battle is prolonged and one of your buddies gets trapped and downed in a mob. You face a choice. You know he’s put 10, 20, 30+ hours into his character. You can play it safe and retreat, or put your own avatar at risk to revive/rally him. You make a split-second decision and leap into the fray, disrupting your foes enough to buy the downed player some time. It’s enough for your party to kill an enemy and rally him. Everyone scrambles for safety, the rallied player breathes a deep sigh of relief, and you reassemble yourselves to finish off your weakened enemies. Which sounds more fun to you?
Come on, you know you are up to the challenge….What choice? There is only one option: Run away and let the player die. If the other players have put in hours to progress their hardcore character they will not risk their own necks to save someone else. It just won’t happen. Or at the very least the population of honorable HC players will be tiny. We saw it in GW1 with the Survivor title. The moment that title was introduce pug’s had player dropping from teams like flies. If a pull when tricky the survivors in the group left or logged out. It was not a happy time for many. Once the guides came out of course players tended to congregate to the areas best for XP gain at low risk. Life takes the path of least resistance, and most HC players will not behave any differently.
It’s a nice idea but there is no way to successfully work it into GW2. Also, you’d have to keep HC and normal players seperate. There would be many angry players if it was introduced, because HC players would either be leaving instances when the risk is too great or they would be hanging back and not pulling their weight as much as the rest of the group. They would leave dungeons, world bosses, fractals, you name it. And that would only create frustration and a split player base. And no, I do not think Anet would create a whole new and seperate game just for HC players.
It’s a pipe dream that doesn’t fit this game. If you want hardcore, I suggest finding a different game that offers it, because it will never happen in GW2. The only thing like this I can see Anet adding are special instances where when you die you are removed from the instance. But losing your character all together will not happen. And that in my opinion is a good thing.
I think I’m being misunderstood. I’m not so much looking for ANet to change the game/add servers/ or even implement a HC mode. I’m just looking for like minded players who want to do it with me. I’m already doing it (well have been off and on for a while now). It’s a blast….until you die. There is no reason to keep HC and normal characters separate. Nobody in the open world knows what you’re doing, so they have no reason to grief you. It’s also a great way to make decent friends. You know the person traveling with you will have your back because he doesn’t want to see you die either. My buddy and I are currently working on this, but I understand if it’s not for everyone.