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Skill Point Change With Mastery System

in WvW

Posted by: Roach.1395


Pulled right from that same article (second sentence in the second portion) “Masteries allow you to progress in PvE by playing PvE content”…… reading BETWEEN the lines tells me it does NOT make any difference to WVW (or PVP for that matter). It’s yet another bonus/change for PVE….. and WVW gets…….?

[Suggestion] WvW achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Roach.1395


I don’t disagree with the HUGE multiplier bit….. by my math to get ONLY 1 of the defense titles it would take a year to get (non stop 3 minute timer x 20 per hour x 24 per day x 365 days per year = 525,000)…… factor in approximate reset delay, lack of continuous attacks, and the ever obvious ‘player need sleep/washroom/work/school break’ factor…… yeah I doubt anyone has 1 let alone 2 of these titles near completion (if you can prove me wrong please do). I haven’t been playing wvw since launch but in the past year my stats seem to be daily averaging: 1-2 World Ranks, 7-8 attack title points (including dolyak, camp, tower, keep and smc TOGETHER), and 1-2 defend title points (including all of them again). I only average about 2-1/2 hours daily, and currently I don’t any (except possibly Yakslapper) being even a remote possiblility.

What about: 500 WxP Points (x2 Attacker/Defender Points)
1000 WxP Points (x5 Attacker/Defender Points)
2000 WxP Points (x10 Attacker/Defender Points)
Obviously don’t make these additive, and it then essentially makes it possible (for me as an example) to actually achieve at least 1 of the titles in approximately 1-1/2 years (7-8 daily x 365 days x 10 multiplier = ~250,000-292,000ish).
I’m pulling the numbers out of the air so alter it if you want but obviously don’t make it too easy or too hard to obtain remember.

[Suggestion] WvW achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Roach.1395


10,000 possible ranks points and only 1,400ish can be used…… how about rank point buyable multipliers for titles?

[Suggestion] WvW Achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Roach.1395


Here’s a thought: What if once you reached a specific tier of each title (ie- Yakslapper tier 3) then you could purchase a skill for say 300 WvW points which gives either additive or multiplicative progress (ie- Each Dolyak killed gives 2 or 3 points towards the title). I assume the programming on Anet’s end isn’t super difficult (considering the GW1 weekend events always did this) plus what else can you use your title points for beyond the first 1,000ish, when people are already getting to rank 10,000? (By the way I’m only rank 390ish so I’m not doing this for selfish reasons) I’d go even further to help get people into WvW: each rank in the additive/multiplier gives a REDUCTION in upgrade prices (ie- Yakslapper can upgrade can camps for 25% less, and having Ultimate Raider makes it 50% less). I always found paying to upgrade kind of counter-productive to WvW population: you don’t have to spend personal gold to contribute in PvE or PvP (yes I’m ignoring some special events like ‘donate orphans’) why should you for WvW? Authors Note: I’m not picky with the numbers, they are random and pulled out of the air: it’s the idea that matters more to me.

Solution to fix the population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: Roach.1395


2.) Problem: Mists? This doesn’t look like the rest of the Mists
I might be wrong but the WvW I read on the wiki is supposed to be in the Mists; exciting maps with areas like the Mad King Realm, the Underworld, and the Tomb of the Primeval Kings (yes throwback references). The maps just don’t feel….. that much different than a regular PvE map. It’s kinda disappointing. Also how empty they feel. Nice big open plains to frolic in, but in all honesty who uses them for other than running through or chasing that uplevel who got separated from the ‘zerg herd.’ Apart from going for map completion almost all my WvW ‘excitement’ happens within Longbow range of an objective; rough estimate is half the map is ‘frolicked’ through only.
Solution: (Adding on to the new map idea above)
WvW I imagine? City fighting! With streets similar to that of the corridors in the Mad King’s Realm or the little village attached to the bottom of the Red Keep in EB. Little ‘destroyable’ houses and street fights: where running through bring terror of rounding a corner and facing an army of golems, or a roadblock with several Ballista trigger-happy enemies. Destroyable house in the way? Take it down and carve a path behind them, or be sneaky and go on top of the house to hammer them from above! Enemies didn’t fall for the trap? Attacked from the rooftops? Vice-versa destroy that building and send those sneaky buggers tumbling down! (Side thought on destructible buildings: Events! That was the town pub in that building! Several angry/drunk norns show up! Or instead it was an Inquest lab and the contained ‘Lab Experiment’ is now uncontained!)
Of course don’t forget the end boss: some random nameless generic champ npc? I think not! Throwback some of our favourites from the Mists: Lich, Shiro, and Varesh come to mind but maybe do it with heroes: 16 heroes (4 maps x 4 heroes) and you’ve got a party! (Achievement Idea: Killing each Hero as their class, ie- Warrior taking Koss/Jora)
Possible Solution Problems:
Q-Stuck in re-made objects everywhere.
A-I’ve been caught stuck in many objects: rams, walls, and bridges come to mind. Not really sure on this one other than more waypoints, or possibly having the houses hollow inside with 1-2 doors.
Q-How to remake houses/destroyable Terrain.
A-Use the same model at the bridges in EOTM; maybe give Static Points (like sentries) for remaking your own houses back.
Q-Access to roofs?
A-Well, maybe have access to roofs only every few houses, say 3: 1 that’s exterior and 1 that’s interior with them being on opposite side of the rows perhaps.
3.) Dealing with Cheaters/Hackers and complainers of Previously Mentioned
Well this dead horse has been pretty well beaten (see many other posts if your oblivious). Looking for a Band-Aid fix then?
Solution: Imagine a new ability given to objective Leaders (specifically towers/keeps/stonemist). Call is ‘Structural Invulnerability’ (SI). Something along the lines of once an upgrade has been COMPLETED on the objective then the Leader gains SI which lasts until a wall or gate has been completely destroyed (I’ve never timed how long it takes to finish an upgrade, but this is more to help T2-3 sturctures from being sidestepped).
Q-This doesn’t fix all cheats/hacks.
A-Obviously not; this doesn’t however help remove some of them and make map colour changing still a longer progress (which most cheats/hacks try to circumnavigate).
Q- Anet: Why would we want to do this change?
A- Well the profit made from these cheats/hacks doesn’t go to you, and the honest players would are constantly seeing/hearing about this (and the lack of support) will only lose faith in it’s system: why give Anet money for a slight in-game advantage when a third-party can give a bigger in-game advantage with foreseeable consequences? Anet and your loyal customers are losing in this and only Anet can make the changes…..
Q- Anet: this isn’t the question I asked.
A- You are correct, it isn’t. Who keeps playing a game with obvious cheats/hacks? I think your own request to ‘why the decline/imbalance’ shows you part of the reason. I’m not saying only the winning Servers are the cheats/hacks but it’s ruining the game for the rest who don’t.
(If you’ve read this far thanks)
-GW1&2 Player

