Showing Posts For Ringo.7906:
This guild is the result of being tired of joining a guild on various MMOs that are friendly and helpful for awhile but then suddenly start demanding more and more of a member. Be it forced attendance at raids, bosses, PvP fights or using the DKP system, we didn’t want casual players to have to choose between being casual and being in a guild. Thus, The Cavalry was born. We are a small casual PvX guild on Yak’s Bend. We are starting with one officer and plan to promote from within (active, friendly and mature being our top promotion criteria), focusing on friendly folks who like to have easier access to pick up groups for events, questing or whatever and may have a busy life that prevents them from playing all the time or play to chill out and have fun. In-game contacts are Ringo.7906 or Suiren.5720. Preferred contact method is in-game mail. Your subject line should be “Guild Application” and include your age, your main character’s name and class (we don’t restrict recruitment based on class, race or level we just like to know) and how often you play. Most applicants will be accepted outright and our only real rule is Wheaton’s Law.
Hi Yarlyn,
My wife and I are currently trying to build a core group to set up as a guild on Yak’s Bend and would love to have a fellow mature player join us to prepare for expansion. We want to start out PvE, but are looking to encourage PvX as a casual guild to have people to just enjoy the game with. If you’re interested, please drop me a line in-game and also let me know if you have any experience in being an officer.
Hey Epic,
I was wondering what server you play on, since transfers aren’t free and I don’t want to waste your time. If you’re on Yak’s Bend, my wife and I are trying to build up a core to make a guild we can grow. I understand the time constraints of military life as a former Army man myself. While we aren’t looking to create a Guild Wars version of the VFW or American Legion, we would love to hear from you about what you’re looking for in a guild. We plan to focus on PvE, leveling and Champ trains, but don’t want our members to feel restricted.
Best of luck, brother,
Guild Leader- The Cavalry
Yak’s Bend [US]
We’re still actively looking for new members. When you join, don’t forget to get your complimentary Ruminant Tonic! Why a Ruminant Tonic? Because why not!
Bump for a fellow Yakkie!
Thanks for the bump, Pixie. I see your guild is in the Yak’s Bend Alliance. We’ve been considering adding The Cavalry to your ranks. Feel free to take a look at our guild page in the first post to check us out. We’re small, but trying to grow.
I’m partial towards Yak’s Bend, but then again it’s probably because I’m the head of a casual guild (The Cavalry) there… If you’d like to check us out feel free to follow Mr. Link here.
We’re still recruiting new members. If you’re looking for a casual guild of mature adults who understand that it’s a game, not a job and that life comes first, check out The Cavalry!
We are based in the US Central Time Zone but welcome members from anywhere around the world who choose to play on the Yak’s Bend server. We don’t require event attendance, but do prefer our officers to play at least once per week. Once we reach 20 members, we will begin considering members for promotion. Our rank structure, which doesn’t allow members to boss each other around (Wheaton’s Law), is used as a form of recognition for members who are most active and like to help out their fellow guildies when they can.
Home World: Yak’s Bend
Guild Name: The Cavalry
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: Ringo.7906
Focus: Casual PvX
Quick Notes: This guild is the result of casual gamers being tired of joining a guild on various MMOs that are friendly and helpful for awhile but then suddenly start demanding more and more of a member. Be it forced attendance at raids, bosses, PvP fights or using the DKP system, we didn’t want casual players to have to choose between being casual and being in a guild. Thus, The Cavalry was born. We are a small casual PvX guild on Yak’s Bend. We are starting with one officer and plan to promote from within (active, friendly and mature being our top promotion criteria), focusing on friendly folks who like to have easier access to pick up groups for events, questing or whatever and may have a busy life that prevents them from playing all the time or play to chill out and have fun. In-game contacts are Ringo.7906 or Suiren.5720. Preferred contact method is in-game mail. Your subject line should be “Guild Application” and include your age, your main character’s name and class (we don’t restrict recruitment based on class, race or level we just like to know) and how often you play. Most applicants will be accepted outright and our only real rule is Wheaton’s Law.
(edited by Ringo.7906)