Showing Posts For Revenant.5470:

Previous Living Story? - Items?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Revenant.5470


Just a quick Q (with a little bit of background ’cus i know you ALL love that! ):

I was away from GW2 for around 3ish months in which time I missed the Flame & Frost Event (don’t worry i’m not too bothered about it (I spend most if not all my time in tpvp or wvw so I wouldnt have taken much part anyway)

What I am interested in is the skins. I was looking for some skins and recently found this :

Does anyone know if ANet have made a statement or suggested any likely hood of us being able to purchase these items in the gem store even though the event is over? Is it a yearly thing or is there no way of obtaining them now?

NB This may be in the wrong section I wasnt too sure…

Influential [VoTF]

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Revenant.5470


Started from the bottom but now we’re here!

Could someone tell me what gear that is (top and legs)

Eb puzzle seperate que

in WvW

Posted by: Revenant.5470


You can’t way point back into EB during the puzzle – must take the portal back at the start and that takes u to LA (not sure if u can complete the puzzle and get tp’ed back into EB but that’s effort )

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Revenant.5470


Agree to the titles /reward system for sure.

Influential [VoTF]

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Revenant.5470


I dont mind the changes. What i am extremely annoyed about is Arah. I dont mind running the whole thing (not sure how long it will take but i heard it takes a heck of a long time) What i mind is that its incredibly difficult. Some of the bosses one shot you, im a warrior with 20ish k hp. Also the fact that the Patrol mobs (Mages, Hunters, Mesmer like one) do far more damage and are harder to kill then the first two bosses hands down. I used to see tons of people outside arah (fair enough they wanted to farm for shards) but now when i go there its essentially empty. Surely that should hint to Anet that well either the players don’t want arah to be something where you have to spend ages in just to get 60 or however many it is tokens from your first run.

If the Trash/Patrol mobs were slightly easier to kill i’m sure you’d see people trying to go for their Orrian Gear again.

Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Revenant.5470


Influential Norn Lv80 Warrior
Currently with my Pit fighter gear + other helm. Im running Arah hope to get the full set soon!
