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Will You Be Playing GW2 Less Post Patch ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Robert.3972


I haven’t logged in to play since a couple of hours after the patch (And the disappointment I felt with the new trait-system, regardless of how others view it.). I am/was a new player, so I had no 80s and with the new system, I never will. I have already stopped playing, though I sincerely liked the game, barring a few things (but who is ever completely satisfied with everything?). But the emotional letdown after liking the pre-patch system so much, killed it for me.

Not sure if I’ll go ESO, but I’m reading up on new MMOs and will pick one to join, shortly.. That’s when I’ll stop posting here as well..

- And no, I’m not rage-quitting per say. I already felt somewhat disappointed with the limited character development (though the rest of the game made up for it), as I leveled and since I had a hard time finding the profession that suited me, I spent most of my time at the bottom levels.

Now though, the rest of the game no longer makes up for the inability of the leveling-experience to captivate me, since it has become so much worse than before, in my personal opinion. And thus, naturally, I’ve begun looking for somewhere else to spend my time and money..

But I’m happy to hear, that so many like the changes.. They’re just not for me.

Have a good one.

New traits hurt me as a new player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Robert.3972


I must agree with the OP on this issue.. I got the game about a month ago and have been leveling various chars (I play many hours each day) to get a feel for the game and the different play-styles.
The ‘feel’ of leveling has changed. There may very well be no difference in the balance of power or any such issues, but that isn’t the point.

To me, leveling feels slower and far, far more boring.. And I wasn’t a zerger..
The build-diversity feels vastly dumbed-down, overly simplified and well… boring.
The incremental changes may not have had a vast impact on the actual power of your char, but it FELT differently. It felt more satisfying and psychologically, that one trait point per level made a huuge difference. As did the satisfaction of seeing the XP bar creep ever closer to the end of the screen. That’s simply not true anymore. At least not for me.

Honestly, I really liked this game, regardless of what others may think.
Now.. Let’s just say that trying out ESO is a lot more tempting, than it was a few days ago..

And while I might not have felt any different, if I’d started out after the patch, I didn’t. And the difference feels immense and overwhelmingly negative, though I actually do like some of the non-trait changes..

Ah well. At least my next paycheck isn’t so far off and I can squeeze in a new game then.

(edited by Robert.3972)

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Robert.3972


I’ll add my support to the trait-dissenters here.

I bought the game a month or so ago and have been happily trying out the various professions, figuring out, which one suited me the best. I liked the progression, although it felt somewhat limited compared to other MMO’s I’ve played. Largely because you pretty much unlocked your entire weapons suite immediately and nothing changed from thereon in that department. Likewise, skills got unlocked quickly, at least the must-haves. And then all you did was pretty much just get better at what you could already do.. There was very few ‘new’ abilities/aspects/whatever, added, as you leveled.

Traits made it somewhat bearable, as they made a distinguishable difference each level and at certain intervals, you could tweak your existing powers or even add new effects. It still wasn’t much, especially as I am the kind of player, who loves diversity and multiple avenues of choice in character-building..

But now? Now you’ve taken even that away.. At low levels, which is pretty much all I’ve been at, for the past month, the trait-progession made a significant difference each level, albeit less so, as you gained in levels and the relative power-changes counted for less and less. But now it feels as if my choices have been limited even further and I have to get to level 30 to even BEGIN tweaking my char…

I cannot comprehend the reason for this. It does not make the system better, as far as I can tell and it detracts heavily from the sense of enjoyment of trying out a new profession. Especially since the possible choices and range of possibilities seemed too limited even before these new changes.

If this is somehow supposed to make the game more enjoyable for new players, I fail to see how this is accomplished.. Sadly, for me, the opposite is true.

And when I take into account the many other MMOs out there, which I could play instead, making the game less enjoyable hardly seems like the ideal choice on behalf of the developer.