Solution to fix the population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: Roach.1395


(Long rant, months in the making)
Suggested (3) WvW changes:
1.) Problem: Server Population differences/Stale Matchups (same 2-3 Enemy Servers)/Static Maps
I play for Kaineng so I’m not sure if these apply as much for the higher populated Servers; but unfortunately having to play the same Servers (apart from Tourneys) the same every match up is getting a little stale. Predictable enemy tactics, population fluxes, and well it’s starting to feel like a grind. Also having the same map repeated over three times is not helping (yes home has crafting merchants, but the 2 enemy borderlands have only the difference of war paint colour coverage as the changing factor….).
Solution: Imagine if the matchups were for 4 Servers not 3. Your own, a friendly world and 2 enemies. Have the 1st place and last go against 2nd and 2nd last. It would encourage World loyalty still as there would be more ‘friendlies’ (better for lower populated Servers) but wouldn’t discourage transfers if you found a ‘friendly’ other Server guild you like running with (so as to not destroy Anet’s business model). Obviously a 4th map would be needed, but instead of having 4 borderlands and an EB imagine 4 EB still maps: 3 keeps and a Stonemist on each. Where your home Server had the advantage towards Stonemist. (Or if not 2 EB maps and 2 Borderlands; 1 per team).
Possible Solution Problems:
Q-Multi-Server Capping who gets ownership?
A-Majority ownership I guess (similar to guild taking ownership mechanics); twist it with also if it’s your home Server make it possible to buy back your own objectives (like an upgrade) with obvious scaling costs if upgraded.
Q-Multi-Server Capping who gets points?
A-Again majority ownership (similar to guild taking ownership mechanics) gets the PPT; but maybe give the minority Server a Static Point for the objective (like sentry capping).
Q-Weekly Points changed?
A-Yes, with the idea of your Server is your own world score plus a fraction (say 1/2) of your ‘friendly’ Server. Why? If you help defend your ‘friendly’ servers objectives shouldn’t you get some sort of credit other than the defend event itself? Also to encourage ‘friendly’ Servers from allowing caps to quick cap after for themselves for PPT.
Q-(Anet) You expect us to make new maps on your whim?
A-Considering the fabulous maps I’ve seen elsewhere in the game, I’d leave it to you professionals; but if exhaustion, time constraints (plain laziness) gets the better of you……. contest it out! Best entries get random in game stuff! (Anet: Great I get to look at millions of Jpgs now…..)

WvW Fall Tournament Rewards Tickets 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Roach.1395


…. I sure hope your right, there is a chance I am reading it wrong. However they use the pronoun “reward” for both.
-“Rewards Must be Claimed by” with dates on the table.
-"The Battle Historian, located at the portal keeps in each WvW map, will continue to offer WvW-exclusive weapons and other tournament rewards. "
-The table lists the items with “Cost in Tickets”
The English used labels both the Tickets earned (by your world placement) as a REWARD and what you can use the tickets towards as a REWARD. My question being is which REWARD is the time sensitive?

WvW Fall Tournament Rewards Tickets 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Roach.1395


Am I the only one to notice this? Fall tournament reward tickets MUST be used in the following week or they are forfeited.
Maximum number of tickets possible per week then is first place: 200.
However they offer the reward of a Mistforged Hero’s Weapon for a total of: 300.
Does Guild Wars condone hacking their system to alter our ticket numbers, did they change their minds about hoarding of tickets, or do they like to offer items which are unobtainable for even the 1st place worlds?
(Info paraphrased from: